#1 2022-06-09 22:30

Registered: 2022-06-09
Posts: 2

High quality MDMA - MollyShop

General Information

Vendor Name: MollyShop
Product/s reviewed: High quality MDMA
Price before shipping (NZD): $150.00 for 1Gram
Shipping cost: $20.01
Price per unit: $150.00/Gram

Customer Service

Score: 5/5

[X]  Superb: Polite, prompt, ensures satisfaction
[  ]  Good: Professional, exhibits customer care
[  ]  Satisfactory: Adequate responses, resolved issue
[  ]  Marginal: Subpar communication, partial resolution
[  ]  Bad: Poor communication, no resolution
[  ]  Awful: Abusive responses, no resolution

Product Quality

Score: 5/5

[X]  Highest purity - highly potent
[  ]  Mostly pure - potent
[  ]  Minor cut or impurity - strong
[  ]  Cut and/or impure - medium to weak
[  ]  Almost entirely cut - very weak
[  ]  Possibly bunk - no effect

Processing Speed

Score: 5/5

[X]  Processed & marked shipped in 24hrs
[  ]  Processed & marked shipped in 48 hrs
[  ]  Processed & marked shipped in 72 hrs
[  ]  Package is late
[  ]  Package is very late
[  ]  Never received package

Price Value

Score: 5/5

[X]  Excellent - great value & low cost
[  ]  Moderate - worthy value & fair cost
[  ]  At-market - neither good nor bad
[  ]  Below-market - so-so value, high cost
[  ]  Exorbitant - low value, excessive cost
[  ]  Rip-off - little-to-no value, unjustified cost

Stealth & OpSec

Score: 2/5

[  ]  Vacuum-sealed
[  ]  Mylar bag/non-porous container
[X]  Decoy/misdirection
[  ]  Low package profile
[X]  Good OpSec/PGP

Total score

22 out of 25 for 88%.

Additional review notes

Vendor was slow to accept order but it was placed at the start of a long weekend. Once shipped was a 2DD so no complaints there. Packaging was really my only gripe, no baggie, no vac seal, could easy have been contaminated by water if the courier left it in the wrong spot. 'Decoy' didn't actually conceal the product. 1.13g so 13% over weight definitely a pleasant surprise. Product yet to be tried but can pretty well guarantee it's quality from smell and appearance, will update if required after consumption. Was no communication between myself and the vendor other than via the order so assuming their customer service is of a high standard, certain appears to be from their profile and reviews.

Last edited by ffsdgerg455y (2022-06-09 22:40)

#2 2022-06-10 14:20

Registered: 2021-12-30
Posts: 13

Re: High quality MDMA - MollyShop

ffsdgerg455y wrote:

product yet to be tried

ffsdgerg455y wrote:
Product Quality

Score: 5/5

ffsdgerg455y wrote:

Vendor was slow to accept order

ffsdgerg455y wrote:
Processing Speed

Score: 5/5

ffsdgerg455y wrote:

no communication between myself and the vendor other than via the order so assuming their customer service is of a high standard

ffsdgerg455y wrote:
Customer Service

Score: 5/5

What is even the point of this post?

#3 2022-06-10 14:50

Registered: 2022-06-09
Posts: 2

Re: High quality MDMA - MollyShop

ffsdgerg455y wrote:

product yet to be tried

ffsdgerg455y wrote:
Product Quality

Score: 5/5

Ummm... "will update if required after consumption".

ffsdgerg455y wrote:

Vendor was slow to accept order

ffsdgerg455y wrote:
Processing Speed

Score: 5/5

Please note: Accepting and marking an order as shipped are two different things. The purchase was shipped the very next working day. Are vendors not allowed to take a long weekend off due to a public holiday? Whether it was accepted prior to being marked as shipped wouldn't have effected the end result.

ffsdgerg455y wrote:

no communication between myself and the vendor other than via the order so assuming their customer service is of a high standard

ffsdgerg455y wrote:
Customer Service

Score: 5/5

Cant bag someones customer service because all went smoothly and additional comms weren't required.

SupremeGentleman wrote:

What is even the point of this post?

To provide honest and fair feedback about a vendor and product which maybe of aid to others. A quick search of your forum inputs suggests you're just here to criticise others. If my review isn't up to your standards do your own.

#4 2022-06-10 15:00

Registered: 2021-12-30
Posts: 13

Re: High quality MDMA - MollyShop

Retardation compels me to poast, for sure. I don't feel the need to reply to things I agree with or am neutral to, unless someone is asking a question I know the answer to (rare situation).

You wouldn't happen to be the vendor, would you? You seem quite defensive for a supposedly neutral party. A quick search of your forum inputs suggests... Oh there are none, except this so-called 'review'.

Last edited by SupremeGentleman (2022-06-10 15:00)

#5 2022-06-12 10:50

Registered: 2021-03-23
Posts: 63

Re: High quality MDMA - MollyShop

Alright kids thats enough bickering. lets have fun

but supreme gentleman, theres no reason for mollyshop to be posting a fake review on their product, their feedback speaks for itself

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