#1 2022-03-20 00:00

Registered: 2022-02-12
Posts: 84

Do you think LE can see hidden listings?

I see that you can view the profiles of buyer and vendor accounts from any account once you have the URL. They seem to be randomly generated, and so do listings including hidden listings, so you would think it might be infeasible to guess them. But it is known that governments run exit nodes. If these exit nodes picked up someone visiting a buyer or vendor account page or a hidden listing would they get the URL? I don't know if tor encrypts that kind of thing, I would have thought the exit node would know the destination URL? Because then you could guess that between the exit nodes run by the Five Eyes, Nine Eyes, 14 Eyes they'd pick up the URLs for a lot of buyer and vendor accounts and hidden listings.

#2 2022-03-21 11:30

Verified Vendor
Registered: 2019-03-31
Posts: 716

Re: Do you think LE can see hidden listings?

It is good you are thinking about these security aspects. When visiting clearnet sites , the exit node can read the traffic. This is a big problem for http sites, hence why TorBrowser has a plugin/extension called  "HTTPS Everywhere". But when browsing onion sites, there is no exit node and no tor relay can see the traffic or even tell what type of traffic it is.

With hidden listings, there is a plan to allow vendors to configure a buyer name who can view the product and then that buyer will be able to see the product via normal searches/browsing. This is needed because right now the info to access hidden listings must be conveyed with messaging, so is not user friendly or convenient.

#3 2022-03-21 20:30

Registered: 2022-02-12
Posts: 84

Re: Do you think LE can see hidden listings?

Sounds like a great plan, so then even if LE got the url of a hidden listing they wouldn't be able to see what it was or track how many sales it had from watching the available quantity dropping etc

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