#51 2022-06-19 07:50

Registered: 2020-02-16
Posts: 175

Re: Opiate Gang

Hey opiate gang, I've been in Auckland for the last few weeks, no masks and HQ drugs which is amazing. I was able to buy enough cocaine to last me 3 big nights out, including sharing with people for $200.

Last edited by m92fs (2023-07-11 15:10)

#52 2022-06-19 14:30

Registered: 2021-01-06
Posts: 290

Re: Opiate Gang

The M30s are good man, just be careful. Im pretty sure they are made with iso again. Start small, you can always top it up! I havent taken them orally but they work well insufflated and actually have decent legs for a snorted opioid. Just a sidenote  - they dont kick in instantly when you snort, i find they begin wiorking after 10 mins and continue to build, so dont rack up after 5 mins thinking they are weak!!

#53 2022-06-19 22:10

Registered: 2020-02-16
Posts: 175

Re: Opiate Gang

gingerbreadman wrote:

The M30s are good man, just be careful. Im pretty sure they are made with iso again. Start small, you can always top it up! I havent taken them orally but they work well insufflated and actually have decent legs for a snorted opioid. Just a sidenote  - they dont kick in instantly when you snort, i find they begin wiorking after 10 mins and continue to build, so dont rack up after 5 mins thinking they are weak!!

Cheers mate. I pulled the trigger and ordered a couple of them. I'm a little nervous about them to be honest. I've never tried an opiate that wasn't produced in a legit lab. Just how strong are these things? For reference, I would usually take 40 - 50mg of oxy or 60mg of morphine to get a good high. How much of the pill would be the equivalent of 50mg of oxy roughly would you say?

Also, whats the high like and how long does it last in comparison to other opiates? Is it more that energetic euphoric high like oxy or that nice relaxing body high like morphine? Sorry for all the questions mate, just trying to get a good idea what these things are like before I try them.

#54 2022-06-20 15:20

From: ALBQ, New Mexico
Registered: 2021-09-17
Posts: 106

Re: Opiate Gang

hey gang, i think im getting the deal of a life time today haha smile ive bought 3 trays of ritz 10mg pills for 150$ and trading it for a entire script of 90x oxy 5mgs big_smile so what i was wanting to ask is what is your best deal you guys have ever gotten on opiates and what is the worst deal you've had, ill share mine, i paid 100$ for 5x oxy 5mgs on the street which is shit.

Lets hope this deal goes all good and ill report back!

#55 2022-06-20 22:20

Registered: 2021-01-06
Posts: 290

Re: Opiate Gang

Cant complain about that! Trading rit for opioids used to be a goldmine, in my teens i knew a guy whod give me his ritalin script for a 30g of tobacco which then kept me in morphine for a while! I just scored 2 grams of morphine for 600 bucks which is why im now desperately trying to source double before i smash the lot!!
Having a friend in a pharmacy has treated me pretty well when they are on destruction duty, have been able to get fentanyl patches pretty cheap in the past, and 2 dollar 5mg diazepams.
In all honesty the worst deals are what i now pay on tormarket when i get opioids off here, anonymity comes at a premium but its a choice each of us have to make!

#56 2022-06-21 01:50

Registered: 2021-12-16
Posts: 225

Re: Opiate Gang

Thanks for all the support lads! You have all been genuinely very helpful leading up to and during my withdrawals. It has been very appreciated!

@m92fs with regards to the blue M30s given your oxy/morphine tolerance I would start VERY small. Like 1/16 of a pill just to be safe. I assume you know the cone and quarter technique? If not, it is a very simple method for splitting up powders. Give it a google, but the basics are as follows:
1 - Crush up the pill and flatten it out into either a circle or line, making sure the thickness or height is consistent.
2 - With the use of a card or similar, split your circle/line down the middle. Now you have roughly 2x 50% piles.
3 - Repeat this process until you have the desired %. So you will have to do it 3x for each 50% pile.
* - Of course you could use scales to be more accurate but would need scales accurate to 3 decimal places to do such.
** - After the initial crushing of the pill, I would give it a real good mix around just try and blend out any potential hot spots in there.

@Trapmaster with regards to best and worst deals. The best would be my current local supplier of oxy (And almost everything else haha). Where if I purchase bulk enough I get oxy at 1 $/mg. For worst deal I would have to agree with gingerbreadman. All the greedy fuckin vendors selling pharma opiates on Tor Market right now.

Question for you lads. My local supplier mentioned he has a few trays of methadone 5mg. I am planning to buy 1-2 trays just to keep on hand in case I get myself into a situation again where I have to go through withdrawals again. But I am unsure what sort of dosage/frequency I would need with it as I have never had anything to do with it or taken any interest in it. I did a bit of research last night and found an opioid conversion table that allows you to calculate dosage based on MME - Morphine Milligrams Equivalent. But using that I came up with what I believe to be a stupidly high dosage (When comparing with dosages ex heroin/fent addicts take on reddit r/Drugs). So, can anyone recommend roughly what sort of dosage I should start at here? I plan to take a dose this weekend just to get a feel for it and figure out my ideal dosage. Here are my tolerance levels:

If I am taking oxy to get high, I will drop 200mg off the bat. Then follow up with another 200mg 3-4 hours later. Followed by another 100-200mg after another 3-4 hours. Fucking high tolerance I know roll

If I am taking morphine to get high (Not that often these days due to access to oxy and my stupid tolerance). I will drop 400-500mg off the bat (Bear in mind this is sevredol not IR morphine). Then follow up with another 200mg-300mg 3-4 hours later.

If any of you lads want to grab some methadone to put aside for safe keeping/rainy day, I am happy to grab extra for you at cost price. Would just have to figure out logistics/payment. Fire me a message on w1ckr and we can go from there:

Enjoy your oxys @Trapmaster ya lucky bastard. I do not know how you keep sniffing out these bloody good deals, but I bet you would be a good drug sniffer dog thats for sure hahaha.


#57 2022-06-21 03:30

From: ALBQ, New Mexico
Registered: 2021-09-17
Posts: 106

Re: Opiate Gang

@cooked haha that's not the end of it, on Thursday I'm also getting 40x codeine 30mg and 40x oxy 10s hehe, i also the other day got a bottle of liquid morphine (100ml 1mg/ml) and 20 trammys,

I traded 0.5g of ice (i dont smoke it, just trade it) and 100$ for it so that was a steal cuz i buy ea gram int. for 48$ so i pretty much paid 120$. and my original oxycodone dealers script should also be coming in this week so fuck me i dunno how im this lucky.

On a more serious note, Ive bought 2 of the m30s and was wondering what my dosage should be, my oxy tolerance has increased a little but i have taken a week break(9days) recently, i need about 70-80mg to get high now, so im thinking i try like 1/10th of the pill, but you probably know better, whats your take on how much i should take?

#58 2022-06-21 05:20

Registered: 2021-12-16
Posts: 225

Re: Opiate Gang

trapmaster wrote:

@cooked haha that's not the end of it, on Thursday I'm also getting 40x codeine 30mg and 40x oxy 10s hehe, i also the other day got a bottle of liquid morphine (100ml 1mg/ml) and 20 trammys,

I traded 0.5g of ice (i dont smoke it, just trade it) and 100$ for it so that was a steal cuz i buy ea gram int. for 48$ so i pretty much paid 120$. and my original oxycodone dealers script should also be coming in this week so fuck me i dunno how im this lucky.

On a more serious note, Ive bought 2 of the m30s and was wondering what my dosage should be, my oxy tolerance has increased a little but i have taken a week break(9days) recently, i need about 70-80mg to get high now, so im thinking i try like 1/10th of the pill, but you probably know better, whats your take on how much i should take?

trapmaster wrote:

@cooked haha that's not the end of it, on Thursday I'm also getting 40x codeine 30mg and 40x oxy 10s hehe, i also the other day got a bottle of liquid morphine (100ml 1mg/ml) and 20 trammys,

Haha well shit the bed that sounds awesome and dangerous big_smile. Are you taking any breaks in between use or are you just going balls deep and planning to use the codeine to taper at the end of the binge?

For the M30s, I reckon sniff 1/8 first and get a feel for it. Just make sure to give the pill a good mix when you crush it. Mine arrived today and I bought some oxy. Between 4PM - 2AM I went through 200mg oxy and sniffed 2 M30s. Found recently that a low dose of gabapention potentiates the oxy hardout. I highly recommend it!+

#59 2022-06-21 09:40

From: ALBQ, New Mexico
Registered: 2021-09-17
Posts: 106

Re: Opiate Gang

"Haha well shit the bed that sounds awesome and dangerous big_smile"

Precisely hehe!

"Are you taking any breaks in between use or are you just going balls deep and planning to use the codeine to taper at the end of the binge?"

Yes i recently took a 9 day break !

"For the M30s, I reckon sniff 1/8 first and get a feel for it. Just make sure to give the pill a good mix when you crush it."

Shot cooked, will do that! and ae perfect, i have some gabas in the closet that i haven't used, they 300mg so woop woop.

#60 2022-06-21 18:40

Registered: 2020-02-16
Posts: 175

Re: Opiate Gang

Mine arrived today. Pretty much 1 day delivery which is great. I work from home so I couldn't not give it a try. Went with your advice @cooked and snorted 1/16 of a pill. Honestly didn't feel much of anything from that. Probably too low a dose.

I'm going to hold off on trying a bigger dose (though I'm very tempted) as over the last 4 days I had 2 days on oxy and 2 heavy kratom days and that is enough to make the next few days uncomfortable with mild withdrawals. I'm being sensible and not adding to that discomfort by adding a 5th consecutive day with the m30s. I'll report back after the weekend when I try them if I can hold off that long haha.

I would appreciate in the mean time if any of you fine gentlemen could share your experiences of the m30s though

#61 2022-06-21 21:30

Registered: 2021-12-16
Posts: 225

Re: Opiate Gang

@trapmaster, yeah mate I was surprised how much a low dose of gaba (Like 400-800mg) potentiates opioids - In particular, oxy for me. I highly rate it and if I have gaba on me will definitely take it every time I use oxy to give it a kick in the ass.

@m92fs, I reckon you would be sweet going with 1/8 then. I was just erring on the side of caution given your oxy tolerance. Do you get much of a high from the kratom? I have been using it for the purpose of withdrawals. So, keep kratom on hand in case I end up having a binge of opioids for 2+ consecutive days. Then take kratom 3x a day for 2-3 days following to get rid of 90% of the withdrawal symptoms.

Here is what I have taken away from trying the pills both yesterday and today:
- Pretty sure the active opioid in it is etonitazene, the same as what was in PuristInNZ pills.
- Strength definitely varies from pill to pill and even line to line within the same pill (So the etonitazene and whatever adulterants are in each pill are not perfectly mixed and have inconsistencies). Be very careful with this factor.
- I agree with gingerbreadman, the pills definitely have decent legs and duration of the high is a lot longer than expected, especially given the fact the ROA I/we have been using is insufflation.
- In comparison the oxy high, I think it is a lot milder (Especially body load wise). Still very enjoyable though nonetheless.

If you have any further questions just fire them through cob!


#62 2022-06-22 08:50

Registered: 2020-02-16
Posts: 175

Re: Opiate Gang

@cooked, if I take around 8 grams at once I actually get a pretty decent high from kratom. Not as good as from a straight opioid but not a bad replacement either. Off course doing kratom everyday comes with its own problems. When you read about kratom withdrawals online you get very conflicting stories. Some people say its a breeze and some former heroine users say its just as bad as heroine itself.

My own experience after taking kratom every day (once a day) for around 2 months was the withdrawals were much easier to handle that something like oxy. I had to jump because of my trip to Europe. I tapered to a lowish dose and when I jumped I had a few days of withdrawal that I would compare to a lower dose codeine withdrawal. Its definitely there and it doesn't feel great but you can go to work and about your business no problem.

I will point out though that my daily dosage was much lower than some of the crazy numbers you see in the kratom community. Some of those guys be taking heroic doses like 40 - 80 grams per day. I'd imagine the withdrawals are pretty bad when you get to that level

By the way cooked. Your tolerance is fucking massive! How the hell do you afford this habit. Sometimes it costs me $100 for one good day and I think that is way too much money but you got 10x the tolerance of me!

Last edited by m92fs (2022-06-22 12:40)

#63 2022-06-22 15:50

Registered: 2021-12-16
Posts: 225

Re: Opiate Gang

m92fs wrote:

@cooked, if I take around 8 grams at once I actually get a pretty decent high from kratom. Not as good as from a straight opioid but not a bad replacement either. Off course doing kratom everyday comes with its own problems. When you read about kratom withdrawals online you get very conflicting stories. Some people say its a breeze and some former heroine users say its just as bad as heroine itself.

My own experience after taking kratom every day (once a day) for around 2 months was the withdrawals were much easier to handle that something like oxy. I had to jump because of my trip to Europe. I tapered to a lowish dose and when I jumped I had a few days of withdrawal that I would compare to a lower dose codeine withdrawal. Its definitely there and it doesn't feel great but you can go to work and about your business no problem.

I will point out though that my daily dosage was much lower than some of the crazy numbers you see in the kratom community. Some of those guys be taking heroic doses like 40 - 80 grams per day. I'd imagine the withdrawals are pretty bad when you get to that level

By the way cooked. Your tolerance is fucking massive! How the hell do you afford this habit. Sometimes it costs me $100 for one good day and I think that is way too much money but you got 10x the tolerance of me!

Haha I agree, my tolerance is fucked. I do not even know how! Apart from my 3 month stint this year I have never been a daily opiate user. I think I just have a naturally high drug resistance. To be able to take 100mg oxy to get high off the bat, with no opiate tolerance is ridiculous. That dose would cause some people with no tolerance to OD!!!!

#64 2022-06-22 16:00

Registered: 2020-02-16
Posts: 175

Re: Opiate Gang

Hey team, so I know I said I would hold off on trying the m30s a for the weekend but curiosity got the better of me. You know how it goes.

So I snorted 1/8th of a pill this time. I definitely felt it this time. Anyway, just reporting on the high. It seems to have relaxed a bit now ( an hour since taking it ) but I would say the body high I got was a little unpleasant. Not very bad but it felt a little bath saltish if that makes sense. It feels almost a little speedy too. Not a terrible high but certainly not as good as oxy, morphine etc.

Has anyone else had a similar experience with these? I did take a small dose of kratom about 2 hours before hand so not sure if that made a difference. I'll give it a proper try on the weekend but was just wondering you guys thought of the pills?

Just adding an edit here to say that approximate 1.5 hours after I took it, that weird body high I initially experienced has disappeared and the high is quite pleasant. Like I said earlier, its possible that the kratom I had taken earlier had a bad interaction with it. Anyone else have a similar experience to me?

Last edited by m92fs (2022-06-22 16:30)

#65 2022-06-22 19:10

Registered: 2021-12-16
Posts: 225

Re: Opiate Gang

m92fs wrote:

Hey team, so I know I said I would hold off on trying the m30s a for the weekend but curiosity got the better of me. You know how it goes.

So I snorted 1/8th of a pill this time. I definitely felt it this time. Anyway, just reporting on the high. It seems to have relaxed a bit now ( an hour since taking it ) but I would say the body high I got was a little unpleasant. Not very bad but it felt a little bath saltish if that makes sense. It feels almost a little speedy too. Not a terrible high but certainly not as good as oxy, morphine etc.

Has anyone else had a similar experience with these? I did take a small dose of kratom about 2 hours before hand so not sure if that made a difference. I'll give it a proper try on the weekend but was just wondering you guys thought of the pills?

Just adding an edit here to say that approximate 1.5 hours after I took it, that weird body high I initially experienced has disappeared and the high is quite pleasant. Like I said earlier, its possible that the kratom I had taken earlier had a bad interaction with it. Anyone else have a similar experience to me?

Hey mate, fair enough. I would have done the same. Bloody damn near impossible to hold off on getting stuck into them when they are steering you in the face haha.

With regards to body load, I have not experienced that. Although, I have experienced both stimulation and nodding at different points of the high. So, I may be nodding early on and then when in bed later on trying to get to sleep I am high/comfortable but mind is stimulated so I cannot sleep. Both weird and annoying!

#66 2022-06-22 19:40

Registered: 2021-01-06
Posts: 290

Re: Opiate Gang

I thiiiiink the chemical might actually be isotonitazene. Its crazy how different peoples reactions to opioids are, my partner seems to be stimulated by most of the stuff that makes me nod! Then again, she also gets calm if i give her crack cocaine! I really like the M30s, but part of it may just be that also having a decent opioid tolerance and not the budget to support it, they work well for me!

#67 2022-06-22 21:20

Registered: 2021-12-16
Posts: 225

Re: Opiate Gang

gingerbreadman wrote:

I thiiiiink the chemical might actually be isotonitazene. Its crazy how different peoples reactions to opioids are, my partner seems to be stimulated by most of the stuff that makes me nod! Then again, she also gets calm if i give her crack cocaine! I really like the M30s, but part of it may just be that also having a decent opioid tolerance and not the budget to support it, they work well for me!

Yeah thats what I assumed it was as well. As you said, everyone has a different brain chemistry and reacts differently. I would like to know if there is more than one active psychoactive drug in the M30s though. I sure hope not.

#68 2022-06-23 22:40

Registered: 2020-02-16
Posts: 175

Re: Opiate Gang

Theres a new product on the market, homebake. What exactly is homebake? Ive never come across it before. I assume it is made with diamonds or some very rare precious metals considering it costs $1200 a gram?

#69 2022-06-23 23:00

Registered: 2022-05-19
Posts: 6

Re: Opiate Gang

Morphine that has been turned into heroin with AA, pretty easy to do hence the name, supposed to be very potent too, but 1.2 k a gram is ridiculous. Wtf

#70 2022-06-23 23:10

Registered: 2021-01-06
Posts: 290

Re: Opiate Gang

Yeah so it is preeety much heroin but fairly pure, so imagine the H we get without the cut, and no fent. H these days is so stepped on that we dont see anything close to pure, even in europe close to the source there is already very little raw heroin in it as soon as it hits the street.
Just remember that if you take it, you will need a fraction of what you would take if you use heroin number 3, less than a dose of morphine. ESPECIALLY if you are shooting it, stay safe brothers!
Hopefully he will sell smaller amounts at some point!

#71 2022-06-26 10:40

Registered: 2021-01-06
Posts: 290

Re: Opiate Gang

So iv been having a chat with the vendor humanerror guys. He has conceded that going for 1g minimum sales may not be ideal before we have had a chance to try the product.
Hes sent me a message saying he is going to do quarters for 350 next week, and at the moment theres a half up for 6hundy.

#72 2022-06-26 12:00

Registered: 2020-02-16
Posts: 175

Re: Opiate Gang

There is no timeline in this universe that exists, including ones where I won the lotto, where I would even ever consider paying $1200 a gram for a drug made in someones bathtub no matter how much he splits it down. Theres just no way it could be worth it. Its literally, by a very large margin, the most expensive drug I have ever seen in my life.

Having said that, let me know how it goes if you do try it.

Last edited by m92fs (2022-06-26 12:00)

#73 2022-06-26 15:30

Registered: 2021-01-06
Posts: 290

Re: Opiate Gang

Im definitely keen to get some, just not a Gs worth! But it just comes down to chemical and dose really, imagine the price difference of a gram of fentanyl or lsd, compared to a gram of pot! Or even a 60mg codeine compared to a 60mg oxy on the smaller end of the scale!

#74 2022-06-26 17:30

Registered: 2020-02-16
Posts: 175

Re: Opiate Gang

@gingerbreadman, you make a good point about dose's but I was comparing it heroine since its in the name. I come from Europe where you can get a gram of heroine for less than $100 so when I see things like $1200 I just can't believe what I'm seeing ha. mg for mg how dose this stuff compare to oxy?

Last edited by m92fs (2022-06-26 17:30)

#75 2022-06-26 18:10

Registered: 2022-06-21
Posts: 4

Re: Opiate Gang

Chur boys was thinking of ordering some Ket from Ketocrisis but wasn’t too sure of legitimacy. You lot have any experience with this vendor? Or have any alternatives?

#76 2022-06-27 02:40

Verified Vendor
From: dread
Registered: 2021-11-05
Posts: 9

Re: Opiate Gang


Shit guys!!
Everyone ok?

I'm not a robot

#77 2022-06-27 15:40

Registered: 2021-12-16
Posts: 225

Re: Opiate Gang

WhitePanda wrote:


Shit guys!!
Everyone ok?

Yessir, unpopular opinion - I would not mind actually getting my hands on some if I new the potency and whether it was actual fent or a fentalogue line carfentanyl. I am picking only the lads on here will agree with me though. Everyone else will want to stay well away from it.

#78 2022-06-29 10:00

Registered: 2022-06-28
Posts: 4

Re: Opiate Gang

M30s arrived yesterday and I've been solidly high since.
Def start with a tiny bump and adjust from there, it's a slow one. Allow min 20 min btwn doses.
I tried smoking a bit, results unclear, I just sprinkled it on a cone though so likely a bad method

Be careful and Def not for newbies. I'm a 'reformed' H user, quit 2 yrs ago after a face to face with the bright light in the sky (fent laced stuff from Tom and Jerry, tested)
Given the size of the pills and the variation from pill to pill and even noticeably from line to line,  you'd be daft to iv this imo. It has great legs snorted

Very happy overall. But buyer beware, oding fucking sucks, like really sucks. Be safe

Oh, my tolerance is med-low. 60mg oxy would be a great high and likely nods for me

#79 2022-06-29 16:30

From: ALBQ, New Mexico
Registered: 2021-09-17
Posts: 106

Re: Opiate Gang

i didnt really feel any thing from them so was kinda dissapointed overall

#80 2022-06-29 18:50

Registered: 2021-12-16
Posts: 225

Re: Opiate Gang

trapmaster wrote:

i didnt really feel any thing from them so was kinda dissapointed overall

How many did you order mate? My assumption is, because they are likely isotonitazene which is extremely potent/low dose required. The concentration of the pills vary a lot and that is why some people are potentially getting bunk (Low concentration) M30s. The batch I got from MyFoodBag definitely seemed less strong than Purist.

#81 2022-06-30 23:40

Registered: 2021-12-16
Posts: 225

Re: Opiate Gang

I can source multiple trays of 10x 5mg methadone pills. Any interest out there for them?

#82 2022-07-02 06:20

Registered: 2021-12-16
Posts: 225

Re: Opiate Gang

Hey lads,

Hope most of you are stocked up with some sort of opioid to enjoy the weekend with cool

Question for yas - Have any of you tried the following and if so what did you think of it and what would you compare it most with:


Keen to hear your thoughts on any "not standard" opioids you have tried as well


#83 2022-07-04 13:50

Registered: 2020-02-16
Posts: 175

Re: Opiate Gang

Hey team, just had a question about the m30s. So, after a full night on them on Saturday I've come to the conclusion that they are a great product. I hope they stick around but us opiate bros usually don't have that kind of luck so it will be back to waiting for a good deal whilst staring at 20 opiate listings not moving because the vendors are too stubborn to realize that they would make more money if they just dropped the price to something reasonable.

Anyway, my question is, has anyone noticed these having an impact on tolerance? Has it been raised etc? Also, withdrawals. Has anyone noticed they induce withdrawals any easier or faster than other opiates and are they worse or better if experienced?

@cooked. Love to help you bud but I got experience with them

#84 2022-07-05 21:40

Registered: 2021-01-06
Posts: 290

Re: Opiate Gang

Cooked wrote:

Hey lads,

Hope most of you are stocked up with some sort of opioid to enjoy the weekend with cool

Question for yas - Have any of you tried the following and if so what did you think of it and what would you compare it most with:


Keen to hear your thoughts on any "not standard" opioids you have tried as well


Ah man, ive tried a shit load of opioids, but those are 3 i havent haha!
With regards to the first 2, im really not big on tramadol so have never bothered with those. I dont know if its different for other people but trams dont have an opiate type buzz for me at all, il only take them when thats all thats available!
I have never had the chance to try ap-237, but i have heard it is quite caustic and some people consider it nasty shit.
...but to be fair if the opportunity popped up id probably still give it a go - for science obviously

#85 2022-07-06 21:50

Registered: 2021-01-06
Posts: 290

Re: Opiate Gang

Indulge my curiosity guys.... What is your most and least favorable opioid/ any drug? Just wondering what the consensus is universally!
Also - whos importing H these days, any recommendations?  Im thinking of ordering outside of NL as i cant afford any more seizures burning drops!

#86 2022-07-06 22:00

Registered: 2021-01-06
Posts: 290

Re: Opiate Gang

Also, since we are sharing, whats your favoured ROA?

#87 2022-07-07 11:40

Registered: 2019-04-30
Posts: 79

Re: Opiate Gang

Ooo, here's my list of the ones I would love to get my filthy mitts on (in order of preference):

- Methadone
- Desomorphine (must be pure though not some dodgy krokodil homebake)
- Buprenorphine (without the naloxone)
- Tapentadol

Tramadol is a funny one, if your looking for that opiate high then yeah you going to be disappointed since it caps out around 200-300mg and is very mild. There also seems to be some genetic/liver enzyme thing where trams either feel great or just - shit. What I love about trams is not the opiate effect at all, its the SNRI effect, it's lovely and lasts for ages. Trams can also be good landing-gear from coming off heavier stuff just be careful though because if you get hooked the withdrawal is fucking horrid so always keep some spare to taper off (well that's probably a good idea for all opiates really!). IMO tramadol is like long-lasting kratom and with less side-effects too.

Least favorite opiate: Codeine (it just does jackshit to me even at really high doses)

#88 2022-07-07 18:50

Registered: 2021-12-16
Posts: 225

Re: Opiate Gang

Xar777 wrote:

Ooo, here's my list of the ones I would love to get my filthy mitts on (in order of preference):

- Methadone
- Desomorphine (must be pure though not some dodgy krokodil homebake)
- Buprenorphine (without the naloxone)
- Tapentadol

Tramadol is a funny one, if your looking for that opiate high then yeah you going to be disappointed since it caps out around 200-300mg and is very mild. There also seems to be some genetic/liver enzyme thing where trams either feel great or just - shit. What I love about trams is not the opiate effect at all, its the SNRI effect, it's lovely and lasts for ages. Trams can also be good landing-gear from coming off heavier stuff just be careful though because if you get hooked the withdrawal is fucking horrid so always keep some spare to taper off (well that's probably a good idea for all opiates really!). IMO tramadol is like long-lasting kratom and with less side-effects too.

Least favorite opiate: Codeine (it just does jackshit to me even at really high doses)

I have a source of methadone 5mg pills if you want to get some through me mate!

#89 2022-07-07 21:10

Registered: 2021-01-06
Posts: 290

Re: Opiate Gang

How much do you sell the methadone for bro? Id be really keen to learn a bit more about desomorphine, im curious if i could cook it up clean, without all the leftover shit in it!

#90 2022-07-07 22:20

Registered: 2021-12-16
Posts: 225

Re: Opiate Gang

gingerbreadman wrote:

How much do you sell the methadone for bro? Id be really keen to learn a bit more about desomorphine, im curious if i could cook it up clean, without all the leftover shit in it!

I do not sell it personally but my plug has it. To be honest when I tried it I did not like it at all - Did not go down well with me, just felt real lethargic and extremely cold for some reason.

But I can get you the 5mg pills for $5 each cost price. So that, add postage and if you did not mind throw in some $ for the admin my end I can send ya some smile

#91 2022-07-07 22:30

Registered: 2021-12-16
Posts: 225

Re: Opiate Gang

Did anyone else notice the M30 listing today was getting low stock. Then vendor put stock levels up to 200. Now looking at it its down to 87. So either someone has done a massive order or hes readjusted stock down as well as some smaller orders maybe?

#92 2022-07-21 13:10

Registered: 2020-02-16
Posts: 175

Re: Opiate Gang

Those m30s are flying off the shelf. Dude just restocked and is almost out again. It just go's to show how much demand there is for opiates, but more importantly, how many opiate users are not actually buying from the market. Usually opiates sit for weeks selling in drips and draws. Hopefully some vendors see this and learn but I have my doubts.

I have been watching the listing for the IR morphine listed closely out of curiosity because when I first saw the price I thought no way will it sell. Sure enough, by my calculations only 50mg of it has been sold in weeks. I just can't understand how you would think that is preferable to lowering the price and selling way more volume.

#93 2022-07-21 22:50

Registered: 2021-01-06
Posts: 290

Re: Opiate Gang

Iv never understood that man. Used to be because the naive/ desperate bought enough to justify it for them, bt that doesnt even seem to be happening these days! Guess it leaves the market wide open for vendors like myfoodbag!

#94 2022-07-21 23:40

Registered: 2021-12-16
Posts: 225

Re: Opiate Gang

I do not understand the thought process either. Its like hey, lets pay a $400 bond and go to the effort to set up vendor and product profiles. Put the product prices ridiculously high and sit on my product for weeks on end. We all know damn well that 99% of the time they sourced the product at at least less than half the price they have listed it for as well. Probably even much less roll

#95 2022-07-21 23:50

Registered: 2021-12-16
Posts: 225

Re: Opiate Gang

m92fs wrote:

Hey team, just had a question about the m30s. So, after a full night on them on Saturday I've come to the conclusion that they are a great product. I hope they stick around but us opiate bros usually don't have that kind of luck so it will be back to waiting for a good deal whilst staring at 20 opiate listings not moving because the vendors are too stubborn to realize that they would make more money if they just dropped the price to something reasonable.

Anyway, my question is, has anyone noticed these having an impact on tolerance? Has it been raised etc? Also, withdrawals. Has anyone noticed they induce withdrawals any easier or faster than other opiates and are they worse or better if experienced?

@cooked. Love to help you bud but I got experience with them

Hey mate, sorry have not been lurking in a while as I have been under the pump at work. So only just spotted this!

Anyway, for me personally I think the tolerance raises rather fast, especially compared with other opioids such as oxy. With regards to withdrawal, if you are punching lines constantly for 3-4 days to retain that level of high I have noticed withdrawal symptoms come on quick. For example, say you are on day 3 or 4 of chasing this high with consumption going up by 0.5-1 pills/day. Then you have your last line of the bender at like 10PM, the next day when you wake up at say 8AM you can definitely feel the withdrawal symptoms start to creep in. If I do that though, I normally just do a mad quick taper on DHC for 2-4 days and then I have pretty much come right. I have also noticed strength inconsistencies between pills (No surprises there). Hope that helps cob!

If you have access to it, I highly recommend dropping a small dose of gabapentin (300-600mg) with any opioid. It definitely kicks it up the ass and potentiates the shit out of it. Its a mad dog money saver!

#96 2022-07-22 13:30

From: ALBQ, New Mexico
Registered: 2021-09-17
Posts: 106

Re: Opiate Gang

hey guys. have a question, anyone know what the morphine 30mg slow release tablets look like?

#97 2022-07-22 15:10

Registered: 2021-12-16
Posts: 225

Re: Opiate Gang

trapmaster wrote:

hey guys. have a question, anyone know what the morphine 30mg slow release tablets look like?

Hey mate do you mean Sevredol or something different? I have a vague memory of like 5-6 years ago getting a morph 30mg circular pill. But apart from that and Sevs I have only seen the capsules with beads inside.

#98 2022-07-22 22:50

Registered: 2021-01-06
Posts: 290

Re: Opiate Gang

Sevs are instant, the time release ones are usually the caps with the little balls in them, they have a different colour for each strength. hmm i think 30mg capsules are clear/ pink and the tablets are purple from memory. Hope that helps!

#99 2022-07-23 17:20

Registered: 2020-02-16
Posts: 175

Re: Opiate Gang

@Gingerbreadman, I know the ones you are talking about but unfortunately I don't know the color coding well enough as its been a while but I thought they had the number printed on the capsule right? It doesn't say mg after it so maybe confusing but 30mg will have a 30 printed if its the M Eslon brand which is the only brand of them I've seen.

In regard to the tolerance of the m30s, I haven't taken a pharma opiate since they've been available so I have not compared my tolerance level back to them since. Hope it hasn't gone too high. I don't tend to so multi day binges though since I've noticed that even after 2 days back to back use of the m30s I get withdrawals. They are mild enough to manage but bad enough that I don't want to spend a significant part of every week in mild withdrawal, so I try my best to space out the days I use. We all know that plan doesn't always stick though haha.

#100 2022-07-23 17:30

Registered: 2020-02-16
Posts: 175

Re: Opiate Gang

@Gingerbreadman. Just found this. Hope it helps:


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