#1 2022-07-05 11:30

Verified Vendor
Registered: 2021-05-13
Posts: 303

FarmerJohns Research Chemicals Experience Report Thread

Yo so since I'm trying all the stuff I'm stocking before they go up for sale, I think it'll be interesting and beneficial to throw up a trip report for each compound.

It would also be super awesome if my customers added to the thread with their own reports.

Let's stick with the standard Erowid format. Age/weight/compounds taken/dosages taken/intermittent report updates with time signatures.

For example:

Compounds: 3-d1ckBμt, Cannabis
Age: 30
Weight: 70kg

00:00: Took 3mg 3-d1ckBμt, smoked a small joint of Cannabis.
00:14: I think I feel it, my dick tingles and my butt aches. I am eating chips and watching family guy, this is in someway related to the drug I am taking.
00:27: My dick is now a butt.
14:22: I have adjusted to life with having a dick for butt, thought I cannot recommend this drug for others. 6/10.

First one of mine up soon.

You can find me on Tor2door


Last edited by FarmerJohn (2023-07-01 16:50)

#2 2022-07-05 13:10

Verified Vendor
Registered: 2021-05-13
Posts: 303

Re: FarmerJohns Research Chemicals Experience Report Thread

Age: 30ish
Weight: 95ish kg
Compounds: Pyrazolam, Cannabis
Tolerances: Benzo: 2, Cannabis: 8/10

Disclaimer: I smoke weed 'errday and smoked consistently throughout this experience.

00:00: Took 3mg of Pyrazolam orally as a full pill.

+00:40: It feels like it's been forever but finally starting to feel something, very subtle gentle butterflies and that warm blanket feeling vaguely creeping up.

+00:55: Yeah nice, I like this, very gentle euphoria and a general chillness abounds.

+01:30: Aw shit, this is getting kind of intense. It's weirdly stimulating, I'm sweating and sort of fidgety, this almost feels like a half baked Ritalin peak. I am amped up but have zero anxiety, in fact I have negative anxiety and I am in the realm of over confidence/sense of invincibility.

+02:10: Yeah even at this pretty low dose I can tell this isn't a melting on the couch benzo, this is a "I now have zero inhibitions, fears or anxieties, and now nothing is stopping me from doing whatever I want, I am invincible and untouchable" I can imagine this being a dangerous one if you compulsive redosed haha. So far I have no urge to redose though.

+02:40: This is a very promising drug to me. It stops anxiety and makes you feel motivated to do shit.

+03:10: Past the "peak" and seem to be in the chill zone for the foreseeable future.

+05:35: Watching futurama and eating a spring roll. My spring roll tastes like the cum of god, my munchies are way more intense than normal weed munchies.

+06:40: Starting to wear off/come down and I am super lethargic and ready for sleep.

+14:10: Nice deep sleep, no hangover or grogginess. I like this drug. I can see it potentially getting super out of hand if you go over that 3mg point though. I'm going to try that next and will of course report back.

Last edited by FarmerJohn (2022-07-06 12:10)

#3 2022-07-05 21:40

Registered: 2021-01-06
Posts: 290

Re: FarmerJohns Research Chemicals Experience Report Thread

Ah man, that first review made me laugh more than it should have! Hopefully will get a sample pack soon and chuck a review up, missed out on the bromaz spray!

#4 2022-07-06 05:40

Verified Vendor
Registered: 2021-05-13
Posts: 303

Re: FarmerJohns Research Chemicals Experience Report Thread

Yeah now that I'm sober I'm making myself laugh with that one.

I will have Bromazolam again but the Pyrazolam is a pretty superior drug. And my supplier is sold out and according to them they won't be stocking Pyrazolam again any time soon, so what I have right now is all I'll have for a while.

Last edited by FarmerJohn (2022-07-06 17:00)

#5 2022-07-06 12:10

Verified Vendor
Registered: 2021-05-13
Posts: 303

Re: FarmerJohns Research Chemicals Experience Report Thread

Age: 30ish
Weight: 95ish kg
Compounds: Flunitrazolam, Cannabis
Tolerance: Benzo: 3.5, Cannabis 8/10

Disclaimer: I smoke weed 'errday and smoked consistently throughout this experience.

00:00: Took 0.25mg Flunitrazolam on an empty stomach.

+00:15: Yup feeling it, instant chill feeling and that vaguely floppy arm reduction in motor control feeling.

+00:45: Alright yeah pretty nice, I've suddenly gotten pretty tired and have found myself deep in daydreams that seem to go on for a good few minutes. General wooziness and sluggish and heavy feeling body movement.

+01:30: Pretty chill and that's about it, no anxiety and a little wooziness and slowing of motor functions, but otherwise functional. Nothing whimsical to report, I guess this is the medical dose.  But we're not about that shit here are we, this is a trip report. I'm gonna take another one.

+01:30: Took additional 0.25mg Flunitrazolam pill.

+02:20: Not much of a noticeably body high but when I stood up just now I stumbled ass-over-tit and it was a real struggle to manage to walk to the kitchen. Definite loss of motor skill and balance.

+02:40: Very talkative and happy, keep babbling shit to my girlfriend, she says I sound drunk.

+03:20: Took another pill. I'm now up to 0.5mg which is the dosage the Fanax bars are dosed at. Feels pretty damn good, super lethargic, euphoria comes and goes in between bouts of wandering mind day dreams.

+05:00(?): I honestly have no idea how many I've taken at this point, I think six. Feels pretty good, no anxiety, pretty lethargic, chilled out. But then I'm kinda just sitting here like "Yup, that's a Benzo alright" and that's it. It doesn't really have anything making itself stand out as anything special. It does what Benzos do, what can I say?

+06:50: Took one more but getting pretty over it in general so letting it wear off. I am entirely neutral on this drug, but with that said if I ever end up in a situation of having a full blown panic attack this just might be the one I reach for and trust to stop it above the other options. (I say that only because Pyrazolam takes like 45 minutes to kick in, while this is much faster).

Overall pretty good and there doesn't seem to be any bad consequences for pushing your luck with the recommended dosage. (Not that I'd condone such a thing).

Last edited by FarmerJohn (2022-07-07 11:10)

#6 2022-07-06 21:40

Registered: 2021-01-06
Posts: 290

Re: FarmerJohns Research Chemicals Experience Report Thread

The experience report thread is a really good idea, i like getting a subjective view on a chemical from someone, love a good erowid research before i get high haha. What has been the best of the RC benzos in your opinion bro?

#7 2022-07-07 11:10

Verified Vendor
Registered: 2021-05-13
Posts: 303

Re: FarmerJohns Research Chemicals Experience Report Thread

That's a very difficult question haha. It depends what you're looking for in a benzo really. It's also hard to say because I have almost literally no memory of taking Bromazolam even though I apparently went on a week long bender on it. Deschloroetizolam sucked balls. Clonazolam was great with heaps of euphoria but that isn't really what I am after in a benzo. Of the ones I can remember taking I'd say Pyrazolam is my favorite, but I stuck to 3mg of that one and didn't go way overboard with it. Maybe there's a lesson there.

Last edited by FarmerJohn (2022-07-07 11:10)

#8 2022-07-07 21:20

Registered: 2021-01-06
Posts: 290

Re: FarmerJohns Research Chemicals Experience Report Thread

Personally im all about the euphoria, hence my love of opioids! Yeah the benzo benders arent too kind on the memory. I took some of the bromazolam before a rave and after a bit of ketamine and this and that decided it would be a good idea to keep dropping them. My partners mother picked me up in her fancy little convertible and i was completely covered in mud and juuuust able to walk still hahaha! Looking at the passenger seat and footwell/ dashboard the next day it is lucky we get along well lol

#9 2022-07-15 15:00

Registered: 2021-12-16
Posts: 225

Re: FarmerJohns Research Chemicals Experience Report Thread

So my sample pack of 3x Pyrazolam 3mg and 3x Flunitrazolam 0.25mg finally arrived yesterday. Took over a week, but thats not necessarily FJ fault. Dropped 1x Pyrazolam 3mg earlier today (As well as other stuff - Dexamphetamine x20mg and DHC x360mg - I have a high opiate tolerance) and can confirm this is the most euphoric benzo I have ever tried. I was skeptical when I saw euphoric and benzo in the same sentence but quite a few people on reddit r/Drugs or r/Benzodiazepines claim the same. I know the effects I get from Dex and DHC and so I know it was not euphoria from that. Definitely an enjoyable benzo. Not sure if I would buy them that often at 12 $/Pill though when I can get Valium and Clonazepam cheaper from my local source. Nonetheless, I would definitely recommend this benzo, as well as FJ the vendor.


#10 2022-07-15 18:00

Verified Vendor
Registered: 2021-05-13
Posts: 303

Re: FarmerJohns Research Chemicals Experience Report Thread

Yeah I know they're a bit steep but they're really as cheap as I can justify just based on the risk I took importing actual pressed pills. But once those are gone they're gone, I'm not getting in anymore. I have 20 grams of Bromazolam powder to make in to pills and those will be much more reasonably priced and the only benzo I sell moving forward.

Also if you think the Pyraz is euphoric stick a Flunitz in your word hole and tell me it aint the birth of christ.

Last edited by FarmerJohn (2022-07-15 18:10)

#11 2022-07-15 18:20

Registered: 2022-07-15
Posts: 1

Re: FarmerJohns Research Chemicals Experience Report Thread

first of all, This vendor I absolutely trust, I think he actually lose a lot of money just trying to better the market with great product at realistic prices, his comms are the best around and he is very generous man, he doubled my order of AK-47 jst for being polite, and the bud was fire! Best ak ive tried, the nz post decided 2-week delivery was in order but FJ kept me informed the whole way and sent me out some free benzos around $90 bucks for free just to make it uo to me for the wait, (when it was shipped the next day) and not his fault at all.

Took the 3mg pyro felt very little so took 2 x .25 fluox after 5x hours, now drinking cause bored, I have strange reactions to pills, and there more as emergency from withdrawals, as vendor very understanding about the wagon fall off withdrawels, really great guy to deal with despite his nz post frustrations, Thank you for your advice and empathy Fj, You are a top bloke!!

#12 2022-07-15 23:10

Registered: 2021-01-06
Posts: 290

Re: FarmerJohns Research Chemicals Experience Report Thread

Have you used any of the benzo compounds without other drugs Cooked? Im on the lookout for a nice euphoric benzo at a reasonable price, just wondering if they are the same without the pharma speed ball to boost the good feelings! I missed out on the sample packs as my funding came in too slow yet again haha!

#13 2022-07-16 01:50

Verified Vendor
Registered: 2021-05-13
Posts: 303

Re: FarmerJohns Research Chemicals Experience Report Thread

Ginger you should know by now all you have to do is ask and I'd do you a sample pack. If you still want one hit me up on the market.

Edit: Set up a hidden listing only you should be able to see in my products.

Last edited by FarmerJohn (2022-07-16 01:50)

#14 2022-07-16 05:40

Registered: 2021-12-16
Posts: 225

Re: FarmerJohns Research Chemicals Experience Report Thread

gingerbreadman wrote:

Have you used any of the benzo compounds without other drugs Cooked? Im on the lookout for a nice euphoric benzo at a reasonable price, just wondering if they are the same without the pharma speed ball to boost the good feelings! I missed out on the sample packs as my funding came in too slow yet again haha!

Hey mate, nah I have not sorry. My sample pack only arrived yesterday. Ended up taking all 3x 3mg Pyrazolam pills over a 12 hour period. I am pretty confident the euphoria was from the Pyrazolam though. Taking dex and DHC is pretty common place for me - Usually a combo I take 4-5 times a week. Bad I know, but I am a polysubstance abuser and I do not have a problem with it. To be honest I do not give a fuck if anyone else has a problem with it either as I am not hurting anyone. But back to my main point. I get zero euphoria from DHC due to my opiate tolerance. Very mild euphoria from dex, but more stimulation than euphoria (Not like back when I first started taking them 10 years ago haha). With reference to the Pyrazolam the euphoria was nice, but subtly different from the euphoria you get from opiates - You will understand what I mean when you try them anyway.

I will likely take the Flunitrazolam tomorrow so will let you all know what I think of that after I eat them smile

#15 2022-07-16 10:30

Registered: 2022-07-16
Posts: 9

Re: FarmerJohns Research Chemicals Experience Report Thread

Heres my reviews of Flunitrazolam at different doses:
Age: somwhere around 25-35
Weight: 75kg
Compounds: Flunitrazolam ++5 hours later Homebrew (Codeine + Promethazine)
Tolerance: 180mg a day valium habit - taper ended in march - still probable lingering tolerance as I mixed it with Flualprazolam and bromazolam in doses up to 5mg a day throughout. Off all benzos since March - this is my first time taking some again.

I tried Flunitrazolam on 2 seperate days - Day one I dosed one pellet or .25mg before a meal then later smoked some Cannabis.

00:30+ I feel mild effects, general relaxation and decent anxiolytic properties noticed, which suprised me Feels just as sedative as Flualprazolam at a similar dose - but no where near Bromazolam, I am not stuck to my chair.

01:30+ Nothing of much to note. Fairly amnesiac for such a low dose. Feeling quite tired.

02:30+ Rolled a backstrap. I've missed the synergy benzos have with cannabis. Smoking just seems to enhance the sedative effects. Can't concentrate on the paper I am reading so I think its off to bed - Interested to see if there is lingering grogginess the next day - this was a big downside for me with Bromazolam and Flualprazolam

12:00+ Just woke up from a deep sleep. Feeling refreshed and completely sober. This is a big upside for me and I think I'll put it down to Flunitrazolam having such a short half life compared to other ultra potent benzos.


00:00+ Dosed 500ug (1 FANAX bar) with plans on redosing another 250ug pellet in a few hours along with sipping some of my Homebrew lean (2 oz, with each oz containing 105mg codeine phosphate/60mg Promethazine HCl)

00:30+ Starting to feel the effects of it take hold. Doing my daily errands and I am in a nice, calm mood. I left my wallet at home but it doesn't bother me one bit, nor does walking home and back again in the cold, rainy weather.

00:50+ The familiar warm hug of benzos is wrapping around me tightly now. I feel extremely at ease with the world but I decide to stay home as I can feel muscle relaxant properties starting to get a bit obvious now. Stumbled twice while making some tea and my girlfriend says I am slurring my words sometimes.

01:30+ Decide to redose another 250ug pallet. There is not much euphoria to speak of with this benzo, but it seems to be highly sedative and has strong muscle relaxant properties that far outweigh the anxiolytic effects - this seems like it would be suited to mix with another drug to enhance the high, so I decide to also pour up 2oz of strong homebrew lean I made the week before. I end up spilling maybe another 2oz of lean on my kitchen floor while pouring due to lack of coordination. Normally this would undoubtedly piss me off, but I am able to easily brush it aside like no big deal.

02:20+ Just over a third of a way through my muddy 600ml sprite and second dose has definitely kicked in, taking me up to 750ug. This benzo is highly hypnotic, I am struggling to keep my eyes open and I know its not because of the lean. I feel sober but I stumbled around my room so this seems to be similar to Flualprazolam in terms of delusions of sobriety, but not as Disinhibiting.

03:30+ 1/3 left of my lean. Feeling confident that this is a benzo that shines when it is mixed with another drug, which inherently makes it more risky - as there seems to be little euphoria by itself, however it is showing to be a powerful hypnotic - I cannot stop fighting off sleep or at least my eyes droopy, and I seem to be staring into space relatively often. It is also a pretty strong muscle relaxant, more-so than I anticipated. I am positively stuck in bed and getting up to pee leads me to stumble once again. Surprisingly, there is little anxiolytic effects to speak of, it seemed to peak at .25mg/250ug.

04:25+ This is a great combo. I feel slumped. One thing I have been noticing is the urge to dose higher because I feel like I am constantly on the brink of feeling euphoria, but that's why I re-dosed the first time, so I know these are just very powerful delusions of sobriety. My body is completely relaxed, none of my muscles are tense and I feel heavily sedated, like I could sink into my blankets. One thing I have noticed is that this benzo is insidiously amnesiac. I keep misplacing my phone every 5-10 minutes. Will be interesting to see how much I remember of this experience tomorrow.

5:00+ I feel confident enough now to give this benzo a real review. Flunitrazolam really seems to shine when mixed with another drug - making it inherently more dangerous, however I thoroughly enjoyed Flunitrazolam and lean more than almost any other benzo I've done it with bar Etizolam (RIP). This benzo is not particularly functional at all but not particularly suited for recreational use either. It seems one would need to do it a few different times to find a good balance to get the most therapeutic use out of it.
It is a great short acting hypnotic with good anxiolytic properties at around 250ug - a functional dose - however even at this dose there was some slurred speech.

750ug mixed with lean had me passed out at around the 9 hour mark, waking up refreshed with no hangover to speak of. However this is where the insidious properties of potent benzos started to show themselves - Very strong delusions of sobriety - on par with Flualprazolam, along with a high level of amnesiac effects during the experience, and the day after, along with strong Disinhibition - close to Alprazolam or Bromazolam.

There were a few great positives that makes me like it more than Bromazolam though - far less hypnotic and doesn't seep into the next day either due to its short half-life. Also, was sedating but didn't knock me out like Alprazolam. However, this is definitely not the best functional benzo and it had surprisingly low anxiolytic properties in comparison to the rest of it's effects profile. Not much euphoria to speak of on its own, this benzo really seems to shine when mixed. Overall this is not that functional of a benzo, unless you need it for sleep. I can also see 500ug or so being a very good benzo to use as landing gear.

Was a nice benzo to tick off the list, will have Pyrazolam review coming shortly - so far I really like it

Also big ups to FarmerJohn for supplying these to the drug nerds in NZ, and for being such a genuine and kind vendor. There isn't many left so lets cherish guys like him and treat them with respect

mdma sucks 4mmc best

#16 2022-07-16 14:20

Verified Vendor
Registered: 2021-05-13
Posts: 303

Re: FarmerJohns Research Chemicals Experience Report Thread

Well said brother, I completely agree it doesn't go well on it's own. After a few times I stopped taking it on its own and started combining with Pyraz and hero doses of weed.

I just want to stick in a quick note here re: euphoria on Benzos. Most of the people that get euphoria from them are people with anxiety disorders and stressful lives in general. Generalized Anxiety Disorder is especially the one where a good benzo will give you cum in your pants euphoria. Because imagine living day in day out in fight or flight mode, for decades, always with a creeping anxious fear that something horrible is going to happen at any moment. And then you take a pill and that decades of never ending pent up anxiety washes away. The euphoria is the relief of being free from that, not from typical drug induced euphoria. So just because you see it in an experience report it doesn't necessarily mean you will also experience euphoria, depending on personal circumstances.

Last edited by FarmerJohn (2022-07-16 14:40)

#17 2022-07-16 16:10

Registered: 2020-02-16
Posts: 175

Re: FarmerJohns Research Chemicals Experience Report Thread

This thread is piquing my interest to be honest. I like a good benzo but not enough to pay some of the crazy prices I've seen on the market. May be interested in trying these though

#18 2022-07-16 16:50

Verified Vendor
Registered: 2021-05-13
Posts: 303

Re: FarmerJohns Research Chemicals Experience Report Thread

I mentioned this in the update thread but I'll say it here too. All the money I've made on these pressed piills so far has already been reinvested in to a kick-ass pill press for myself. I also have 20 grams of Bromazolam powder in my draw. And a very special benzo that is on it's way from my supplier that I know you Valium mains are going to love. Benzos are about to get incredibly cheap and plentiful on TM, which was my goal from the start. We're near the finish line boys, no more cunts selling 5mg Diazepam for $30.

#19 2022-07-16 18:00

Registered: 2021-12-16
Posts: 225

Re: FarmerJohns Research Chemicals Experience Report Thread

m92fs wrote:

This thread is piquing my interest to be honest. I like a good benzo but not enough to pay some of the crazy prices I've seen on the market. May be interested in trying these though

Definitely give them a go mate. I highly recommend the Pyrazolam. Have not tried the Flunitrazolam yet, was planning to eat some today but managed to get my hands on some oxy so eating those today instead. Will let you know what I think of the Fanax when I try it - Either tomorrow or Monday.

#20 2022-07-16 18:00

Registered: 2021-12-16
Posts: 225

Re: FarmerJohns Research Chemicals Experience Report Thread

FarmerJohn wrote:

I mentioned this in the update thread but I'll say it here too. All the money I've made on these pressed piills so far has already been reinvested in to a kick-ass pill press for myself. I also have 20 grams of Bromazolam powder in my draw. And a very special benzo that is on it's way from my supplier that I know you Valium mains are going to love. Benzos are about to get incredibly cheap and plentiful on TM, which was my goal from the start. We're near the finish line boys, no more cunts selling 5mg Diazepam for $30.

Hey FJ, a couple of questions for you. Obviously do not have to answer if you are not comfortable to, but no harm in me trying to get an answer:

1 - How did you manage to press the Pyrazolam and Flunitrazolam into such small pills, or did you import them as pills?

2 - I do not suppose you want to tell us about the special benzo that is on its way? You have peaked my interest as Valium is my fav benzo, with Clonazepam a close second.

Thanks for going to the effort to sort these benzos and sell at reasonable prices, you are just about the only vendor on Tor Market going to the effort to do this. So as customer service goes you are definitely the top ranked vendor on Tor Market and I am sure a lot of people on here would agree with me.


#21 2022-07-16 18:50

Verified Vendor
Registered: 2021-05-13
Posts: 303

Re: FarmerJohns Research Chemicals Experience Report Thread

They were pressed in the Netherlands where it's totally legal to set up a professional industrial sized pharmaceutical factory for RCs. As tempting as it is is every single time I do an order I can just imagine my bag of pills showing up bright and obvious on a customs x-ray. So I'm sticking to powders for that reason, much less risk. I do use drop addresses but the pressed pills are way more expensive for me to source in general, so even in terms of costs of doing business they're not ideal if they get seized compared to powders.

I don't want want to say whats coming in until its past customs, sorry.

Thanks mate, nice to hear it.

Last edited by FarmerJohn (2022-07-16 18:50)

#22 2022-07-16 20:10

Registered: 2021-12-16
Posts: 225

Re: FarmerJohns Research Chemicals Experience Report Thread

FarmerJohn wrote:

They were pressed in the Netherlands where it's totally legal to set up a professional industrial sized pharmaceutical factory for RCs. As tempting as it is is every single time I do an order I can just imagine my bag of pills showing up bright and obvious on a customs x-ray. So I'm sticking to powders for that reason, much less risk. I do use drop addresses but the pressed pills are way more expensive for me to source in general, so even in terms of costs of doing business they're not ideal if they get seized compared to powders.

I don't want want to say whats coming in until its past customs, sorry.

Thanks mate, nice to hear it.

Ah yeah makes sense! I feel ya with regards to importing powders compared with pills. Whenever I do an international order I only ever do powders (Except for Modafinil pills in the past, but I was not too worried if they got seized. Either just play dumb or plead ignorance). The max quantity I ever order is an Oz of powder too (Depending on what drug I am ordering). So it usually fits in a letter.

Nah fair enough! Completely understandable. I am very excited to hear when it does make it through. I am going to go look at a heap of different benzos now and see if I can narrow down what it might be big_smile.

#23 2022-07-16 20:30

Verified Vendor
Registered: 2021-05-13
Posts: 303

Re: FarmerJohns Research Chemicals Experience Report Thread

If you message me on TM I'll tell you.

Still waiting on gingerbread to come on and his free sample too.

Last edited by FarmerJohn (2022-07-16 20:30)

#24 2022-07-17 23:30

From: ALBQ, New Mexico
Registered: 2021-09-17
Posts: 106

Re: FarmerJohns Research Chemicals Experience Report Thread

tbh like ginger id be keen on finding a euphoric benzo, im starting with these triazolam 0.25mgs ive ordered on the market but i know for sure i wont have a steady supply of em, ill have to try the pyrozalom big_smile

#25 2022-07-18 21:50

Registered: 2022-07-16
Posts: 9

Re: FarmerJohns Research Chemicals Experience Report Thread

trapmaster wrote:

tbh like ginger id be keen on finding a euphoric benzo, im starting with these triazolam 0.25mgs ive ordered on the market but i know for sure i wont have a steady supply of em, ill have to try the pyrozalom big_smile

definitely snort them bro! you'll thank me later

mdma sucks 4mmc best

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