#1 2022-07-29 00:10

Registered: 2022-07-29
Posts: 2

Review: MollyShop's 4MMC- Mephedrone

General Information

Vendor Name: MollyShop
Product/s reviewed: 4MMC - Mephedrone
Price before shipping (NZD): $150 for 1 gram1
Shipping cost: $20.01
Price per unit: $150.00/1

Customer Service

Score: 5/5

[X]  Superb: Polite, prompt, ensures satisfaction
[  ]  Good: Professional, exhibits customer care
[  ]  Satisfactory: Adequate responses, resolved issue
[  ]  Marginal: Subpar communication, partial resolution
[  ]  Bad: Poor communication, no resolution
[  ]  Awful: Abusive responses, no resolution

Product Quality

Score: 4/5

[  ]  Highest purity - highly potent
[X]  Mostly pure - potent
[  ]  Minor cut or impurity - strong
[  ]  Cut and/or impure - medium to weak
[  ]  Almost entirely cut - very weak
[  ]  Possibly bunk - no effect

Processing Speed

Score: 5/5

[X]  Processed & marked shipped in 24hrs
[  ]  Processed & marked shipped in 48 hrs
[  ]  Processed & marked shipped in 72 hrs
[  ]  Package is late
[  ]  Package is very late
[  ]  Never received package

Price Value

Score: 5/5

[X]  Excellent - great value & low cost
[  ]  Moderate - worthy value & fair cost
[  ]  At-market - neither good nor bad
[  ]  Below-market - so-so value, high cost
[  ]  Exorbitant - low value, excessive cost
[  ]  Rip-off - little-to-no value, unjustified cost

Stealth & OpSec

Score: 3/5

[  ]  Vacuum-sealed
[  ]  Mylar bag/non-porous container
[X]  Decoy/misdirection
[X]  Low package profile
[X]  Good OpSec/PGP

Total score

22 out of 25 for 88%.

Additional review notes

Was so good to see that 4MMC is back on the market, after that huge shortage after NZLDD stopped selling the beautiful stuff.

This stuff is OK. Reminds me more of 3MMC, kind of more kick back then that ultra pure 4MMC we are used, if you purchased from NZLDD.

I'd suggest with this stuff, a decent oral dose (300mg), and one or two smaller lines during the oral keep experience. Keep these doses a little lower, maybe around 75mg, and maybe best for keeping once the oral peak is reached.

I will purchase again, but if we can get stuff ultra pure 4MMC like NZLDD that would be incredible!

#2 2022-07-29 01:30

Registered: 2020-05-23
Posts: 13

Re: Review: MollyShop's 4MMC- Mephedrone

Thanks for posting. I'm looking forward to trying.

However, I can't agree that NZLDD sold good quality meow. Their stuff was terrible. It was fluffy, had a deep clay colour and smelt like cinnamon. Meph should be like crystals, mostly white and smell like cat piss. His stuff was really poor.

NZLDD was a whinger as well - as soon as I said his stuff was not great, he banned me and then had a go at me in the forums. Fuck that guy.

#3 2022-07-29 02:00

Registered: 2022-07-29
Posts: 2

Re: Review: MollyShop's 4MMC- Mephedrone

This stuff looks amazing, but it isn't anywhere near matching the potency of the stuff NZLDD sold. Full body euphoria, eye wobbling to the absolute max.

This feels more nice for chilling out, light to moderate body euphoria.. if its really intense mind blowing Euphoria you are after, then you may be a little disappointed.. but ive had a great night after a long hard day at work that left me sore all over.

I couldn't get to the right level through the nose, but got to a pretty sweet spot after oral dosing - which then lasted 2-3 hours.

Let me know, and others, what they think of MollyShops 4MMC - I'm not disappointed.

#4 2022-07-29 16:10

Registered: 2021-08-26
Posts: 9

Re: Review: MollyShop's 4MMC- Mephedrone

yep I'm excited for this,
I had my first batch of 4mmc a couple years ago which was pure white powder and had little to no comedown and was euphoric as.
had another batch that was piss yellow rocks, tasted like sharpie and still got me high but had horrific comedowns.

Had nzldds stuff which was kinda expensive, smelled horrible to the point where others in the room would ask you why you stink and tore my nose up something terrible. it did get me pretty high tho. I acetone washed nzldd's stuff and lost around %20 which was annoying and then it was bearable. pretty nasty comedowns still tho.

interested to see how this compares, someone should do a proper test to see if it's 3m or 4m, alot of people get shipped the former labeled as the latter. Many consider 3m to be inferior in terms of euphoria.

#5 2022-07-29 16:10

Registered: 2021-08-26
Posts: 9

Re: Review: MollyShop's 4MMC- Mephedrone

I should add i only ate it once, never did much for me, I loved the instant euphoria of the sniff.
Does mollyshops stuff stink bad? whats the colour and texture like?

#6 2022-08-02 06:00

Registered: 2021-07-10
Posts: 58

Re: Review: MollyShop's 4MMC- Mephedrone

bluepunisher151 wrote:

I acetone washed nzldd's stuff and lost around %20 which was annoying and then it was bearable.

Where's a good place to get good pure acetone that doesn't leave a residue?

#7 2022-08-02 18:40

Registered: 2021-08-26
Posts: 9

Re: Review: MollyShop's 4MMC- Mephedrone

i just use bunnings stuff. you will need to make it anhydrous by baking some epsom salts and adding that or else the water in the acetone may steal some product.

it's the same process as a coke acetone wash so research those.

#8 2022-08-03 20:50

Registered: 2021-07-10
Posts: 58

Re: Review: MollyShop's 4MMC- Mephedrone

It was the bunnings stuff that left a residue when I poured ~200ml into a jar and let it all evaporate. I was thinking of making a still to distill bunnings acetone with if I can't find a better supplier, maybe I should do that and then sell it on tm.

Sure, the amount of residue left if you only used few mls would be tiny.

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