#1 2021-09-10 21:00

Registered: 2019-05-02
Posts: 9

Why do vendors leave?

I haven't been on the market for a while and it seems all my once-loved vendors have disappeared. Just curious if there are any ex-vendors here that could share a reason for them leaving.

Is it likely that these vendors may have been... compromised?

#2 2021-09-13 00:40

Verified Vendor
Registered: 2020-12-20
Posts: 5

Re: Why do vendors leave?

Some vendors will make new accounts for opsec.

#3 2021-09-13 01:10

Verified Vendor
Registered: 2020-08-12
Posts: 53

Re: Why do vendors leave?

Read the dark net bible. 16 months is a reasonable time to hold a particular account before it needs changing.

Home grown was an original OG vendor and he's disappeared hopefully to take a break "like we just have for the last couple of months before it's worth starting up again" it's not an easy business to be in, it takes a mental and physical toll on your body you need to be 100% on your game all the time no mistake, not even the tiniest little slip up..

Good to see a lot of new vendors coming through but most won't last. I know a few that will bit won't mention usernames but there feedback speaks for themselves. You need to get good or get caught. Only 2 choices and there you're to make

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