#1 2024-07-10 17:30

Registered: 2024-02-20
Posts: 13

Tramadol no longer working

I was abusing nitazenes last year and now 1000mg tramadol
Barely takes the edge away ( dw I take Valium for anti seizure risk) any one else feel the same after doing hard drugs, I don’t wanna be back on Nitazenes

#2 2024-07-16 12:50

Registered: 2019-04-30
Posts: 122

Re: Tramadol no longer working

Fucking opioids aye they are such a blessing and a curse.

Honestly have not ever heard of permanent tolerance developing from opioids but I would not be suprized if things like nitazenes/fent could do it for sure or at least require a really long break.

But yeah the opioid effect from tramadol is pretty damn weak and has a definite ceiling around the 300-500mg mark. IMO taking more than this is just a waste, you wont get any better effects after this point just bad side-effects. You will get better effects by staggering trams though 50-100mg every 1 hour or so gives your liver a chance to work through the drugs a bit better. You can potentiate it with other opioids too this works well even a small amount of DHC for example potentiates trams quite a lot. Tramadol is more of an SNRI anti-depressant I think than a true opioid, it's basically pharma kratom.

#3 2024-07-16 13:00

Registered: 2019-04-30
Posts: 122

Re: Tramadol no longer working

You might be better off trying a tapering schedule with dhc or something a little bit stronger if you need it like morph or oxy SR. Not a cheap option though I know but might work out more cost-effective.

Tapering works great if you stick to a strict schedule and can get the supply.

Sometimes I think you just have to resign yourself to the fact that the current dosage will just make you feel OK but not high in anyway and that is actually fine and much much better than full blown withdrawal.

good luck out there stranger!

#4 2024-08-10 01:30

Registered: 2024-02-20
Posts: 13

Re: Tramadol no longer working

Xar777 wrote:

You might be better off trying a tapering schedule with dhc or something a little bit stronger if you need it like morph or oxy SR. Not a cheap option though I know but might work out more cost-effective.

Tapering works great if you stick to a strict schedule and can get the supply.

Sometimes I think you just have to resign yourself to the fact that the current dosage will just make you feel OK but not high in anyway and that is actually fine and much much better than full blown withdrawal.

good luck out there stranger!

Thanks but I don't get opiate withdrawals anymore. Just sore legs when I am trying to sleep but nothing some thc can't fix.

#5 2024-08-11 06:00

Registered: 2024-05-23
Posts: 8

Re: Tramadol no longer working

Xar777 wrote:

Fucking opioids aye they are such a blessing and a curse.

Honestly have not ever heard of permanent tolerance developing from opioids but I would not be suprized if things like nitazenes/fent could do it for sure or at least require a really long break.

But yeah the opioid effect from tramadol is pretty damn weak and has a definite ceiling around the 300-500mg mark. IMO taking more than this is just a waste, you wont get any better effects after this point just bad side-effects. You will get better effects by staggering trams though 50-100mg every 1 hour or so gives your liver a chance to work through the drugs a bit better. You can potentiate it with other opioids too this works well even a small amount of DHC for example potentiates trams quite a lot. Tramadol is more of an SNRI anti-depressant I think than a true opioid, it's basically pharma kratom.

Your right that Tramadol is a part SNRI and has anti-depressant properties. Your body uses the CYP2D6 enzyme to convert the Tramadol into the opioid "O-desmethyltramadol" which is a true opioid with great effects, Some people have reduced, absent, or even increased CYP2D6 enzyme activity so each persons body converts tramadol into different amounts of O-desmethyltramadol so that's why some people get strong effects and love tramadol and others think its shit. tramadols the only ever opiate i got euphoria from,

First opiate i ever took was 40mg Oxycontin crushed 0 tolerance barely felt anything, then tried 80mgs still too weak, tried codeine 900mgs didnt get high, tried Dihydrocodeine 700mgs barely felt it, then tried 100mgs morph, didn't get high either, then i tried tramadol 700mgs and i finally got the floaty euphoric opiate high that everyone talks about. It never worked again after that tho it only worked the 1 time, now after that time the only thing strong enough to even feel is methadone 60-70mgs

Last edited by chillin82 (2024-08-12 20:20)

#6 2024-08-16 10:30

Registered: 2019-04-30
Posts: 122

Re: Tramadol no longer working

@Dogthebenzohunter sorry for the massive assumption haha

I can relate to the sore legs though currently experiencing this bad as am tapering completely off trams so that I can do more stims wink tramadol withdrawal is a unique kind of hell its very much on the mental side except for the sore and restless legs thing. Thank fuck for weed!

#7 2024-08-16 10:30

Registered: 2019-04-30
Posts: 122

Re: Tramadol no longer working

@chillin82 those are some some crazy high doses! you definitely have something unique about how you metabolize opioids for sure as those doses would smash even long time users like myself, I guess you were just born that way?!

Also love tramadol it was my first proper addiction to opioids and the first years were just bliss. these days it does not hit like that anymore but I still get a nice lift from it even though I also do dhc, oxy, morph, whatever is going. there is definelty that 2 phases to tramadol of a more stimmy part followed by a more relaxing phase thats likely the O-desmethyltramadol

The CYP2D6 gene is interesting and it totally explains why some people cant stand trams at all, one of my friends goes literal green and bad vibes for like 12 hours from just a single 100mg

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