#1 2023-01-27 14:10

Registered: 2023-01-27
Posts: 2

Product review MrGoodBudsHalcion (Triazolam 0.25mg)

General Information

Vendor Name: MrGoodBuds
Product/s reviewed: Halcion (Triazolam 0.25mg)
Price before shipping (NZD): $350.00 for 2020
Shipping cost: $13
Price per unit: $17.50/20

Customer Service

Score: 5/5

[X]  Superb: Polite, prompt, ensures satisfaction
[  ]  Good: Professional, exhibits customer care
[  ]  Satisfactory: Adequate responses, resolved issue
[  ]  Marginal: Subpar communication, partial resolution
[  ]  Bad: Poor communication, no resolution
[  ]  Awful: Abusive responses, no resolution

Product Quality

Score: 5/5

[X]  Highest purity - highly potent
[  ]  Mostly pure - potent
[  ]  Minor cut or impurity - strong
[  ]  Cut and/or impure - medium to weak
[  ]  Almost entirely cut - very weak
[  ]  Possibly bunk - no effect

Processing Speed

Score: 5/5

[X]  Processed & marked shipped in 24hrs
[  ]  Processed & marked shipped in 48 hrs
[  ]  Processed & marked shipped in 72 hrs
[  ]  Package is late
[  ]  Package is very late
[  ]  Never received package

Price Value

Score: 5/5

[X]  Excellent - great value & low cost
[  ]  Moderate - worthy value & fair cost
[  ]  At-market - neither good nor bad
[  ]  Below-market - so-so value, high cost
[  ]  Exorbitant - low value, excessive cost
[  ]  Rip-off - little-to-no value, unjustified cost

Stealth & OpSec

Score: 4/5

[X]  Vacuum-sealed
[X]  Mylar bag/non-porous container
[X]  Decoy/misdirection
[X]  Low package profile
[X]  Good OpSec/PGP

Total score

25 out of 25 for 100%.

Additional review notes

Outstanding product and service
(Free Xanax Bonus)

Last edited by elle1245 (2023-01-27 14:10)

#2 2023-02-05 20:40

Verified Vendor
Registered: 2023-01-18
Posts: 52

Re: Product review MrGoodBudsHalcion (Triazolam 0.25mg)

What's Triazolam like in comparison to say alprazolam / clonazepam or any other benzo in your opinion

#3 2023-02-16 00:20

Registered: 2023-01-27
Posts: 2

Re: Product review MrGoodBudsHalcion (Triazolam 0.25mg)

I find it hits much faster and intense but with a shorter half life.
The downside is tolerance builds really quick so you have to be careful.
When I’m after an immediate chill out break one in half snort half drop half for a good evening.
I seem to feel better the next day after taking other benzos no idea why
The closest I would compare it to would be like a fast acting clonaz

#4 2023-02-17 17:00

Verified Vendor
Registered: 2023-01-18
Posts: 52

Re: Product review MrGoodBudsHalcion (Triazolam 0.25mg)

Niceeeee ty

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