#1 2019-11-28 16:40

Registered: 2019-11-28
Posts: 2

Importing large quantity of MDMA.

I know people aren't going to give out sources and so on which is fair, but I'm just wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction in regards to what market to look on or anything in that nature to find someone who has great stealth for international. I've had a gander at UK vendors on certain markets and some look promising but just want someone with experience's input, as of course every vendor claims they can get stuff through easily but when it actually comes to it that's another story.. Just trying to source a large quantity in one go for personal use for next (potentially few) years instead of continually ordering domestically, would save me much more money. Obviously going to be using dead/drop addresses, etc.

Appreciate it! smile

#2 2019-11-28 17:10

Registered: 2019-07-30
Posts: 38

Re: Importing large quantity of MDMA.

Sorry but you're going to have to work that one out by yourself just like everyone else has because no one is going to burn their method/s for you. Especially on a forum where LE is more than likely to be monitoring

#3 2019-11-28 20:40

Registered: 2019-10-25
Posts: 55

Re: Importing large quantity of MDMA.

"personal use" riiiiighhhht. smile

The md on here is already damn cheap IMO, how cheap do you want it to be seriously?

Last edited by MrRobot (2019-11-28 21:00)

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