#1 2024-02-22 11:20

Registered: 2023-09-08
Posts: 47

Bromazolam? Is it the way to go ?

Im a relatively frequent benzo user, switching between clonazepam, diazepam and lorazepam.

The vendors in NZ are to expensive, and ive had a couple of packages seized recently

Is Bromazolam the cheaper alternative ? How safe is it ?

Predominantly for help with sleep or coming down off a cocaine bender?

Cheers for any info

#2 2024-02-22 12:50

From: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Registered: 2021-05-13
Posts: 838

Re: Bromazolam? Is it the way to go ?

Kinda biased since I'm the main one that sells it but I'll try and be unbiased.

>Is Bromazolam the cheaper alternative

Yes. From me I keep it as close to or as below $1 per mg as I can. Can't speak for other vendors, but RCs are always cheaper than pharma.

>How safe is it ?

Depends what you mean by safe. Is it addictive and will potentially destroy your life? Yeah like every other benzo. If you mean in terms of shitty synthesis or being cut with fent, I personally have mine tested here in NZ to make sure it is what it was sold to me as and that that is all it is. In the three years I've been doing this I've never had a tainted batch of any RC, most of them are pretty simple chemistry really.

>Predominantly for help with sleep

It's definitely a sleepy one, but can take up to 90 minutes to kick in on a fullish stomach, so you'd want to take it well ahead of bed time.

>or coming down off a cocaine bender?

Yes but see above. If you need an immediate trip killer I personally wouldn't recommend Bromaz, it takes too long to kick in. For an actual psychedelics trip killer I'd recommend Quetiapine or Risperidone. But if you're just cruising off the coke over a few hours Bromaz would be totally fine for that.

#3 2024-02-22 18:40

Registered: 2023-09-08
Posts: 47

Re: Bromazolam? Is it the way to go ?

Cheers for the info

If you are looking for an immediate relatively quick pull back from a coke session?
RCs aside what do you think is the best benzo to bring you back down?
What is the tolerance of bromazolam with alcohol?

#4 2024-02-22 19:20

From: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Registered: 2021-05-13
Posts: 838

Re: Bromazolam? Is it the way to go ?

>If you are looking for an immediate relatively quick pull back from a coke session?

As much as people don't like talking about boofing, a quick boof of just about any benzo will have you sober in seconds. Burning asshole is a feature not a bug.

But yeah nah just from my own knowledge Clonazolam (lam not pam) and Flubrotizolam have the fastest onset at 5-15 minutes. Orally that is.

>RCs aside what do you think is the best benzo to bring you back down?

Honestly don't have much experience with pharma benzos besides Diazepam and Z's so that question is better left for someone more knowledgeable.

>What is the tolerance of bromazolam with alcohol?

Well based on my own experiences and from stories I've heard from customers, you probably won't die from CNS depression, but you might piss the bed. I think the best advice I can give is don't drink alcohol with benzos. Second best advice is to wait four hours or so after your last Bromaz dose before you start drinking. And don't take more Brom after you start obviously.

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