#1 2019-11-14 23:40

Charlie Brown
Registered: 2019-11-11
Posts: 14

Just some suggestions I have had

Evening everyone,
I've had a few ideas in the back of my head for the site and figured I'd list them and get everyone's thoughts

1) NZ Darknet Handbook

After noticing more and more new people coming to the NZ darknet, it's quite obvious that there are a lot of people who don't know what they should be doing when purchasing drugs and staying safe online. As far as I'm aware this isn't already available but I think it would be great a see a NZ unique handbook that can teach kiwis everything they need to know, the basic level of OpSec needed to buy domestic packages within NZ (Perhaps a tutorial based entirely around Tor Market as it seems to be the most stable and supported NZ darknet marketplace)

Perhaps a collaborative effort between a few people on the forums? if this is made available through NZ Darknet Market Forums then the new community would become much more informed.

2) Perhaps a change in name?

"Tor Market" and "NZ Darknet Market Forums" are both very vague and common phrases on the darknet, and considering tordoctor maintains and operates both of these sites perhaps a name change to something more kiwi or even unique?

3) Restrict the market to domestic only

While I'm aware this is technically impossible, If wanted to, Tor Market could make a lot of changes making it much harder for international vendors on the market


Churrrr, would be great to have a discussion on these, I'm very much interested in hearing what everyone thinks about the 1st suggestion though smile

Charlie Brown

Last edited by Charlie Brown (2019-11-14 23:40)

#2 2019-11-15 10:30

Registered: 2019-10-25
Posts: 55

Re: Just some suggestions I have had

I agree with all those points, the first one especially since I was a total noob not so long ago and while the international bible is very helpful, be good to iterate it to be more relevant to NZ and to be a bit a quicker read.

A 4th point I would like to add, is no sale of meth. I know this goes against the philosophy of the site that we all should have freedom to buy drugs safely, no matter what they are. But I worry that meth means this place is going to be more of a target. I'm grateful there is only one vendor selling it, the others have more common sense, but any amount to me I feel spells trouble. Meth is easy to get anywhere in the country already, it comes in by the ton. But if there is one thing I learnt on the street is never trust a drug circle that is involved with meth, they don't always play things safe.

#3 2019-11-15 12:40

Registered: 2019-11-15
Posts: 2

Re: Just some suggestions I have had

Disagree with the anti-meth statement. I understand where your coming from, meth can be dangerous. but dealing with meth dealers in person has always been a pain and Id prefer to stay away from them. Some of us like to use in moderation and have a life outside of drugs too. Dont punish the sensible users.

As for the OP, good idea but the majortiy of people youre talking about wont read it anyway.

#4 2019-11-15 13:50

Charlie Brown
Registered: 2019-11-11
Posts: 14

Re: Just some suggestions I have had

MrRobot wrote:

I agree with all those points, the first one especially since I was a total noob not so long ago and while the international bible is very helpful, be good to iterate it to be more relevant to NZ and to be a bit a quicker read.

A 4th point I would like to add, is no sale of meth. I know this goes against the philosophy of the site that we all should have freedom to buy drugs safely, no matter what they are. But I worry that meth means this place is going to be more of a target. I'm grateful there is only one vendor selling it, the others have more common sense, but any amount to me I feel spells trouble. Meth is easy to get anywhere in the country already, it comes in by the ton. But if there is one thing I learnt on the street is never trust a drug circle that is involved with meth, they don't always play things safe.

Personally, I agree with no sale of meth, but I can understand why Tor Market allows the sale of Meth. I'm sure most people can agree that for example meth and heroin are much more "serious" drugs as opposed to something such as weed etc.

But to ban a certain drug because you don't approve of it goes against what this website serves in the first place, Tor Market is a marketplace for drugs (as of now) and meth shouldn't be singled out and taken off the product list.
I'm not sure if I worded this correctly but I think I got my point across big_smile

Charlie Brown.

#5 2019-11-15 18:00

Registered: 2019-06-30
Posts: 36

Re: Just some suggestions I have had

Charlie Brown wrote:

Personally, I agree with no sale of meth, but I can understand why Tor Market allows the sale of Meth. I'm sure most people can agree that for example meth and heroin are much more "serious" drugs as opposed to something such as weed etc.

But to ban a certain drug because you don't approve of it goes against what this website serves in the first place, Tor Market is a marketplace for drugs (as of now) and meth shouldn't be singled out and taken off the product list.
I'm not sure if I worded this correctly but I think I got my point across big_smile

Charlie Brown.

Other markets ban the sale of fent so why is banning meth any different? Im not disagreeing tho, just making a point.

#6 2019-11-15 18:40

Registered: 2019-04-01
Posts: 260

Re: Just some suggestions I have had

Because fentanyl will kill you very easily, meth wont.

Nothing wrong with meth when used responsibly. Those smart enough to use Tor market should be smart enough to not abuse it.

Meth vendors may be more of a target than weed vendors, but the market itself wont be more of a target. If that were the case, Facebook would have been shut down.

#7 2019-11-15 21:10

Registered: 2019-06-30
Posts: 36

Re: Just some suggestions I have had

Psychedaddy wrote:

Because fentanyl will kill you very easily, meth wont.

Nothing wrong with meth when used responsibly. Those smart enough to use Tor market should be smart enough to not abuse it.

Meth vendors may be more of a target than weed vendors, but the market itself wont be more of a target. If that were the case, Facebook would have been shut down.

Lots of things can kill you very easily.

Nothing wrong with any substance when used responsibly.

#8 2019-11-15 21:50

Registered: 2019-10-25
Posts: 55

Re: Just some suggestions I have had

You guys make some good points, I wasn't targeting that at responsible users or even users in general. My only concern was the extra attention it may bring. But I certainty appreciate how anyone has a right to use it and they should also have the right to buy it safely.

Psychedaddy wrote:

Meth vendors may be more of a target than weed vendors, but the market itself wont be more of a target. If that were the case, Facebook would have been shut down.

Are you talking about people who deal over FB chat or more blatantly via posts or even FB market?

Last edited by MrRobot (2019-11-15 22:10)

#9 2019-11-15 23:10

Ronald McDruggled
Verified Vendor
Registered: 2019-08-14
Posts: 151

Re: Just some suggestions I have had

RE point 1)
I posted the dnm bible in buyer help which should be of some assistance. As far as I know the advice it gives on handling bitcoins and on vpn's is solid, in terms of OS they do recommend tails although I believe if you're not running it off a USB may as well be using whonix.
If I find the time and energy I'd probably look into more resources and info although I am fairly unwell right now, if anyone else wants to get the ball rolling on a collaborative effort I'd offer what input I can.

McDrugs - i'm Lovin' It! :D

#10 2019-11-15 23:30

Ronald McDruggled
Verified Vendor
Registered: 2019-08-14
Posts: 151

Re: Just some suggestions I have had

On the subject of banning fentanyl
Fentanyl can actually be perfectly safe in controlled doses, it's actually prescribed as a medicine in the form of a slow release tape applied to the skin that contains a number of micrograms, nothing to fearmonger about in that form.
The main death risk asides from whether or not you are taking controlled doses of an unadulterated product, would be mixing fentanyl with other depressants rather than fentanyl itself I'd assume.
This is the case with heroin to my knowledge.

Pure fentanyl does concern me, or even worse fucking carfentanil. Trying to even handle it safely let alone attempting to volumetrically dose using affordable portable scales is the opposite of foolproof.

I've been on empire and seen how you can get a number of grams for hundreds of dollars, I'd imagine it's also potentially an easy way to kill people on the cheap considering the lethal dose.
I'm told the procedures that would occur if the govt believed someone had carfentanil, they'd have to clear out the area, get a bunch of people with hazmat suits with two pairs of extra gloves on, it'd be on the news, could be potentially deemed terrorism/bioterrorism which is a whole other level of fucked simply not worth approaching.

McDrugs - i'm Lovin' It! :D

#11 2019-11-16 00:10

Ronald McDruggled
Verified Vendor
Registered: 2019-08-14
Posts: 151

Re: Just some suggestions I have had

If this the road we would go down than certainly there should be a question about synthetic cannabinoids.
To my knowledge none of those have valid medicinal uses or have been sufficiently researched, as it was said by John Huffman who invented synthetics (all the ones with JWH in the name are named after him), anyone who would use these is "foolish" or "an idiot".

There are ones that appear to be more safe and well researched like JWH-018, on the other hand some of the newer ones have doses in the microgram range and are associated with serious sickness, seizures cardiac issues and numerous deaths.

Even if sprayed on to herbs and all the herbs are shook around, the concentration can be ten times stronger in one part than another, and when you consider the small difference between an effective and a lethal dose, it's just simply not safe at all, maybe somewhat if you're volumetrically dosing with quality scales in a professional manner but otherwise no.

A gram of pure synthetic noid powder can be obtained for 50 to 100 dollars.

McDrugs - i'm Lovin' It! :D

#12 2019-11-16 00:30

Ronald McDruggled
Verified Vendor
Registered: 2019-08-14
Posts: 151

Re: Just some suggestions I have had

Meth is totally overblown if you ask me though.

It has valid medicinal uses for ADHD and obesity, prescribed as desoxyn in the US, well researched we know what the effects are.

It's heavily demonized but the actual facts surrounding it in terms of addiction rates, lethal dose, number of meth related deaths, effects on cognition etc. would probably surprise many of you.
I'd really recommend having a look at this and comparing it to alcohol, even when I was enlightened on the subject of marijuana and psychedelics I believed the propaganda in the anti meth ads, the meth faces and all of it, learning the truth shocked me and completely changed my perspective.

McDrugs - i'm Lovin' It! :D

#13 2019-11-16 11:10

Charlie Brown
Registered: 2019-11-11
Posts: 14

Re: Just some suggestions I have had

Psychedaddy wrote:

Because fentanyl will kill you very easily, meth wont.

Nothing wrong with meth when used responsibly. Those smart enough to use Tor market should be smart enough to not abuse it.

Meth vendors may be more of a target than weed vendors, but the market itself wont be more of a target. If that were the case, Facebook would have been shut down.

I somewhat agree with this, although the specific vendors selling meth would be a higher target for LE, allowing the sale of meth would give the site more attention from LE in some way or another

#14 2019-11-16 11:20

Verified Vendor
Registered: 2019-03-31
Posts: 716

Re: Just some suggestions I have had

Fentanyl , synthetic cannabiniods are the result of prohibition. For optimal trafficking logistics you want to pack as much as possible into the smallest space. If the govt objective is to maximize deaths then they have choosen the perfect drug policy. Look how Switzerland avoided fentanyl and maybe the US should consider doing the same instead of declaring war on the cartels.

#15 2019-11-16 20:30

Registered: 2019-10-25
Posts: 55

Re: Just some suggestions I have had

Ronald McDruggled wrote:

There are ones that appear to be more safe and well researched like JWH-018, on the other hand some of the newer ones have doses in the microgram range and are associated with serious sickness, seizures cardiac issues and numerous deaths..

I believe JWH-018 or similar analogues were in the original products sold legally in NZ some years ago? The ones that have been killing people seem to be a far cry from this original class, aka chemically different. JWH-series seemed to be quite easy going in my experience, but there has to be 100's of synthetic cannbinoids by now? It's confusing as hell.

Ronald McDruggled wrote:

Meth is totally overblown if you ask me though.

It has valid medicinal uses for ADHD and obesity, prescribed as desoxyn in the US, well researched we know what the effects are.

It's heavily demonized but the actual facts surrounding it in terms of addiction rates, lethal dose, number of meth related deaths, effects on cognition etc. would probably surprise many of you

I guess it depends on who you know who has or is using it, there are certainly no shortage of stories of it ripping families apart or even people I know who are generally good people, but turned into dickheads with daily use. I think the problem with it is perhaps not the direct acute toxic effects, such as death or hospital emission, but the chronic social effects on society.

In saying that meth is very neurotoxic, the research is pretty established on this. Also the cardio toxicity is quite pronounced too. I don't believe it's common at all to use as an ADHD medicine, since D-amphet and adderell seem to be as effective but without the level of neurotoxicity. In some ways it's crazy to use amphet even as a medicine, it's really just a bandaid for a mental disorder that's very complex and poorly understood. However I do see where you are coming from, we simply do not see or hear about the responsible meth users since it's been so pushed underground these people keep it well hidden. I still think we should take on the Portuguese model of drug regulation and deem all personal use of drugs as decriminalized and instead seen as a health issue, that way we can tackle addiction head on without fear of ridicule.

Sorry OP, I don't mean to derail the thread.

Last edited by MrRobot (2019-11-16 20:30)

#16 2019-11-16 20:50

Charlie Brown
Registered: 2019-11-11
Posts: 14

Re: Just some suggestions I have had

MrRobot wrote:

Sorry OP, I don't mean to derail the thread.

Nah you're good bro, I'm learning a lot right now xd

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