#1 2023-01-10 13:00

Registered: 2023-01-10
Posts: 1

Tor2dor/Dnm.watch problem

Hello., So I've been on Tor2dor for about 3 months. I made more than 1 mistake learning the ins and outs. Of all the problems I've run into, this one is new and been going on for 3 days today. I purchase 3 links for a $1 after solving the clock puzzle, and send $1.02 to the address they provide. In the last 3 months it's only timed out on me a handful of times., Since Friday morning it times out Every time. I'm still sending the Bitcoin from my Coinbase wallet. I started sending the extra 2 cents extra when i realized it was lagging on the last bit of the transfer and thus timing out a while back. I don't know what else to do. I usually buy the 1 dollar links and the only thing I haven't tried is to buy the $3 or $5 options it has. I'm already out $40 trying to get on all weekend. Anyway, if ANYONE knows Anything about this or has any ideas I'd appreciate it. I don't wanna have to establish myself as a buyer on another Market and wade thru all the scammers and scumbags all over again.. Sorry I wrote a book. I just like to be as clear as I can.. thx for looking and commenting.

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