#1 2022-08-07 00:40

Registered: 2020-08-14
Posts: 47

All sources have had the meth that does not have a high

Hey guys  just wondering what is up with the meth scene have seen that every vendor has had the meth that doesnt get you high even my real life sources have had that? What is going on?

#2 2022-08-07 16:50

Registered: 2022-07-21
Posts: 6

Re: All sources have had the meth that does not have a high

Hey King,

NzGeneralStore is a new vendor - we have a listing for Ice which is produced internationally and of great quality based on the reviews from others. Given we're new vendors we have no feedback at the moment but have just proceed our first sale for this product so you can expect a review on it sometime soon (assuming they leave feed back).

I'm not overly experienced in the area but from what i've heard, all the good local cooks are in jail - byproducts are constantly getting harder to get meaning cooks extracting what they need from filth and depending on how good your local sources are product is often stepped on to increase margins.

So if you're keen to give us a try i would highly recommend it, otherwise keep an eye out until we get some reviews in then make a decision to try what we have to offer.

Cheers n Beers

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