#1 2019-09-11 18:40

Registered: 2019-04-01
Posts: 260

Trip Report: 5-MeO-DMT

Trip report from fellow forum member samtheman.

Note that he converted the oxalate to freebase.

Dose: 10mg
So after setting up the space, smudging the room with sage and palo santo, setting intention and meditating - I turned on my chosen vaporizer (the storz and bickel Mighty) and waited for it to heat.. once it did, i took just one slow, long inhale and held it - waiting...

Rather quickly.. My vision started to become blurred and i knew i was on my way... dissolving, melting.. there was a low hum, a vibration, not from this realm.. "BRRRRRRRRR MUUUUUAHAHHHHHHHHHHHH" very throaty almost warbling , which got progressively louder, it shook through my entire body as i started to become enveloped into a BRILLIANT white light with faint outlines of sacred geometry... I was being removed / dissolved from this plane of existence

Once fully enveloped - there was a brief pause during which i felt like i was being judged before the noise changed instantly from a deep vibrational hum to what i can only describe as angels singing "AAAAAHHHHHaaaHHHHHHhh" and i felt like i was touched by the finger of god on my forehead - the most amazing feeling poured over me - every good feeling in the world, love, bliss, euphoria - 10000x more powerful than anything i had ever experienced - it radiated across my body - it was a full blown cosmic orgasm. INCREDIBLY powerful and intense...

I was withering around, absolutely bawling my eyes out, sobbing, thanking whatever "it" was.. it was a moment of profound realization that the concept of a God i had previously dismissed, was indeed real and He/She/It lived within me, each of us are God, we are all one... i reached out for my sitters hand and held it close, still crying, still filled with pure nirvana...
the intensity slowly began to decrease and i lay there, enjoying that moment that was for me and me alone. I was blessed.
After the intense peak was over - it was about another 20-30mins before i felt i had touched down from the rocket ship that is vaped 5meo

NN-DMT is much more visual.. it showed me the spirit realm
5meo - I can only describe it as being touched by the hand of god and experiencing the universe through Him.
It's a difficult experience to articulate as there's no human language for what I experienced then. Incredible - but as with any of these substances - it commands the utmost respect!
5 Meo is the pinnacle of intensity and not to be taken lightly

#2 2019-09-11 23:10

Registered: 2019-09-02
Posts: 41

Re: Trip Report: 5-MeO-DMT

sounds like a wonderful, blissful experience. hope they had a trip sitter with them. people have been known to vomit and die during unsupervised 5-meo experiences.

#3 2019-09-12 19:40

Registered: 2019-05-26
Posts: 51

Re: Trip Report: 5-MeO-DMT

Thanks for your amazing report! I am still experimenting with the 5 MeO and plan to use the plugging method. Interested that The Mighty vapouriser has given you great results but after you have converted to freebase. Would this not be possible with the oxalate? I have been vaping in an oil burner with the oxalate and with a butane ligher it works quite well although I still get unvaporised material left.

I think I hit the edge of god but still aware of the "me". Anyway will be sending Psychedaddy a report as soon as I hit the big time. All the best using the medicine. Stay safe!

#4 2019-09-13 15:50

Registered: 2019-04-16
Posts: 24

Re: Trip Report: 5-MeO-DMT

You can vape the oxalate - but it's not really suited to it. Salt forms are more suited to IV, snorting and plugging.

Freebase forms will have a lower boiling point and the molecule is more likely to stay in tact - it'll be cooler and smoother. Salts tend to burn up when heated directly

Actually, to quote our good friend wikipedia....

"The free base is preferred for smoking because the evaporation point of the free base is further apart from the burning point compared to the hydrochloride salt, making the salt form more prone to destruction by pyrolysis. Some of the active drug is lost in the deprotonation process."

it's pretty simple to convert to freebase as well so why not wink (unless your plugging, snorting or injecting - in which case hell no)

(of note: salt forms are much more stable for long term storage wink (it's not uncommon to convert NN DMT to DMT fumarate for example to store it, and then freebase it again when needed))

Safe travels JamesTaylor! (make sure you have a sitter haha!)

#5 2019-09-13 18:10

Registered: 2019-05-26
Posts: 51

Re: Trip Report: 5-MeO-DMT

Thanks for the info samtheman1990. Much appreciated! Sitter... always with this medicine samtheman1990 wink

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