#1 2023-12-11 11:20

Registered: 2023-12-11
Posts: 21

Incognito down - order in limbo somewhere - paging dutchimports

Has anyone got something stuck somewhere in limbo with incognito trouble?

Or anyone got any updates on dutchimports? (think I've seen this vendor commenting here in the past)

I was (am) waiting for something from dutchimports - FE on Friday arvo (usually from this vendor would be saturday delivery) - noticed over the weekend they switched to 'vacation mode' and hadn't signed on when I last checked in. The tracking number they sent wasn't recognised and now I can't access it...

UPDATE: Vendor has a few recent reviews all saying the same thing. Looks like an exit scam. Caveat Emptor I suppose but damn that's fucking annoying.

Last edited by unsurename (2023-12-11 15:40)

#2 2023-12-11 12:50

Registered: 2022-11-02
Posts: 11

Re: Incognito down - order in limbo somewhere - paging dutchimports

mate ive just sent a stack of coin to the wallet and now i cant access. This is after wating 40 hours for the confirmations.....

#3 2023-12-11 13:20

Registered: 2023-12-11
Posts: 21

Re: Incognito down - order in limbo somewhere - paging dutchimports

basshed go take a look at the incognito sub dread one of the site admins has posted an update. Fixing a critical issue apparently. We'll see where it ends up.

There are a few things happening here none of which alone would worry me but the fact that all of them coincided give me cause for concern.

#4 2023-12-11 13:30

Registered: 2023-09-08
Posts: 47

Re: Incognito down - order in limbo somewhere - paging dutchimports

Seems a bit fishy to me that one of the only Finalize Early vendors dutchimports switches to Vacation Mode with no warning or notice to its customers.

The site is now down

Order levels would be hitting critical mass 2 weeks out from Xmas, if there is some potential exit scam in the making its perfect timing but thats just hearsay, with no factual evidence to back up.

Seems pretty odd IMO

#5 2023-12-11 15:00

Registered: 2022-11-02
Posts: 11

Re: Incognito down - order in limbo somewhere - paging dutchimports

aaaaaand its back online

#6 2023-12-11 15:10

Registered: 2023-12-11
Posts: 21

Re: Incognito down - order in limbo somewhere - paging dutchimports

Great to see them committed to still existing.

Query remains as to dutchimports sudden holiday, my missing package and the non-functional tracking number...

#7 2023-12-11 16:00

Registered: 2023-12-11
Posts: 21

Re: Incognito down - order in limbo somewhere - paging dutchimports

A number of recent feedback entries for this vendor describe the same experience. Raised a support ticket on it with Incog and they closed it without a reply within about 10 minutes.

Annoying but I suppose that is the risk of playing the game - and of agreeing to FE terms.

Could be nothing but a coincidence but the timing of this is pretty interesting (as commented by someone else above): one of the only FE vendors scams out and goes on vacation just before Incognito having technical issues; in the context of accusations made on this forum previously that Incognito admins have played some part in sharp practice in the market competition in NZ.

Last edited by unsurename (2023-12-11 16:10)

#8 2023-12-11 16:20

Registered: 2023-09-08
Posts: 47

Re: Incognito down - order in limbo somewhere - paging dutchimports


FE shouldnt exist, but if you are consistent vendor, who actually ships overnight, they should be maybe have an auto finalize of 3 days or so.

It is strange to go on vacation mode and say nothing.

#9 2023-12-11 16:30

Registered: 2023-09-08
Posts: 47

Re: Incognito down - order in limbo somewhere - paging dutchimports

You make a reasonable point, its better than having orders rolling it and not being accepted / or posted etc...

In that it also would only take another 30 seconds to write a quick message on there home page.

Unless there is some kind of automated vacation mode activated if you have not logged on as a vendor for X amount of time.

#10 2023-12-11 16:30

Registered: 2023-12-11
Posts: 21

Re: Incognito down - order in limbo somewhere - paging dutchimports

"for all we know old mates Mum just died"

I would be willing to entertain this idea if only one of the list of things had happened.

But the fake tracking number thing - to multiple buyers - especially does not look good. And the reviews suggesting missing parcels over a period of about a week at this point.

Editing to add a thought, based on FarmerJohn's comment - perhaps the vendor has come to the attention of the authorities? This might explain them shutting up shop with no notice as well as the exit scam theory might. I'd be interested to hear from someone with more knowledge on the processes involved than myself whether / how this might result in genuine tracking numbers not being logged by delivery agents? This has implications for the integrity of the addresses of those affected.

Last edited by unsurename (2023-12-11 17:30)

#11 2023-12-11 18:20

Registered: 2023-12-11
Posts: 21

Re: Incognito down - order in limbo somewhere - paging dutchimports

Thanks for the insight. When you say "the timing would line up" what do you mean?

What I was imagining was some arrangement by which the packages were being passed from delivery people to authorities before labels were scanned / numbers logged in the tracking system. I was wondering if this would be enough to produce the 'no such tracking number' error that appears to have been seen by a few people in this situation.

I was imagining this being early in an investigation rather than after LE have control over the whole infrastructure. I mean if they did have control over it what would they have to gain by vacationing it? And engaging in activities that look from the outside like exit / selective scamming? Surely they would have more to gain by letting the packages go out and seeing what happens to them? And in recent times this vendor listed and sold a number of new products. A few packages going awol might have tipped the vendor off that things were getting hot.

I'm still leaning toward intentional non-honouring of agreements. There's just too much circumstantial stuff pointing in that direction for me. Also as you say the police have some very intelligent people working for them and would be unlikely to be so clumsy as to tip the vendor off to their attention in this manner. I just want to weigh up the chances of address compromise.

Last edited by unsurename (2023-12-11 18:20)

#12 2023-12-12 14:20

Registered: 2023-01-12
Posts: 33

Re: Incognito down - order in limbo somewhere - paging dutchimports

Having a similar issue with another vendor regarding the tracking number. However this vendor is still online and contacting me and has no FE

#13 2023-12-12 14:30

Registered: 2023-01-12
Posts: 33

Re: Incognito down - order in limbo somewhere - paging dutchimports

I have had a few of those in the past too but this one was supposedly sent on thursday or friday last week and has no update whatsoever. Im trying to be calm about it but there is a slight concern something is wrong

#14 2023-12-12 14:40

Registered: 2023-12-11
Posts: 21

Re: Incognito down - order in limbo somewhere - paging dutchimports

Re. dutchimports: yeah fair enough that it can't be said 100% exit scam quite yet. I think there is grounds to be sure that there is a dishonest actor in the mix though. Multiple no-show packages and more than one unrecognised tracking number followed by out of the blue shut down of operations doesn't look good.

Hope your issue gets fixed Remphan.

#15 2023-12-12 14:50

Registered: 2023-01-12
Posts: 33

Re: Incognito down - order in limbo somewhere - paging dutchimports

The one thing i have in my favor is that someone yesterday left a review saying they got their pack. so they are sending out, hopefully its just been lost in the post system and is taking a very long time to arrive for whatever reason. this Dutchie stuff happening at the same time just makes it seem more concerning i guess.

I ordered alot from dutchie in the past and it would be a awful shame to know he exit scammed.

#16 2023-12-15 21:20

Registered: 2023-01-12
Posts: 33

Re: Incognito down - order in limbo somewhere - paging dutchimports

OK can update by saying as of yesterday the order arrived. Seems at Xmas the posties arent fully clearing red boxes and if they are its maybe low prioirtyso they arent being scanned in right away/ being days to be picked up. I dont know if that helps with these Dutchie orders but seems to be the problem with mine.

Best of luck everyone else

#17 2023-12-15 22:10

Registered: 2023-12-11
Posts: 21

Re: Incognito down - order in limbo somewhere - paging dutchimports

Glad to hear you got your delivery Remphan.

Nothing of mine yet and dutchimports still hasn't been online and has had a few extra 1* 'no show' reviews. I'm not hopeful.

Waiting now on another order I placed on Tuesday 'overnight shipping' which still hasn't arrived. I don't think this one is a scam but fuck me are the options poor atm.

Last edited by unsurename (2023-12-15 22:10)

#18 2023-12-17 18:10

Registered: 2022-11-22
Posts: 51

Re: Incognito down - order in limbo somewhere - paging dutchimports

Strange for a few reasons : was certainly becoming one of the best vendors as far as range , price , reliability , fast shipping .

, to seriously milk a exit scam - surely trading up till closer to new years would have been more lucrative.

,someone was trying to impersonate them in the forum

, forum users have had their incog accounts/passwords hacked and taken over

,standard behavior by the vendor up to a point very reliable , I did find it weird that the reason they changed to FE was they were top 10 vendors in the world? i don't think thats accurate as far as bigger vendors doing more turn over , im pretty sure some of the biggest don't have/ require FE.

,sure vendor would have stated their holiday closing dates .

,thinking the account got taken over involuntary.  Both ruins the rep and steals a good chunk of coin whilst keeping the vendor unable to contact buyers. i.e sabotage

Last edited by sumdots69 (2024-01-04 18:50)

#19 2023-12-17 22:50

Registered: 2023-12-11
Posts: 21

Re: Incognito down - order in limbo somewhere - paging dutchimports

Yes it does seem very strange. The impersonation theory is a reasonable one but if true I would say it only happened very recently. Like as soon as the account got taken over the scamming started. I dealt with the vendor both before and after switching to FE and the products, communication and packaging was identical throughout down to the littlest details.

I had had the same thought about the top 10 vendor thing but thought that maybe they had several connected vendor accounts operating in different locations. It is the FE arrangement in particular alongside the market admin's rapid closing of the report without comment that made me wonder if there was some closer relationship beween the vendor and the market than the standard one.

I had a look through comment histories and the dutchimports and nzimport accounts both seem to be associated with this vendor. What makes you think someone was trying to impersonate them? From the manner of communication both of these seem about right.

I agree that this would appear to be a pretty anticlimactic exit scam given the amount this vendor was turning over. One idea I had that was that there was more than one person running the darkweb operation and one of them went rogue.

#20 2024-03-07 21:20

Registered: 2023-12-11
Posts: 21

Re: Incognito down - order in limbo somewhere - paging dutchimports

Just bringing this dead thread back to life in the context of recent events to suggest that this was a strong signal of what was coming. Possibly the first.

I thought as much at the time, but it seems clear now.

Possibly useful knowledge for judgment of future marketplace behaviour.

Last edited by unsurename (2024-03-07 21:30)

#21 2024-03-08 17:50

Registered: 2022-11-22
Posts: 51

Re: Incognito down - order in limbo somewhere - paging dutchimports

One of pharaoh's cohorts??

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