#1 2019-09-15 22:00

Registered: 2019-04-01
Posts: 260

I got a message from 'HaletianTaboos'

I had no idea who he was or what I was reading. Some research revealed he is a 'vendor' (selling one product).

Anyway, I cant really understand the poorly written message but I appear to have been accused of buying from myself and giving myself a good review? Because my 300 reviews (of which 100% are positive) obviously isnt enough. My ~600 perfect reviews on Dream also not enough, I really need one more good review on my super important 2 tab listing.

So, for your amusement:

HaletianTaboos wrote:

add me on [SCAM word detected here] at haletiantaboos. I'll show you proof of ordering from you own 2 tab listing giving a good review and trying to scam me
and then you can decide if you want to keep it hidden for a price.

If not it's to the forums

you have 1 day.

ps also finalize that order

Dont do drugs kids.

#2 2019-09-15 22:50

Registered: 2019-07-24
Posts: 29

Re: I got a message from 'HaletianTaboos'

If you'd like proof feel free to add the [SCAM word detected here] above. Can't post photo's here.
I will work on setting up a photo album that's anonymous.

"I had no idea who he was" Funny that considering you've undercut me twice and I've posted here before.
Also, Don't open messages 1 minute apart on both accounts it's kinda obvious.

Moral of the story. Don't undercut someone selling the same tabs. He doesn't like it.

#3 2019-09-15 23:00

Registered: 2019-04-01
Posts: 260

Re: I got a message from 'HaletianTaboos'

Ironically, I've been that busy I've been considering closing the shop during weekdays again as I cant keep up. I would love someone else to take some of the load.

I've updated pricing on all my products many times this week as part of mathematical adjustments. Nothing to do with you, sorry.

It is cute though, that you think I care about you, or have time for silly little games like this.

Please, post the 'proof' here. Let more intelligent people pick it apart and tell you whats going on.

#4 2019-09-15 23:30

Registered: 2019-07-24
Posts: 29

Re: I got a message from 'HaletianTaboos'

From collector (phycedaddy's buyer account)
I've used that exact address before no issues, for a variety of reasons (including on this market). I've asked the nice man who handles the mail to give me a call, but I'll go in to check it out on Tuesday. Please don't take me extending the auto-finalize as a sign of bad faith, I just need the peace of mind. Thanks a lot! I'll be sure to leave good feedback when I get the delivery smile"

This is why you ordered from yourself first. I ship un-tracked letters and knowing this I can't prove you received it. You sen't to a P.O box to not give away your location just in case I did figure it out. You used the previous purchase to give yourself +rep so a refund/reship would be more likely from admin. But why lose money on drugs you don't want as you have stated that you don't buy stuff on here so might as well buy your own product. Conveniently the cheapest one. (less fees) a left a review because might as-well. Even stated 1 day delivery but don't ship that day as stated on your profile?
Buying mine means I lose money from refund and you just re-sell the tabs. Plus probably a negative review as I'm new that would be bad

Last online is identical between both accounts and even logged in and replied to me minutes apart. Please cut this petty shit out. 
Screenshot proof still available. This thread will also be screenshoted as he might delete.

You're lack of denying anything is suspicious. Instead making me look like I'm paranoid from acid because I typed the message fast. Will make this look less bad on your behalf. Just like beating me to the forums.

Is this good enough? I have more but I cant really be fucked explaining it without screenshot proof yet.

#5 2019-09-15 23:40

Registered: 2019-04-01
Posts: 260

Re: I got a message from 'HaletianTaboos'

HaletianTaboo's wrote:

From collector (phycedaddy's buyer account)
I've used that exact address before no issues, for a variety of reasons (including on this market). I've asked the nice man who handles the mail to give me a call, but I'll go in to check it out on Tuesday. Please don't take me extending the auto-finalize as a sign of bad faith, I just need the peace of mind. Thanks a lot! I'll be sure to leave good feedback when I get the delivery smile"

This is why you ordered from yourself first. I ship un-tracked letters and knowing this I can't prove you received it. You sen't to a P.O box to not give away your location just in case I did figure it out. You used the previous purchase to give yourself +rep so a refund/reship would be more likely from admin. But why lose money on drugs you don't want as you have stated that you don't buy stuff on here so might as well buy your own product. Conveniently the cheapest one. (less fees) a left a review because might as-well. Even stated 1 day delivery but don't ship that day as stated on your profile?
Buying mine means I lose money from refund and you just re-sell the tabs. Plus probably a negative review as I'm new that would be bad

Last online is identical between both accounts and even logged in and replied to me minutes apart. Please cut this petty shit out. 
Screenshot proof still available. This thread will also be screenshoted as he might delete.

You're lack of denying anything is suspicious. Instead making me look like I'm paranoid from acid because I typed the message fast. Will make this look less bad on your behalf. Just like beating me to the forums.

Is this good enough? I have more but I cant really be fucked explaining it without screenshot proof yet.

Quoting for when the meth wears off and you realise how nuts this is and delete it.

What exactly is the problem here? They havnt even left you bad feedback? They said they are going to give you good feedback?

Very entertaining story, however unfortunately nothing to do with me. I assure you, I would not be concerned with losing $50 over a fake drug purchase. And frankly if I wanted to wreck your account I would do it much more effectively than this. This looks like the plan of a 12 year old.

I know theres no point replying to your points (or should I say...point), but I often ship every day. Under promise, over deliver. Thats how I have 100% good feedback over the years.

Now, what you're alleging sounds like it would break Tor Markets rule "Do not deceive other users of the system." So, you should forward this 'evidence' over to Tor Doctor so he can check it out.

As for you, I'd advise remaining a second rate acid peddler and not considering a career in any kind of investigative field.

#6 2019-09-16 12:50

Registered: 2019-07-24
Posts: 29

Re: I got a message from 'HaletianTaboos'

I asked for the buyers btc address and if money comes from an exchange or such I will gladly retract my claims and offer some $200nzd to phycedaddy and 30 tabs to the buyer. All you need to do is give me some evidence to the contrary not just call me a meth head and try to make my claims look less valid.

#7 2019-09-16 14:10

Registered: 2019-04-01
Posts: 260

Re: I got a message from 'HaletianTaboos'

I cant prove a negative buddy. The burden is on the one making the claims to provide the proof. Two people being online at the same time is not proof of anything. Unless you are me as well, because you are online right now.

I dont want your $200. I want a public apology and retraction. But, the real victim here is the buyer who has had his private messages and info shared over a public forum. Law enforcement may also be paying attention to him. Great way to treat your customers.

For the record, collector is online at the same time as me again. I know this because I have been messaging him, advising him to report you to Tor Doctor for what you have done to him. You are lucky he seems like a chill guy.

#8 2019-09-16 14:50

Registered: 2019-04-16
Posts: 24

Re: I got a message from 'HaletianTaboos'


#9 2019-09-16 15:40

Registered: 2019-07-24
Posts: 29

Re: I got a message from 'HaletianTaboos'

In fact, I would never dox a customer. You threw his name up where and that message was encrypted. Instead of keeping it to DM's or [SCAM word detected here] like I asked you publicly put his username up to try fuck my rep. That's on you buddy not me. I think you didn't even think to cut his name out because you know who it was. (yourself) But until I get the buyers wallet address, we only have circumstantial evidence at best. Hence why I wanted it to stay to dm's

And It's not even like I shared info with you as you already had it. So nothing here is a problem until you chucked it on the forums. When i said i'd do it I was bluffing to see if you'd cave in and throw us some btc. 

But Jesus Christ man at least take his name out when you put it up. There was no need for that. he is probably going to need a new account assuming that it isn't you. Hence why I wanted to keep to [SCAM word detected here]. Good job bro you're a winner! You're goal of fucking me over is working so far

Until I can go through the BTC address and see where it came from I will stand by my claims. And my proof involves doxing so I don't want to put it up until I edit most of the private stuff out.

Edit: I will ask TorDoctor to check it out smile

Last edited by HaletianTaboo's (2019-09-16 16:00)

#10 2019-09-16 16:10

Registered: 2019-09-16
Posts: 2

Re: I got a message from 'HaletianTaboos'

Hi! I am the buyer in question (collector). I would be more than happy to accept the offer of 30 tabs for one. I'll be able to provide my address first thing when I get home, in maybe about an hour and a half.I am hoping to get this solved as amicably as possible between all parties, because at the end of the day, I just want my product! I don't feel that this situation was handled perfectly by anyone (myself included), but HaletianTaboo's generous offer is commendable, and he has been responsive and friendly, and Psychedaddy's concern and fatherly love (which I've been lacking my whole life) is very much appreciated. I'm hoping to prove Psychedaddy and I are different people, graciously receive HaletianTaboo's gift, leave good feedback, and be a long-time member of this community, whatever that might mean in regards to my account. I'm hoping any bad blood is eventually thinned. Thanks again!

Last edited by collector (2019-09-16 16:20)

#11 2019-09-16 16:30

Registered: 2019-06-12
Posts: 51

Re: I got a message from 'HaletianTaboos'


#12 2019-09-16 17:40

Registered: 2019-09-16
Posts: 2

Re: I got a message from 'HaletianTaboos'

I've provided HaletianTaboos with his requested evidence (BTC address I paid him from). The BlockChain info shows the BTC going through a high volume exchange account prior to my purchase with him (localbitcoins.com). Hopefully that resolves it for all parties! I am very hopeful that HaletianTaboos fulfills his promise.

#13 2019-09-16 18:10

Registered: 2019-04-01
Posts: 260

Re: I got a message from 'HaletianTaboos'

HaletianTaboo's wrote:

I think you didn't even think to cut his name out because you know who it was. (yourself)

You dont think hard enough. How about this...at the time it was just another random word in a message full of non-sense?

HaletianTaboo's wrote:

we only have circumstantial evidence at best.

No, you dont have circumstantial evidence. You have, 'we were both online at the same time'. Thats literally all you have. Its not evidence at all.

HaletianTaboo's wrote:

When i said i'd do it I was bluffing to see if you'd cave in and throw us some btc.

Admitting extortion?

HaletianTaboo's wrote:

Until I can go through the BTC address and see where it came from I will stand by my claims.

Sounds like that has been sent. If you have the balls to show your face here again now you've shown the world how thick you are, I do look forward to my apology.

#14 2019-09-16 18:40

Registered: 2019-05-22
Posts: 10

Re: I got a message from 'HaletianTaboos'

HaletianTaboo this is so childish LOL you fucking retard. Why would Psychedaddy do something like that? He doesen't need the few customers you get lmfao.

#15 2019-09-16 19:00

Registered: 2019-07-24
Posts: 29

Re: I got a message from 'HaletianTaboos'

Neuronmine2 wrote:

HaletianTaboo this is so childish LOL you fucking retard. Why would Psychedaddy do something like that? He doesn't need the few customers you get lmfao.

You are quite right. The paranoia has gotten to me.

I hereby admit that I, HaletianTaboo's incorrectly accused Psychedaddy of making an alt account.
I will follow up on my promise of sending the tabs to Collector and will still honor my offer to psychedaddy if he so pleases.

#16 2019-09-16 21:30

Registered: 2019-04-09
Posts: 154

Re: I got a message from 'HaletianTaboos'

METH. Not even once.

Last edited by Ruakaka (2019-09-16 21:30)

๐™๐™ช๐™–๐™ ๐™–๐™ ๐™–

#17 2019-09-16 23:20

Registered: 2019-05-20
Posts: 10

Re: I got a message from 'HaletianTaboos'

I was considering purchasing off haletian taboo but lol nope, p heads.

#18 2019-09-17 00:00

From: I'm in another universe bro
Registered: 2019-09-13
Posts: 38

Re: I got a message from 'HaletianTaboos'

To be fair to haletiantaboos, he has completely admitted his mistake and is attempting to right it both for collector and psychedaddy.

#19 2019-09-17 03:20

Registered: 2019-06-12
Posts: 51

Re: I got a message from 'HaletianTaboos'

salmy wrote:

To be fair to haletiantaboos, he has completely admitted his mistake and is attempting to right it both for collector and psychedaddy.

which is honorable and all but this entire episode was pretty baseless and it paints him as a volatile and unstable character who doesn't think things through - probably not someone you want to do risky illegal stuff with.

i'm not really sure what he expected

#20 2019-09-17 13:00

From: I'm in another universe bro
Registered: 2019-09-13
Posts: 38

Re: I got a message from 'HaletianTaboos'

Yeah definitely still keeping my business with psychedaddy lol

#21 2019-09-17 13:20

Registered: 2019-04-01
Posts: 260

Re: I got a message from 'HaletianTaboos'

HaletianTaboo's wrote:
Neuronmine2 wrote:

HaletianTaboo this is so childish LOL you fucking retard. Why would Psychedaddy do something like that? He doesn't need the few customers you get lmfao.

You are quite right. The paranoia has gotten to me.

I hereby admit that I, HaletianTaboo's incorrectly accused Psychedaddy of making an alt account.
I will follow up on my promise of sending the tabs to Collector and will still honor my offer to psychedaddy if he so pleases.

Hey, I didn't expect you to actually follow through with this, so good on you for that.

Heres something that will blow your mind: I do have a buyer account on Tor Market. Tor Doctor could easily find it if he wanted to as I make no effort to hide the BTC trail (I know he wont without good reason, because like me, he is an adult without time for nonsense). And, it has nothing but 100% glowing reviews for the other vendors here, because I have nothing but respect for other vendors and the work they do for NZ.

A message for anyone else who is going to try extort me in the future: I am 100% clean, so any such attempt on me is a waste of time and will be posted to the forum for the community to see.

#22 2019-09-17 18:30

Registered: 2019-05-26
Posts: 51

Re: I got a message from 'HaletianTaboos'

Just want to vouch for Psychedaddy as one of the most professional and trust worthy vendors on the market. It goes without saying quite frankly.

#23 2019-09-17 20:30

Registered: 2019-04-02
Posts: 7

Re: I got a message from 'HaletianTaboos'

Psychedaddy wouldn't do something like that. Why would he?

#24 2019-09-17 21:10

Registered: 2019-09-17
Posts: 92

Re: I got a message from 'HaletianTaboos'

he made a mistake, admitted it, apologised offered compensation, withdrew his listings, so you can hike your prices again, you took a private dispute and made it public, you won!   buyers had no  complaints, i bought off him at a good price, fast and good product, your overpriced, keep your private messages private, this is a drug forum, plenty off meth takers here, stop being a crybaby and get over yourself!

#25 2019-09-17 22:00

Registered: 2019-04-09
Posts: 154

Re: I got a message from 'HaletianTaboos'

salmy wrote:

To be fair to haletiantaboos, he has completely admitted his mistake and is attempting to right it both for collector and psychedaddy.

Yep, I agree. People make mistakes, hopefully only once.

๐™๐™ช๐™–๐™ ๐™–๐™ ๐™–

#26 2019-09-18 00:50

Registered: 2019-04-01
Posts: 260

Re: I got a message from 'HaletianTaboos'

whiplashsmile wrote:

he made a mistake, admitted it, apologised offered compensation, withdrew his listings, so you can hike your prices again, you took a private dispute and made it public, you won!   buyers had no  complaints, i bought off him at a good price, fast and good product, your overpriced, keep your private messages private, this is a drug forum, plenty off meth takers here, stop being a crybaby and get over yourself!

Gee just as I was beginning to feel sorry for you, you come back under an alt and make another ass out of yourself.

This issue is resolved. I dont want to waste another second of thought on it.

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