#1 2024-05-10 13:20

Registered: 2024-04-16
Posts: 32

Scam Alert - NZPharma Dutch Speed Paste

Yesterday morning I posted a glowing review of NZPharma Dutch Speed Paste.

I then made it along to a “Know your stuff” event later in the afternoon. Unfortunately, the speed paste is actually just caffeine with a trace amount of amphetamine.
Not even enough amphetamine to be psychoactive. The placebo of snorting a huge amount caffeine had me convinced. The trace amount is there to fool a reagent test but in such a little amount analysis could barely detect it. So I have been a mug and spent quite a bit of money for caffeine. Very disappointing.

I gave NZPharma the right of response first as they were messaged last night. There has been no response hence the warning to others.

Get you gear checked lads! I don't finalize until you have

#2 2024-05-10 13:30

Registered: 2024-04-16
Posts: 32

Re: Scam Alert - NZPharma Dutch Speed Paste

There are plenty of "Know you stuff" events held around the country every week. It is a great service and does a thorough analysis of your drug sample for free (not just a reagent test that scammers can trick). I suggest if you have recently made a purchase from NZPharma you get along to one ASAP

#3 2024-05-10 14:10

Registered: 2019-04-30
Posts: 122

Re: Scam Alert - NZPharma Dutch Speed Paste

Hey @Extra1, thank you so much for getting that tested and updating your review!

You just saved me and others a bunch of coin, good shit.

Vendors should get named and shamed for selling dodgy drugs, this stuff sounds like that rubbish one other vendor was selling last year. basically just caffeine in some unknown paste which does give a small lift when snorted so people get fooled especially if they are not that experienced with amph or mixing with alcohol. Another red flag for me was a review on the market saying they did 10g over a weekend and could still root.. for starters that's a bonkers amount of amph to do and anyone familiar with the drug knows that at high doses the vasoconstriction effect is very strong and cumming is near close to impossible (can still be fun to try though haha)

Where is all the good amphetamine sulfate gone??? We are here and ready to buy to anyone who can supply it!!!

#4 2024-05-10 15:40

Registered: 2024-04-16
Posts: 32

Re: Scam Alert - NZPharma Dutch Speed Paste

To be honest I’m not surprised there were a few good reviews as inhaling a shit ton of caffeine is going to give a mad rush.
We are all accustomed to caffeine but inhaling results in faster metabolism and much more rapid onset than the usual ingestion (plus the amount of caffeine snorted was probably crazy)

Situation sucks but I’m super glad others are not going to lose out

#5 2024-05-10 16:00

Registered: 2024-04-16
Posts: 32

Re: Scam Alert - NZPharma Dutch Speed Paste

If you are one of the people who have left a positive review over the last few days - please get it tested and adjust your review accordingly. It's not good having NZPharmas caffeine up there scamming people with those reviews

#6 2024-05-10 18:10

Registered: 2024-04-14
Posts: 16

Re: Scam Alert - NZPharma Dutch Speed Paste

You literally placed multiple orders with us for the same product and when then proceeded to try and get some kind of discount out of us otherwise you would place bad feedback.

We know exactly how this batch was made and over a litre of Amphet has gone into it.

We have glowing reviews on all out products and offer an excellent service with affordable high quality products for everyone.

Nice try though xx

Last edited by NZPharma (2024-05-10 18:10)

#7 2024-05-10 18:10

Registered: 2024-04-16
Posts: 32

Re: Scam Alert - NZPharma Dutch Speed Paste

100% this is fake news. If you have purchased speed from NZPharma go directly to a Know your stuff event - I do not need to prove anything as your fake gear will show for itself.

#8 2024-05-10 18:20

Registered: 2024-04-14
Posts: 16

Re: Scam Alert - NZPharma Dutch Speed Paste


#9 2024-05-10 18:30

Registered: 2024-04-16
Posts: 32

Re: Scam Alert - NZPharma Dutch Speed Paste

I messaged you to offer the right of reply - which you ignored. Yes I asked you to rectify the situation and return my money - as you ripped me off!

#10 2024-05-10 21:30

Registered: 2024-04-16
Posts: 32

Re: Scam Alert - NZPharma Dutch Speed Paste

Also, NZPharma posting for speed states it has been sent by his friends in the EU. Yet suddenly in NZ he knows exactly how it is made and a litre of amphetamine went into it. Get the F outa here.

It is hard to argue with a sociopath as they will lie about anything to cover their tracks and try to make everyone else the bad guy. NZPharma you have been caught. If anyone else has purchased speed from NZPharma head along to Know your drugs They will confirm what I have been telling you

#11 2024-05-10 21:50

Registered: 2024-04-14
Posts: 16

Re: Scam Alert - NZPharma Dutch Speed Paste

So you think im getting it sent from someone I dont know? As you said. "friends" in the EU.

Not going to sit here arguing with you. You purchased our products with nothing but good things to say. Then you hit me up saying you want money back after purchasing an oz, after going through a whole 10g, which obviously means you were happy with the product.

You said you would post back feedback unless I did and now we are here.

Get off the pipe you parasite.

#12 2024-05-10 22:10

Registered: 2024-04-16
Posts: 32

Re: Scam Alert - NZPharma Dutch Speed Paste

The mistake I made was not getting my gear checked. You are right I did get a mad head rush when I first tried your gear that's because I just inhaled a whole lot of caffeine. That does not make it amphetamine. Stupidly I rushed to buy more before getting it checked. Now I am down a lot of money and have a pile of your caffeine.

You private messaged me saying just use the gear like a normal person and not get some bull result from Know you stuff. They did a full chemical analysis of your gear that's how I know it contains a trace amount of amphetamine and is all caffeine.

NZPharma also told me he is going to get me banned and my post removed. Instead I vote for a wall of shame being created with the name of the scam vendors.

Get you gear checked kids!

#13 2024-05-10 22:20

Registered: 2024-04-14
Posts: 16

Re: Scam Alert - NZPharma Dutch Speed Paste

I didnt say anything anything about getting you banned from anything. I said we would be blocking you for posting lies calling us scammers.

We have had almost 50 orders in the last month and every single person has given us excellent reviews.

You posted:
Product Quality

Score: 5/5

[X]  Highest purity - highly potent
[  ]  Mostly pure - potent
[  ]  Minor cut or impurity - strong
[  ]  Cut and/or impure - medium to weak
[  ]  Almost entirely cut - very weak
[  ]  Possibly bunk - no effect

If it was just caffiene theres no way you would be posting 5/5 for quality. You cant tell me you are getting the same high as drinking a can of V LOL.

You sound stupid bro.

I'll leave you with the rest of your comments.

Total score

25 out of 25 for 100%.

Additional review notes

Vendor is fantastic - product arrived next day and well concealed. Loving the speed - it's already my second order of this from NZPharma. Can't recommend enough. Had a 15% off deal at the moment bringing the price down from $1000 to $850 for the 28g and arrived well over weight.

As soon as we wont give you money and a discount, you come here to bad mouth us. You are a walking contradiction. You sound stupid pal.

Go out, its Friday night. Get off your computer. Sounds like you need a friend.

#14 2024-05-11 06:30

Registered: 2024-04-16
Posts: 32

Re: Scam Alert - NZPharma Dutch Speed Paste

Dude, it is caffeine. A chemical analysis will show you exactly what's in it. Don't do a simple reagent test as the trace amount is thrown in to trick the test.

The next available free pop up clinic is at the needle exchange on east st if you are in Auckland on the 16/5. Google know your stuff events for more clinics.

NZPharma if you truly believe your speed is legit then I suggest you head along as well. If you are not intentionally scamming people then your "friends" in the EU have scammed you. Regardless, you have a duty of care as a vendor in NZ to get your gear checked before selling it here - otherwise you are just sending the scam downstream.

#15 2024-05-11 06:40

Registered: 2024-04-16
Posts: 32

Re: Scam Alert - NZPharma Dutch Speed Paste

Yes what you posted above is literally what I posted here in this forum in the review section - I'm not sure why you think that is a big "I got you". People can read. I also posted an update to go with it as soon as I got back from Know you stuff.

#16 2024-05-11 09:50

Registered: 2024-04-16
Posts: 32

Re: Scam Alert - NZPharma Dutch Speed Paste

Re initially giving you a good review: I had consumed a massive dose of caffeine. Pure caffeine is very potent and is toxic in small doses. There are many deaths every year from people trying to create their own pre workout and overdoing the caffeine content. If I use your analogy, I didnt have a can of v - you had me snort of whole 12 pack of v. Yes of course i had a head rush from that and assumed it was speed. It was not until after analysis I realised that it was just a toxic level of caffeine pumping through my system

#17 2024-05-11 09:50

Registered: 2024-04-16
Posts: 32

Re: Scam Alert - NZPharma Dutch Speed Paste

A professional would have acknowledged the complaint and withdrawn the item while it was tested/investigated. That would have been the end of it. Your response was to direct message me to call me a little bitch for using a drug testing agency and to throw lame insults at me on an internet forum. What a hero you are. I can't comment on the rest of your inventory - all I know is your speed is bunk. However, I think the lack of professionalism shown throughout this post will enlighten the rest of the group about the type of person they are dealing with

Last edited by Extra1 (2024-05-11 10:00)

#18 2024-05-11 11:40

Registered: 2024-04-16
Posts: 32

Re: Scam Alert - NZPharma Dutch Speed Paste

That was my first experience using know your stuff and I was impressed. They did everything very discretely and gave me the results in a side room. Unfortunately apart from some random identification words they did not give me anything written and just talked through the analysis process and what the results for each of the four different samples I gave them were. I am going to go back on the 16th and have the speed resampled and ask if there is any possibility I can get a photo or something written.

Hopefully someone else on here is happy to take their stuff in as well

#19 2024-05-11 20:30

From: Disney
Registered: 2021-04-25
Posts: 201

Re: Scam Alert - NZPharma Dutch Speed Paste

You can give this place a try energycontrol-international.org but you have to send like 50mg of the product. Note this will cost money.

Click Here to sign up to Archetyp! Username - WaltDisneyNZ
Click Here to sign up to Abacus! Username - waltdisney

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#20 2024-05-12 08:10

Registered: 2024-04-16
Posts: 32

Re: Scam Alert - NZPharma Dutch Speed Paste

I’m going to let cooler heads prevail today and give you the benefit of the doubt NZPharma.

So the speed is very clumpy. I have been messaged by another vendor suggesting that it had been cut but not mixed well. Potentially the sample taken by “know you stuff” was a big clump of caffeine. What I will do is chop it up finely and take two samples – one from the opened 10g bag and also open up the new 28g bag – and give both samples to know your stuff.

I really do hope that I was wrong. That means I have not wasted a bunch of money. If so there will be massive public apology, beg for delete of review, fine bottle of whiskey to you NZPharma.

If it does all come back as caffeine then I will do my best to get some sort of photographic evidence from them so I can share it.

I would really appreciate if you could do the same NZPharma. It would help clear your name. Also, I will understand if this an honest mistake and you did not realise what is was. They have a clinic next on East Street next Thursday and in Western Springs next Friday

It looks like there have only been a few purchases of the speed – but hopefully someone out there is reading this and will head along too

Depending how everything above goes I will definitely look at energycontrol-international.org – the 60 Euro and posting it overseas is a bit off putting but I’m pretty locked in to getting this sorted now

Last edited by Extra1 (2024-05-12 11:00)

#21 2024-05-17 23:20

Registered: 2024-04-23
Posts: 7

Re: Scam Alert - NZPharma Dutch Speed Paste

You can probably do a acetone wash of the product can search how to do it pretty easy. Weigh product before wash and after and see what the difference is and thats how much the cut will be.

#22 2024-05-18 11:00

Registered: 2024-04-16
Posts: 32

Re: Scam Alert - NZPharma Dutch Speed Paste

Made it back into the testing clinic and provided two samples from NZPharma speed
They do not allow photos of results as it can be used to advertise drugs but here are the samples:


Results from FT-IR Spectroscopy was caffeine was the only pscychoactive ingredient detected.

NZPharma continues to list the caffeine as speed on Archtyp and has not attempted to correct the situation.

Other samples were NZBenzo xanax all good benzo detected -  NZPure MDMA 100% all good with no filler - NZPure Cocaine 100% all good with no filler detected. Will write a review for these ones later

#23 2024-05-21 15:30

Registered: 2024-04-15
Posts: 12

Re: Scam Alert - NZPharma Dutch Speed Paste


#24 2024-05-21 23:00

Registered: 2024-04-15
Posts: 12

Re: Scam Alert - NZPharma Dutch Speed Paste

sorry i was trying to post something earlier i typed up quite a long text and it wouldnt let me post it a bit annoying but i gave up eventually i wonder what the problem was?
(i could post that test with no problem)

Im still tempted to order from NZPharma just because its the only offer and i have not tried myself ..
i wish i could just order 1g 500$ seems a bit dear if it turns out just to vbe caffeine

#25 2024-05-22 17:50

Registered: 2024-04-16
Posts: 32

Re: Scam Alert - NZPharma Dutch Speed Paste

I cannot make it more clear... NZPharma is selling caffeine as speed. I have tested it twice and proved this. Another forum user has also reported this after having it tested.

If you still are tempted to spend $500 on a pile of caffeine then that is on you..

#26 2024-05-22 19:10

From: Disney
Registered: 2021-04-25
Posts: 201

Re: Scam Alert - NZPharma Dutch Speed Paste

fifa95 wrote:

sorry i was trying to post something earlier i typed up quite a long text and it wouldnt let me post it a bit annoying but i gave up eventually i wonder what the problem was?

that is because you cant use comma here hope that helps you next time

Click Here to sign up to Archetyp! Username - WaltDisneyNZ
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#27 2024-05-22 20:50

Registered: 2024-04-15
Posts: 12

Re: Scam Alert - NZPharma Dutch Speed Paste

@WaltDisney thanks mate i was going crazy thought it might be to long.. yeah i used heaps of commas tongue

#28 2024-05-22 21:50

Registered: 2024-04-15
Posts: 12

Re: Scam Alert - NZPharma Dutch Speed Paste

Extra1 wrote:

I cannot make it more clear... NZPharma is selling caffeine as speed. I have tested it twice and proved this. Another forum user has also reported this after having it tested.

If you still are tempted to spend $500 on a pile of caffeine then that is on you..

No i dont want to do that brother but i would like some real amphetamine.. so i can do a rail in the morning another one at lunch and then go peacefully to bed. Never was tempted to do so but tried some meth the other day and I 100% Dislike it.. feels good for the first 3-4h but then i was awake for another 12h and fully crooked the next morning..
Does not suit my lifestyle because the misses wants me to go to bed with her in the evening.. and just laying there waiting 7h to get up thats nothing i wanna repeat lol

Might have to keep my feet still and hope another vendor will sort us out

#29 2024-05-23 11:30

Registered: 2019-04-30
Posts: 122

Re: Scam Alert - NZPharma Dutch Speed Paste

haha yeah I can totally relate @fifa95 nothing worse than lying in bed for 6 hours and pretending to sleep although I think in the end it is sometimes better than staying up as it gives your body a little time to rest a bit instead of just charging on. closing your eyes seems to do something as well to dial things down a bit.

Also trying to keep my feet still hoping that another vendor can pull through with the good stuff!!!

The other problem with substituting amph with meth is that it is a bitch to snort which is my preferred ROA and it totally does way more damage to your nose than amph sulfate does. Sure amp still burns a bit if its decent but it's nothing compared to meth. Not to mention also that meth lasts way too long, is more addictive in terms of re-dosing and it also just doesn't give the same kind of lift that amp does. I tend to go off on massive tangents on meth whereas with amp I can stay focused on a task for many hours.

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