#1 2023-05-20 18:30

Registered: 2023-04-11
Posts: 9

heroin addiction

Hey everyone.

i was 8 years sober. This month i have smoked 3 gs of heroin in 17 days. I smoked the last of it today.. just wondering how long before the withdrawls come at full force? . Any experinced H users here?.
what do you guys usually use for withdrawls. any help please. i dont really wanna buy again.

#2 2023-05-20 23:00

Registered: 2023-04-03
Posts: 166

Re: heroin addiction

Ah thats a cunt man. But a relapse doesnt have to mean the end of your sobriety, just a bump in the road. I have honestly felt like kratom stopped me from using more than anything else, doesnt feel like just swapping one drug for another as i see it differently, its a plant medicine sort of thing! It doesnt get you mega high, but helps with cravings and fills the psychological hole. Id look into that and in the mean time a stint of benzos can help with the worst of it, or switching to a short run of extended release opioid medication to slow the exit from the bloodstream.  just easy to get dependent on either of them too. My biggest problem was always staying off alcohol, and i kicked that again after a multiple month relapse, so it can be done man. WDs depend on your metabolism and use etc so different for everyone. Heroin has a really short half life, then its metabolites. Nasty few days, followed by a shitty week but then you are walking uphill towards the sunlight!!
Not fun man but remember, opioid withdrawals wont kill you -booze or benzo WDs can!- but getting a bag with a clump of fentanyl or iso in it will knock you off pretty fucking quick. Hang in there and feel free to sing out for support

#3 2023-05-23 23:30

Registered: 2023-05-06
Posts: 10

Re: heroin addiction

How you going mate? Id imagine your in the thick of it not but you should be coming good in the next day or so. Remember that the worst will be over soon

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