#1 2019-05-08 07:30

Registered: 2019-04-23
Posts: 29

Deep Dot Web Seized by LE [[AVOID USING DDW LINKS]]

LE seems to really be making a dent in this whole war on drugs thing. Another news blog of the streets!
Safer communities together and all that.

Resources and links about the seizure

The seizure message reads

    This site has been seized as part of an FBI operation concerning the violation of 18 USC 1956(h) and in coordination with European law enforcement agencies acting through Europol in accordance with the law of European member states.

For those who wonder 18 USC 1956(h) refers to money laundering.

Is the seizure message legit?

I could not spot any announcement by law enforcement at the time of writing. On the one hand the mentioned money laundering charges could very well stick for a site like DDW. On the other hand DDW could have created the seizure message themselves. That seems unlikely considering that it would not fool users for long (law enforcement instantly knows it is fake and the rest would catch on later with no announcements coming from law enforcement who are otherwise very quick to overstate every single success they think they achieved in the war on drugs).

What role does money play for a non-market site such as DDW?

Deepdot (the admins of DDW) paid writers in Bitcoin (BTC) and also had ads for VPNs, online gambling and other (shady) sites for which they earned money. The money has to be cashed out one way or another and deepdot was probably not very fond doing it using his real identity. So the money laundering charges should not be a big surprise here.

Were any arrests made?

We do not know of any arrests. It is however typical that law enforcement only uses the term 'seizure' if they made no arrests, e.g. with Valhalla a few days back. So it could very well be that no DDW staff member has been arrested so far. Nevertheless, law enforcement has now a lot of data to process and use against the former staff members and also affiliated users like writers. It would be wise for these mentioned users to lay low for a while and re-consider their next steps. As we have seen with the WSM m3d3lin arrest, law enforcement can move very slowly (or lazily) even if they have all the information they need.

Seized DDW hidden service

Old Dread thread about the DDW seizure

Source; http://dreadditevelidot.onion/post/abc7d366147170103ada

Last edited by TheGuruNZ (2019-05-08 07:40)

#2 2019-05-08 21:40

Registered: 2019-05-06
Posts: 37

Re: Deep Dot Web Seized by LE [[AVOID USING DDW LINKS]]

Apparently nine people have been arrested, two people in Israel and seven in France, Germany, Netherlands and Brazil. The DDW admins were allegedly taking money from Darknet markets to list their links.

Last edited by Luifizer (2019-05-08 21:50)

#3 2019-05-12 11:20

Registered: 2019-04-03
Posts: 115

Re: Deep Dot Web Seized by LE [[AVOID USING DDW LINKS]]

Anyone able to get onto Dread forum? Since DDW went offline I can't access Dread. Anyone with insight? TIA

#4 2019-05-12 15:00

Registered: 2019-04-05
Posts: 10

Re: Deep Dot Web Seized by LE [[AVOID USING DDW LINKS]]

NZanabolics wrote:

Anyone able to get onto Dread forum? Since DDW went offline I can't access Dread. Anyone with insight? TIA

r/DreadAlert on reddit puts out fresh mirror links each day, currently none of them are working but it updates regularly.

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