#1 2019-12-19 22:10

Fresh Produce
Verified Vendor
Registered: 2019-11-27
Posts: 30

Fresh Produce UPDATE

Evening all,

Bout time we post in the forums haha.

What a full on few weeks its been.
Firstly, we'd like to thank each and everyone of who have placed orders from us.
We know it's hard trying out new vendors, and we thank you all for giving us a shot.

Unfortunately, we are going to close the shop 1159pm 20/12/2019 (tomorrow).
For this, we will pay for Saturday delivery on all orders placed tomorrow.
(Choose the combined shipping option)

We currently only have LSD and Ritalin in stock.

After our big talk this evening, we are still going to be pushing out GammaGoblins Goblins Den 200ug LSD, alongside their 105ug Voids, Parvati Tears and Lightbringers. (Start of next year).

We had a hiccup with our new batch of XTC pills, so those will be pushed out start of next year also.

Let's not forgot the 80%+- cocaine coming in. We were hoping for that before New Years this year. Sorry guys.

We may even introduce Isomer Ketamine.

We hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas, and we will see you all in the New Year. (6 Jan planned).

Many thanks to you all.

- The team at Fresh Produce

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