#1 2019-08-24 12:20

Registered: 2019-08-24
Posts: 2

'Under customs review'

I've read a few threads on here and on dread talking about how only sometimes they get this status. Does this mean the package has been selected at random and is being screened or does every package get this status?

#2 2019-08-24 22:30

Registered: 2019-05-21
Posts: 123

Re: 'Under customs review'

So every package will have a entered customs, and then usually within 4 hours moves to cleared customs.
Different mail carriers have slightly different messages.
If its still stuck on customs a day later its fucked mate
This sounds to me like something gave away the contents and they are investigating. They dont have resources to follow up on small orders (ive read 500grams of mdma is the minimum) so dont stress too much
the nz customs website has a list of how much they intercept by years its an interesting read

#3 2019-08-25 18:00

Registered: 2019-08-12
Posts: 10

Re: 'Under customs review'

worst case scenario, you'll get a letter from customs saying your package was siezed and not to order it or something along those lines. never got one so I don't know but I know you get them.

#4 2019-08-26 13:40

Registered: 2019-04-01
Posts: 260

Re: 'Under customs review'

astroburp wrote:

They dont have resources to follow up on small orders (ive read 500grams of mdma is the minimum)

This is dangerous advice. Plenty of news articles of NZers being arrested for importing much much less.

#5 2019-08-27 19:50

Registered: 2019-04-25
Posts: 2

Re: 'Under customs review'

Psychedaddy wrote:

This is dangerous advice. Plenty of news articles of NZers being arrested for importing much much less.

I'm interested in some sort of guidance around this but haven't been able to find much - for example what's considered personal use and what's the boundary between something being treated under the new 'health first' approach vs dealing?

#6 2019-08-28 15:30

Registered: 2019-07-20
Posts: 43

Re: 'Under customs review'

firsttimeposter wrote:

for example what's considered personal use and what's the boundary between something being treated under the new 'health first' approach vs dealing?

Most of your questions can be answered by searching in here/reading it all (lol i have no life) >>WARNING CLEARNET LINK<< http://www.legislation.govt.nz/act/public/1975/0116/latest/DLM436101.html >>WARNING CLEARNET LINK<<

#7 2019-08-28 15:30

Registered: 2019-07-20
Posts: 43

Re: 'Under customs review'

Psychedaddy wrote:
astroburp wrote:

They dont have resources to follow up on small orders (ive read 500grams of mdma is the minimum)

This is dangerous advice. Plenty of news articles of NZers being arrested for importing much much less.

Agreeded, my friend has been chased up, arrested and charged over about 7g of MDMA. Was part of "a bigger operation" but still, very dangerous to assume they won't bother.

#8 2019-08-29 01:20

Ronald McDruggled
Verified Vendor
Registered: 2019-08-14
Posts: 151

Re: 'Under customs review'

Yeah if I remember correctly an amount of MDMA trafficked or found in your possession that is presumed to be for supply- i.e the burden is moved to you to show that your supply is for personal use - is 5 grams. I'll see if I can find the source I read it from.

I've also seen sentencing guidelines that differ based on the amount you have up and above the presumed supply amounts.

May be of interest

McDrugs - i'm Lovin' It! :D

#9 2019-08-29 08:40

Kiwi Kosmic
Registered: 2019-07-22
Posts: 20

Re: 'Under customs review'

Firsttimeposter - the new legislation around possession and warnings does not apply to dealers or importers, it's for mere personal possession so stay safe!

#10 2019-08-29 17:50

Registered: 2019-07-20
Posts: 43

Re: 'Under customs review'

Ronald McDruggled wrote:

I'll see if I can find the source I read it from.

Tis 5g's, Feel like the link I put to the misuse of drugs act is a ppprrreeeetttyyy good source haha wink

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