#1 2021-12-07 12:30

Registered: 2020-12-13
Posts: 37

Cheaper Ketamine

Does any vendor ever list ketamine for a better price? Crazy how expensive it is and its a class C drug. I guess it has to do with the low demand. Would love to see some around the same price as the MDMA on here. One can dream i guess.

#2 2021-12-07 20:40

Registered: 2021-03-23
Posts: 85

Re: Cheaper Ketamine

Yes NZLDD has S iso for 200/g which is cheaper than their cola mdma crystals.

Both are amazing quality.

I think the addictive quality of Ketamine might also have something to do with the price.

#3 2021-12-08 10:40

Registered: 2020-12-13
Posts: 37

Re: Cheaper Ketamine

Im meaning more bulk buying.

An oz of MDMA works out to be $125 per gram. Cheapest ketamine on the market is $147 per gram if you get an oz.

Ketamine definitely does not have an addictive quality. Obviously everything enjoyable can be addictive but ketamine is not even close to say, opiates, nicotine, benzos and stimulants when it comes to addiction potential.

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