#1 2022-03-29 01:40

Verified Vendor
Registered: 2021-05-13
Posts: 303


Last edited by FarmerJohn (2022-04-08 21:10)

#2 2022-03-29 21:20

Verified Vendor
Registered: 2021-12-05
Posts: 43

Re: ­

I personally hate that people call synths "synethetic cannabinoids" or cannabis personally regardless of how close they supposedly "mimic" THC. 

The legal high concept didn't turn people off, it wasn't half as bad as it turned out once it all went illegal and the who knows what the fuck you're buying bath salts labelled "synthetic cannabis" started turning people into junkies buying something that was nowhere near what they wanted.

#3 2022-03-30 23:10

Registered: 2022-03-30
Posts: 1

Re: ­

you are on the money farmer john! you have been a great vendor to many of us! synths got out of control for a myriad of reasons, the jwh 018 was great but every time one got banned then they changed it by one moilecule to avoid being banned! you are a responsible vendor/honest, do it mate! I and many others would be interested!

#4 2022-04-01 12:00

Registered: 2019-04-30
Posts: 79

Re: ­

I tend to agree with HomeGrownBudz on this one... this might be a problematic idea mainly because synthetic 'cannabinoids' have proven to be physiologically dangerous and are largely un-tested with little research done on them. Even the old-school JWH ones from back in the day didn't really provide the satisfying high that cannabis gives you, I don't think I enjoyed any of them compared to cannabis, that beautiful plant has evolved to tickle us in just the right ways!

Personally, I don't think I know a single person who would be interested in a 'synnie vape' to be honest, that's just my 2-cents.

What makes it so expensive to get a whole-flower extract into a vape cart? I'd imagine if you buy bulk flower you could probably produce an extract at a reasonable rate. I've done ethanol extracts from ounces of B grade flower and was amazed at how many doses were extracted.

#5 2022-04-02 11:20

Verified Vendor
Registered: 2021-12-05
Posts: 43

Re: ­

Xar777 wrote:

What makes it so expensive to get a whole-flower extract into a vape cart? I'd imagine if you buy bulk flower you could probably produce an extract at a reasonable rate. I've done ethanol extracts from ounces of B grade flower and was amazed at how many doses were extracted.


It's nowhere near as expensive as people sell it for here.  I've made my own for persy n mates but no interest in attracting attention of class b's by selling.   

There are various methods to use to make juice (IPA being one of the worst) but even if you took the more greedy rosin method, you're looking at 5 grams buds (assuming a 20% rosin extraction which is about standard if you're doing it right which you would be if you're doing it to make large amount for sale) into 3ml juice which is enough for 3 * 1ml pens. 

Using your own grown cannabis, if you run a concept of price of cannabis you'd sell for to get the same $ for juice then that's about $80 in weed for the 3ml (@ $450 per OZ, can easily go cheaper).

The cost of what you mix the rosin to create the juice can vary to a matter of cents of PG/VG mix per ml to $1-$2 for terpene oils per ml with the later being the best method. 
Empty pens you can grab for a few $ in bulk so even if you sold 1ml @ $30 via this method you'd arguably make a bigger return than selling cannabis straight @ $450. $50 is massive bank and the price people on here sell for is criminal. 

Slower methods yield more again but the strength can be harder to nail down as accurately i.e. like the ethanol method you mention.  Of course the higher bud to alcohol ratio you use, the stronger it is.   

Risk increases mostly due to it being class B but then offset by you shipping something that doesn't smell so obvious if the vacuum breaks.

Last edited by HomeGrownBudz (2022-04-02 11:20)

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