#1 2021-09-01 19:40

Registered: 2021-09-01
Posts: 3

Product Received

Hey team,

I have been able to source some small amount 5g of cola to here from a mate overseas and am sceptical if my address has been burned before i do another order.

Any tell tale signs of me being correct? Or am i just being paranoid about the whole thing.

If i was too order another 5 shouldnt be any issues aye

#2 2021-09-02 13:10

Registered: 2021-07-10
Posts: 60

Re: Product Received

Remember that I think Auckland 17yo school student who was importing and customs forwarded packages of drugs that they found to his and his friend's address and kept monitoring mail to those addresses, picking up his subsequent packages till finally doing a search and busting him/them so I guess... I guess you can never be sure

#3 2021-09-02 22:10

Registered: 2021-02-04
Posts: 16

Re: Product Received

Damn, you got a link or more info so I can google that zac? Sounds pretty sketchy, would definitely be keen to read more about that.

In general though if it's a few grams I don't think they're going to care even if they did find it. And if there's no evidence of tampering that's also a good sign. Can never be too careful though sounds like!

#4 2021-09-02 23:00

Registered: 2021-07-10
Posts: 60

Re: Product Received

Search Elias Valentin Smith parents-see-son-jailed-for-operating-dark-net-criminal-enterprise-from-their-home

#5 2021-09-05 16:40

Registered: 2021-07-10
Posts: 60

Re: Product Received

Actually reading the article again https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/parents-see-son-jailed-for-operating-dark-net-criminal-enterprise-from-their-home/BBSWM6YV4K7HSI2K7QSM6OGR6U/ I think I misread it, it says that multiple packages were intercepted but never states that they were forwarded to the guy's address, maybe that would never happen. But perhaps it suggests that something might be intercepted but you wouldn't get a love letter about it, it'd just disappear and your address would go on the watched list

#6 2021-09-05 21:50

Registered: 2021-02-04
Posts: 16

Re: Product Received

Thanks, yeah interesting article, but would guess it's the second option you described. As soon as one package no shows the address should be considered burnt IMO, regardless of if it was explicitly seized or not.

Play stupid games win stupid prizes as they say.

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