#1 2022-07-22 20:20

Registered: 2021-12-05
Posts: 47

Cannabis pricing on TM.

There is quite a nice range of pricing at the moment due to quite a bit of supply but wow some of the pricing is fucking insane for top end quality weed. 

Half OZs for over $400
Full Ozs for $650 

Yes, it's some really nice quality weed by the looks of it but no weed is worth anywhere near those sort of prices. 
Is it a marketing ploy then for those who are incredibly cashed up to make them think they are getting far superior quality to anything cheaper?   

Understandable if there was nothing else around - supply vs demand but that's not the case.
An OZ should never cost more than $500 on here imo regardless of how awesome the quality is because at the end of the day it's the same damn active constituents in each plant with a different mix up and the rest can be terpene profiles etc. 

Still not worth that sort of pricing though. 

So question - is anyone buying for these sort of prices and if so ... why?

#2 2022-07-22 22:00

Registered: 2019-11-18
Posts: 5

Re: Cannabis pricing on TM.

I just take a tolerance break when it's only those bullshit prices around; not supporting that shit.

#3 2022-07-23 15:50

Registered: 2022-07-17
Posts: 15

Re: Cannabis pricing on TM.

I've seen an ounce get sold for $1000 dollars on TM last year.

#4 2022-07-23 17:30

Registered: 2020-02-16
Posts: 186

Re: Cannabis pricing on TM.

Man, now you know how us opiate users feel all the dam time!

#5 2022-07-23 20:50

Registered: 2021-12-05
Posts: 47

Re: Cannabis pricing on TM.

There is actually a lot there and the prices vary a lot. 
Quality dictates pricing and that's fair enough I guess but not to this degree since it's THC at the end of the day and the end result is not going to be a $300+ swing in pricing unless you're really cashed up and just don't give a fuck. 

I mean I was more curious to know people who do pay $600+ when there is plenty of decent product for $300-500 - do you feel you get value for money when in the end you still just get stoned? 

The difference between what I sell for $320-$420 compared to $600+ I'd challenge even that some of what I'm seeing is probably worse quality. 
I adjust my pricing as I move through my seasonal supply and as they buds get smaller etc. the prices goes down.

#6 2022-07-23 23:50

Registered: 2021-01-06
Posts: 290

Re: Cannabis pricing on TM.

m92fs wrote:

Man, now you know how us opiate users feel all the dam time!

Too true bro!

#7 2022-07-25 11:10

Registered: 2019-04-30
Posts: 122

Re: Cannabis pricing on TM.

Personally, I'm happy to pay anywhere in the range of $350 - $550 for an Oz of high grade flower. I agree that $600+ is getting up there unless it's some absolutely fire weed. I did a quick and dirty calculation of the all the current market prices and the average price of an Oz works out to be:

$490. Sounds about right.

As a daily medical user (mostly) I need strong stuff, the cheaper stuff just never gets me there, end up having to use like 3-4x as much flower so therefor actually end up losing money in the long run. At the end of the day what your paying for is trichomes/keif as that's where the majority of the actives are and I believe the right way to price is based on the quantity and quality of the trichomes.. When I grind high quality flower I expect my grinder to get full of keif...

Right now, I'm vaping the very fine toxic from T0xicR1pp3r and one bowl keeps me good for like 3 hours. Really nice flower and it's just dripping in trichomes so it's well worth the ~$550 price tag.

Honestly though, the weed market right now is awesome for us buyers, so much choice and a range of prices. I *really* appreciate the vendors on TM, you folk are awesome and I hope you make some good coin to feed your families, it's rough out there these days with the price of living/inflation/etc. I had this discussion with my old man the other day, he's an old school stoner and still expects weed to be $350 an Oz, it aint the 1980's anymore. To be fair though he only smokes big fat joints of outdoor so I think $350 is about right for that, I gave him some of my high grade and he was floored hah.

Side Note: I'd love some of the growers out there to do some batches of high CBD/THC strains, something with at least 2-5% CBD would be awesome (but still high levels of THC too)

#8 2022-07-25 12:50

Registered: 2022-07-13
Posts: 7

Re: Cannabis pricing on TM.

I second some higher CBD strains!

Would love to try some of these without having to buy CBD separately.

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