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Just had my first try with NZLDD's new offering 3MMC- sent to them instead of MCat
As expected its very similar to MCAT.
Took a 0.1 line of the yellowy brown chops into fine powder, easier on the nose than the last Cat was,
Stim effects took hold in less than a minute. Knee was jiggling, also teeth went a bit numb, interesting.
The g lasted 12 hours, slept 4 hours after last dose and woke up absolutely fine.
All in all, id say its slightly more speedy than MCAT, but similar in many ways, with out the smell.
I'll be back for more, i recommend highly.
i was smoking speedfreak's methcathinone in a meth pipe, i found it quite good for getting work done when you wouldn't otherwise bother, you'd also find it fun to party with if you were a bit younger haha. snort some so some ends up in your nose and some in your stomach for a slower longer effect. strange thing about it is it doesn't dilate your pupils, i had 170mg smoked and snorted but a few hours later did a mere 20-30mg of ketamine and pupils went like dinnerplates. i'm sure it's better for you than meth cos it's only a stimulant of dopamine and noradrenaline, not serotonin like meth and mdma which can be a problem. and you can sleep after it without heavy assistance. it's good we have it, was interested in trying khat. i'll have to try the 3mmc
it is very hydrophilic, any powder you leave exposed will turn into a little spot of syrup, you need to store it in a desiccated container eg in a sistema container with a shot glass with a little sodium hydroxide in it. as long as there's visible solid sodium hydroxide in the solution that'll form in the shot glass the humidity in the container should be ~10%.
methcathinone isn't MCAT btw, MCAT is 4mmc. methcathinone might be a bit different
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