#1 2022-05-28 00:20

Registered: 2021-03-31
Posts: 49


Looking for a local source for high quality crack cocaine?

#2 2022-05-28 05:50

Registered: 2022-02-12
Posts: 84

Re: Crack

puristinnz was selling it on ASAP and I got a gram and it was fine, but he hasn't been online there since 5/12, i messaged him yesterday and no reply. he also has an account on darkfox which was last logged in to on the 25th... but he has not sold a single item there. he was also talking about setting up on alphabay

#3 2022-05-28 22:50

Registered: 2021-03-31
Posts: 49

Re: Crack

Yeah i got it a couple of times off him but it looks like he may have gone AWOL just as i was about to place another order!

#4 2022-05-29 07:40

Registered: 2022-02-12
Posts: 84

Re: Crack

Well I suppose if you make an order on ASAP and he doesn't log in and accept it then it'll autocancel after a while, if you can afford it and you're not worried that he might try and do some exit scammy business. He still hasn't logged in or replied to me

#5 2022-06-23 05:20

Registered: 2022-02-12
Posts: 84

Re: Crack

Just checked again and purist still hasn't logged into ASAP since 12/5 so I suppose he's vanished

#6 2022-06-24 20:00

Registered: 2021-01-06
Posts: 290

Re: Crack

Yeah i was trying to keep that under my hat as i like the products

#7 2022-06-24 22:50

Registered: 2021-01-06
Posts: 290

Re: Crack

Did you have it tested FJ? I must admit i was suspicious when everything else turned out to be RCs! Having said that, i did enjoy it, but i like to know what im putting in my body where possible, so thank you for the information!
Thank god we have prohibition to protect us, leaving anyone who chooses to use drugs with an unregulated supply! 
....Suppose i could just spend the ten grand on an Oz of coke with no test results and make it myself!

#8 2022-07-15 16:50

Registered: 2022-07-15
Posts: 1

Re: Crack

and where would we be sourcing that FJ

#9 2022-07-16 21:00

Registered: 2021-03-23
Posts: 85

Re: Crack

FarmerJohn, can you source 5--MAPB? Ive never heard of it but if you think its the best party drug then im keen to give it a go

#10 2022-07-17 00:20

Registered: 2021-12-16
Posts: 254

Re: Crack

Can confirm 5-MAPB is fuckin awesome. Best comparison would be like super molly.

#11 2022-07-26 22:30

Registered: 2021-03-31
Posts: 49

Re: Crack

Resorted to cooking my own crack since its become rare to come by. I have been getting good quality rocks from it, just wondering if anyone had any hot tips, increasing yield, potency etc?
Iv been heating water with coke then adding bicarb, cooking it until oil forms, then scooping it out to cool.
Are there many smokers here? I use copper steelo stuff and a glass pipe, do you guys melt it into the chore befor you hit it or just blast the rock? Heat the copper directly or the glass?

#12 2022-07-27 02:10

Registered: 2022-02-12
Posts: 84

Re: Crack

I did some with baking soda, was ok, then tried some with ammonia... I only did that once and fucked it up but it looked promising. Thought I'd just let someone else cook up the crack properly in bulk for me in future and I'll buy it, though I suppose if it's not available... I can't believe puristin's crack was a research chem, haha. To make ammonia you can get household ammonia which has soap and crap in it and put it in a sealed jar, and put a shot glass with a bit of water into the jar in the ammonia, within a few hours the water in the shot glass will have absorbed a lot of ammonia and be very basic (I used too much of the ammonia when I tried it).

I sort of got advice on how to smoke it from asking on 4chan /b/ cos I know a lot of people on there are from countries where crack is more common, got a lot of abuse, but some people helped me, now you'd probably get better advice asking on bluelight... but my method is... steelo in the glass pipe (copper better? possibly, possibly irrelevant, to me it seemed like the crack just sits on top of the steelo), point it up at the roof and sprinkle some in there and then take the first drag with it pointed at the roof, after that it sticks in place. I used to use a normal lighter but found a jet flame lighter works just as well. I read some guy somewhere saying that for smoking crack you should have the very tip of the flame (this is for a normal lighter) just gently pulling into the end of the pipe ie not too much heat. I read somewhere that you should rotate the pipe as you smoke it, I ended up rotating it 1/3 inbetween each hit.

After the pipe's been used quite a bit I use a fairly large blow torch to cook any residue, using a huge blow torch is good it seems to need the heat.

But yea bluelight provids: https://bluelight.org/xf/threads/crack-cocaine-freebase-mega-thread.505283/

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