#1 2023-07-17 02:10

Registered: 2023-06-05
Posts: 8

Underbelly mdma potential cut?

First let me start off by saying that I’m not accusing Underbelly of cutting or knowingly sell cut product, I am just trying to figure out what is in the product other than mdma.

I tested the product with my mdma reagent test kit which consists of simons A and B, ferhode and marquis. All reagents gave the appropriate colour to indicate that the product was mdma. As the product was in powder form I decided to recrystallise it using the water crystallisation method. In attempts to yield the clearest crystals I could, I first acetone washed the product. The acetone wash didn’t seem to remove any acetone soluble impurities even after two washes, so it was on to dissolving the mdma in water. After dissolving the product in water I began to notice an unknown white powder sitting at the bottom of my flask, even after using plenty of water to ensure there was enough water to have the mdma fully dissolve. So I am 100 percent sure this mysterious white powder was not mdma. After passing the mdma and water solution through a filter I noticed that the white powder was caught in the filter. I haven’t got a way to test what this white powder is, although I know it isn’t mdma or any other hydrochloride salt for that matter otherwise it would have dissolved in the water and passed through the filter. So does anyone know what this acetone insoluble and water insoluble white powder is. Could it be a cut or could this be a left over precursor from synthesis?

Last edited by bobthebuilder (2023-07-17 02:10)

#2 2023-07-17 16:00

Registered: 2021-03-23
Posts: 63

Re: Underbelly mdma potential cut?

You should get it tested at know your stuff or a needle exchange or something. if you live in/near a city you should be able to find one, look up know your stuffs website and they should have the info

#3 2023-07-17 23:40

Registered: 2023-06-05
Posts: 8

Re: Underbelly mdma potential cut?

Yeah UlrkiaMonkey a proper lab test would be ideal but not practical for me due to location. Would be great if someone has already taken a sample of this product to get tested and could share the results. If I get around to getting it tested myself, I will post the results on this forum for you all.

#4 2023-07-18 02:20

Registered: 2023-05-05
Posts: 30

Re: Underbelly mdma potential cut?

which batch of mdma? most recent one or earlier?

#5 2023-07-18 04:00

Registered: 2023-06-05
Posts: 8

Re: Underbelly mdma potential cut?

The most recent batch

#6 Yesterday 01:20

Registered: 2023-05-05
Posts: 30

Re: Underbelly mdma potential cut?

Recent lab tests on that batch come back at ninety to ninety five percent mdma and five  to ten percent uncertain oil. The uncertain oil would be leftover precursor from synth and synthesis byproduct.Not sure if that would be presenting as what you are describing though.

#7 Yesterday 04:40

Registered: 2023-06-05
Posts: 8

Re: Underbelly mdma potential cut?

No I don’t believe the oils are what I’m coming across either. To my knowledge the acetone wash should remove any left over oils. Perhaps you could try dissolving in water with a gram or so if you wanted to conduct your own little “experiment” to try and replicate what I am seeing.

#8 Yesterday 08:30

Registered: 2023-05-05
Posts: 30

Re: Underbelly mdma potential cut?

We have a new load arriving now from the same batch (its all sold out to bulk customers, so wont make it onto the market). Ill have the team try it out.

#9 Yesterday 19:40

Registered: 2023-05-07
Posts: 3

Re: Underbelly mdma potential cut?

I heard that underbellly is involved in human trafficking as part of some international cartel.

#10 Yesterday 20:50

Verified Vendor
Registered: 2023-03-22
Posts: 36

Re: Underbelly mdma potential cut?

I guarantee you their stuff is cut. These guys have no morals

SC UPDATE 18/07/2023


#11 Yesterday 21:10

Registered: 2023-06-05
Posts: 8

Re: Underbelly mdma potential cut?

Underbelly wrote:

We have a new load arriving now from the same batch (its all sold out to bulk customers, so wont make it onto the market). Ill have the team try it out.

Thank you. Hopefully by doing that we can determine wether this is an isolated case or not. Would be helpful if someone else on this forum could do the same.

#12 Yesterday 21:20

Registered: 2023-06-05
Posts: 8

Re: Underbelly mdma potential cut?

Secretchiefs wrote:

I guarantee you their stuff is cut. These guys have no morals

I have read some posts from other users on the subject of this vendors morals. I am trying to be open minded about it as anyone could start talking down on a vendor to try interrupt sales and diminish reputation. Because after all this is a forum for illegal activity. But I’m aware that low prices usually point to lack of morals and what not, even with legal items. Hence the reason why treating this the way I am - with skepticism and a few grains of salt.

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