#1 2020-04-06 22:20

Registered: 2020-04-05
Posts: 13


Anyone heard from uncut pure recently? Haven't seen a reply in weeks sad

Last edited by wxh77437743 (2020-04-06 22:30)

#2 2020-04-07 16:10

Registered: 2020-03-03
Posts: 12

Re: uncutpure

I got a reply from him last week

#3 2020-04-09 08:50

Registered: 2020-03-25
Posts: 9

Re: uncutpure

I got my order from him last week. Responded pretty quick too.

#4 2020-04-16 23:10

Registered: 2020-03-05
Posts: 11

Re: uncutpure

MrCrowley ive ordered from him yesterday (should have looked at his profile!). Can you link me the site you ordered weed from if possible?

#5 2020-04-17 09:50

Registered: 2020-04-17
Posts: 1

Re: uncutpure

he's probably waiting for the escrow from all the orders last week to expire so he can collect his loot and then we never hear from him again, hes just trying to buy time lmao

#6 2020-04-17 12:20

Registered: 2020-04-17
Posts: 35

Re: uncutpure

I ordered from him too. Haven't had any response to my messages. Nothing has showed up I feel as if he hasn't even sent it. All these vendors claiming the pandemic is slowing down the mailing system are full of shit. Other items I've purchased have shown up promptly.
Thank god for escrow.

#7 2020-04-17 15:00

Registered: 2020-04-04
Posts: 20

Re: uncutpure

Well i thought it was weird my order was marked shipped at midnight tues/wed. Which was either preemptive for that day delivery or sus.

What are the policies on marking shipped if still in possession?

You all see they are suspended from selling atm

#8 2020-04-17 15:30

Verified Vendor
Registered: 2019-12-20
Posts: 86

Re: uncutpure

You know often we go out and post at night aye? Not saying this dude is innocent or anything just that it could be marked shipped any time.

Last edited by Speed_Freak (2020-04-17 15:30)

#9 2020-04-17 16:00

Registered: 2020-04-04
Posts: 20

Re: uncutpure

No I dont, hence why i posed the question. merely probing community feedback

Edit: Thanks for the update mod

Last edited by TheRedeemer (2020-04-17 16:30)

#10 2020-04-17 16:20

Verified Vendor
Registered: 2019-03-31
Posts: 716

Re: uncutpure

They are suspended for bad formatting of product listings

#11 2020-04-17 20:10

Registered: 2019-04-01
Posts: 24

Re: uncutpure

Ordered from him last Wednesday.  Order accepted on Thursday, arrived Wednesday this week (good considering Easter).  What I paid was high, but not as high as the other recent weed vendors had listed (paid $270 all up for 14g, including the fees I had to pay to local bitcoin).  Weed isn't great, better than average though, and better than a lot of what's listed on the darknet, not as good as most of the bigger tormarket vendors though.  Seems like the vendors just a little green to it all, I can't complain about their service though.

#12 2020-04-18 10:40

Registered: 2019-04-03
Posts: 115

Re: uncutpure

epicscene wrote:

All these vendors claiming the pandemic is slowing down the mailing system are full of shit.

Actually, it has slowed down. Both from the postal service side and the vendor side. The postal service is having delays, they even say so themselves on their website and on recorded phone message. I would personally take their word as more accurate than yours. From the vendor side, well obviously post offices aren't open so getting the mail into the system safely can be challenging and add a further delay.

#13 2020-04-18 18:10

Registered: 2020-04-17
Posts: 35

Re: uncutpure

NZanabolics wrote:
epicscene wrote:

All these vendors claiming the pandemic is slowing down the mailing system are full of shit.

Actually, it has slowed down. Both from the postal service side and the vendor side. The postal service is having delays, they even say so themselves on their website and on recorded phone message. I would personally take their word as more accurate than yours. From the vendor side, well obviously post offices aren't open so getting the mail into the system safely can be challenging and add a further delay.

From a buyer side I disagree. I can buy things online and they show up overnight. I've checked there website and there daily update today says the road and air networks operated mainly to plan overnight.
The delays are from some vendors marking as shipped and its not, which I think isn't fair, Possibly due to them being overwhelmed with orders due to many vendors being on vacation throughout the level 4.
I'd prefer a vendor who was honest and replied I'd rather know my parcel hasn't been shipped yet then being lead to believe it had. NZPost is not having major delays where its taking a week to deliver it.

#14 2020-04-19 17:20

Registered: 2020-04-04
Posts: 20

Re: uncutpure

Seems that all the promises for Sat delivery and such are falling through. More Refunds being requested now too. Anyone heard anything? Still has a large number of unread messages

#15 2020-04-19 18:00

Registered: 2020-04-17
Posts: 35

Re: uncutpure

TheRedeemer wrote:

Seems that all the promises for Sat delivery and such are falling through. More Refunds being requested now too. Anyone heard anything? Still has a large number of unread messages

I haven't had a response to my messages yet. No product showing up. I'm assuming it hasn't even been sent yet.
Hes been updating his profile since I last checked. So hes been online hes just ignoring everyone.

Ill probably request a refund for my order in a couple days if it doesn't show up by then.

#16 2020-04-19 18:20

Registered: 2020-04-04
Posts: 20

Re: uncutpure

Yes i had been seeing the changes to the profile. the current info on there and the lack of communication after what their product page has said over the week (first selling half a p, then supposedly going to get another whole p due to demand.) seems way to suspect.

frustrating as i think people would be happy with just some solid transparency instead of the gaslighting,

#17 2020-04-20 13:50

Registered: 2020-04-17
Posts: 35

Re: uncutpure

Anyone received anything from him yet? Specifically if your ordered from him within the last 7 days.

#18 2020-04-20 14:30

Registered: 2020-04-04
Posts: 20

Re: uncutpure

epicscene wrote:

Anyone received anything from him yet? Specifically if your ordered from him within the last 7 days.

No, they have not replied to my message on the market and have not changed the profile blurb either. Looks like they have bit off more than they can chew and are just stringing people along.

More refunds are being requested too.

How does one get in contact with mods to expedite the refund process? I would rather not have to wait a week of no contact to then get it processed? Is it through the support ticket system on the market.

Real bummer as i just wanted to enjoy the last few days of lockdown after a high-atus and it all fell through.

Edit: gramma

Last edited by TheRedeemer (2020-04-20 14:30)

#19 2020-04-20 15:00

Registered: 2020-04-17
Posts: 35

Re: uncutpure

TheRedeemer wrote:
epicscene wrote:

Anyone received anything from him yet? Specifically if your ordered from him within the last 7 days.

No, they have not replied to my message on the market and have not changed the profile blurb either. Looks like they have bit off more than they can chew and are just stringing people along.

More refunds are being requested too.

How does one get in contact with mods to expedite the refund process? I would rather not have to wait a week of no contact to then get it processed? Is it through the support ticket system on the market.

Real bummer as i just wanted to enjoy the last few days of lockdown after a high-atus and it all fell through.

Edit: gramma

How long ago did you order? Have you requested a refund? I ordered a week ago am thinking of requesting a refund have extended escrow in the meantime.

#20 2020-04-20 15:20

Registered: 2020-04-04
Posts: 20

Re: uncutpure

epicscene wrote:
TheRedeemer wrote:
epicscene wrote:

Anyone received anything from him yet? Specifically if your ordered from him within the last 7 days.

No, they have not replied to my message on the market and have not changed the profile blurb either. Looks like they have bit off more than they can chew and are just stringing people along.

More refunds are being requested too.

How does one get in contact with mods to expedite the refund process? I would rather not have to wait a week of no contact to then get it processed? Is it through the support ticket system on the market.

Real bummer as i just wanted to enjoy the last few days of lockdown after a high-atus and it all fell through.

Edit: gramma

How long ago did you order? Have you requested a refund? I ordered a week ago am thinking of requesting a refund have extended escrow in the meantime.

I made mine tues afternoon, marked shipped midnight tues. refund started on sunday night after no contact from message on sat after 24hrs.

Support ticket placed as well. Everyone with open orders should be concerned i think.

I gave him untill sat delivery to come through till i gave in. seems like they are clearly leading people along with this batch of orders.

Last edited by TheRedeemer (2020-04-20 15:20)

#21 2020-04-20 16:40

Registered: 2020-04-04
Posts: 20

Re: uncutpure

MrCrowley wrote:
tormarket wrote:

They are suspended for bad formatting of product listings

dont delete this ! answer it! You may only act as an intermediary and take your cut ! but I hope you feel some sort of obligation to explain the actions of one vendor with what  at least 80% agree is fucking bullshit!  get your shit toghether cunt! before you are regarded as not on only complicit but in on it you fucking parasite!

You need to calm down.

Just because they were suspended for one reason doesnt mean that the fixing of that problem means they will be back on the market. Hell if i would guess they re-did the product pages fairly quickly but are locked out still due to all this chatter.

If you dont like the transparency of a private site feel free to take you presence elsewhere. The mod provided the reason for the suspension, maybe you should ask what they need to do to have it lifted. But its not like they need to answer you as its none of your business.

#22 2020-04-20 18:10

Registered: 2020-04-04
Posts: 20

Re: uncutpure

MrCrowley wrote:

thry dont/ why did you chime in, this is a forum to express and possibly alert people over their orders,, you were happy to moam two comments ago, YOU asserrted that we are wrong, did you recieve yours weasel? just cause they were suspended/ for what?, none of my business??? I ask , none of your business ? when does it become my business? ..just for clarification?

I dont think you understand. The Mod has said they were suspended for product listing formatting, and you acknowledged that. Do you not understand what that means?

What i was saying was that you need to stop insinuating the reason for the suspension is to do with the orders and lack of communication.

Your paranoia (Quote "did you receive yours weasel?") and erratic messages should give you pause and a need to self reflect, people do not act like this normally.

#23 2020-04-20 20:50

Registered: 2019-04-03
Posts: 115

Re: uncutpure

MrCrowley wrote:
TheRedeemer wrote:
epicscene wrote:

Anyone received anything from him yet? Specifically if your ordered from him within the last 7 days.

No, they have not replied to my message on the market and have not changed the profile blurb either. Looks like they have bit off more than they can chew and are just stringing people along.

More refunds are being requested too.

How does one get in contact with mods to expedite the refund process? I would rather not have to wait a week of no contact to then get it processed? Is it through the support ticket system on the market.

Real bummer as i just wanted to enjoy the last few days of lockdown after a high-atus and it all fell through.

Edit: gramma

Yep totally hear ya, This is not drugged out fiends! Its simple economics! You pay for something that you hope is overnight but understand there is this crisis, 2 weeks later prices explode by a guy taking orders that he not only doesn't fufill, he lies !changes his profile to blame it on covid  and then backed up by tor doctor cause of bad formatting! wont answer that!. nz anabolics obviously up the arse of Tor Doctor and deleted my comments!    EXPLAIN TOR DOCTOR THAT THIS IS NZ POST FAULT!!!!    OR GREEDY DOCTOR TOR! appeasing a big escrow payout to himself

Why are you mentioning me? Settle down, you are ranting and making no sense. You just turn people off when you insult them.

Last edited by NZanabolics (2020-04-20 20:50)

#24 2020-04-20 21:30

Registered: 2019-12-30
Posts: 39

Re: uncutpure

MrCrowley How much did you spend on your order?

#25 2020-04-21 19:50

Registered: 2020-04-17
Posts: 35

Re: uncutpure

Looks like people are finally receiving packs from uncutpure. 6 finalized in the last 24 hours which I suppose is a good sign.
Their still ignoring all messages.
Still updating their profile blaming delays on postal services.
Its quite shit how their blaming post services. I've been buying things and getting them shipped constantly through-out level 4 without many delays.
Quit blaming postal services I hope people actually check tracking info when they finally receive their packs and see when it was actually sent.

#26 2020-04-21 23:20

Registered: 2020-04-04
Posts: 20

Re: uncutpure

I have been messaged, they are replying to some people it seems. Now down to ~15 unread now.

#27 2020-04-22 16:20

Registered: 2020-04-17
Posts: 35

Re: uncutpure

Still havn't received my pack or the tracking number. He replied to my message saying its been sent and if it dont arrive by end of day today to message him quantity and product that I ordered. Smh if its been sent why do I need to message you.

#28 2020-04-22 17:50

Registered: 2020-04-22
Posts: 60

Re: uncutpure

epicscene wrote:

Still havn't received my pack or the tracking number. He replied to my message saying its been sent and if it dont arrive by end of day today to message him quantity and product that I ordered. Smh if its been sent why do I need to message you.

Im in the same boat still nothing and recieved the same message, cant believe hes still taking orders, Ive been waiting weeks so was pleased just to get a message.

#29 2020-04-22 18:30

Registered: 2020-04-17
Posts: 35

Re: uncutpure

toothache wrote:

Im in the same boat still nothing and recieved the same message, cant believe hes still taking orders, Ive been waiting weeks so was pleased just to get a message.

Admin should do something about this he has tonnes of unread messages. Hes selectively replying and giving excuses to by time. To make things worse hes now allowed to relist his products and take more orders yet he cant even fulfill what he currently has in escrow.

#30 2020-04-22 22:20

Registered: 2020-04-04
Posts: 20

Re: uncutpure

epicscene wrote:
toothache wrote:

Im in the same boat still nothing and recieved the same message, cant believe hes still taking orders, Ive been waiting weeks so was pleased just to get a message.

Admin should do something about this he has tonnes of unread messages. Hes selectively replying and giving excuses to by time. To make things worse hes now allowed to relist his products and take more orders yet he cant even fulfill what he currently has in escrow.

Ditto, except i have the potential issue of that they went ahead and sent the order after a refund being requested. Totally ignored that part in our correspondence and just said id be that day or next, kind of forcing my hand now which is way worse than just being slack on orders.

Wont know for sure till i have tracking.

Last edited by TheRedeemer (2020-04-22 22:20)

#31 2020-04-22 23:10

Registered: 2020-04-08
Posts: 7

Re: uncutpure

My weed order was marked shipped on the 15th. No sign of it so far, and they haven't responded to any of my messages regarding ETA or tracking details. Yet, his profile has been updated for new customers saying "guaranteed 3 day shipping, no mucking around I'm for real". Why are we supposed to take this at face value. If you can't be bothered replying to people individually, post here and give some reassurance.

Also, why is meth amph and opiates so available and weed near impossible to find??? Disappointing tbh

#32 2020-04-23 14:30

Registered: 2020-04-04
Posts: 20

Re: uncutpure

uncutpure wrote:

hey mate, im very sorry about the delay, i had problem after problem... this has been very stressful for me but i have sent everything out and i have all trackings if needed.. if you didnt recieve today you will recieve tomorrow, if you havnt recieved anything by end of tomorrow could you please send me what you ordertd and the amount here in a message..

i am back on top of all orders and i will get all product to its destination 3 days absolute maximum. its not like me to be delayed. im known for delivering good quality product fast... it was a combination of things that went wrong that were out of my hands.. i can assure you it wont happen again

So i gather people got a variation of this copypasta?

Why also is the listing stock so high? seems to just be enabling them to do all this. No word since message or package so i can only assume they are still stalling for time.

#33 2020-04-23 16:00

Registered: 2020-04-17
Posts: 35

Re: uncutpure

TheRedeemer wrote:

So i gather people got a variation of this copypasta?

Why also is the listing stock so high? seems to just be enabling them to do all this. No word since message or package so i can only assume they are still stalling for time.

I literally got the exact same message. Havnt had a reply to my message I sent after I received that one.
Still no product arrived.
Ive made a support ticket and am communicating with admin in regards to all this fiasco.

Communication is key in the event of unforeseen circumstances out of vendors control.

#34 2020-04-23 16:00

Registered: 2020-04-08
Posts: 7

Re: uncutpure

Nope I haven't received any message like that from uncut. Did he send anyone tracking info? At this point I just want to know if he has shipped any of the weed orders. I've requested a refund

#35 2020-04-23 16:00

Registered: 2020-04-04
Posts: 20

Re: uncutpure

bigCLOP50 wrote:

Nope I haven't received any message like that from uncut. Did he send anyone tracking info? At this point I just want to know if he has shipped any of the weed orders. I've requested a refund

From the feedback only a couple of 7g replys have been posted so far and they were placed before/during easter. And it seems like that new guy GoodFood has already had a couple of deliveries completed using snail mail and they only popped up in the last 5 days as a vendor. So thats orders placed and completed since monday are already reaching places using letters and stamps.

Make of that what you wish.

#36 2020-04-23 16:10

Registered: 2020-04-08
Posts: 7

Re: uncutpure

Yep I hear ya

#37 2020-04-23 16:40

Registered: 2020-04-22
Posts: 60

Re: uncutpure

yeah wish he would just be honest, think he must of posted that generic message just so his unread messages didnt read 7o +
Now hes greedy enough to up his price and accept orders on both his listings, how hard can it be to take one day to make, how he hasnt got any negative feedback is beyond me, hell be getting some from me for all the ignorance and deception, Im requesting a refund tommorow, Ive had enough dissapointment from this vendor

#38 2020-04-23 17:20

Registered: 2020-04-04
Posts: 20

Re: uncutpure

toothache wrote:

yeah wish he would just be honest, think he must of posted that generic message just so his unread messages didnt read 7o +
Now hes greedy enough to up his price and accept orders on both his listings, how hard can it be to take one day to make, how he hasnt got any negative feedback is beyond me, hell be getting some from me for all the ignorance and deception, Im requesting a refund tommorow, Ive had enough dissapointment from this vendor

Seems they can and have been shipping MD, just the weed seems to not be moving. But seeing that his listing has nearly sold 1kg of the stuff thats a bit of a backlog.

But that pricing, phew just a touch parasitic. They arent processing or acknowledging refunds atm, or at least ive had mine waiting to be processed since sunday. And until 7 days pass and the automated system kicks in that is where its going to stay atm. Shame as i would have rather put it towards something else in the mean time.

Have you read the help section, there is a bit of info on the expectations of buyers and sellers that people should read over. Can be found in the fine print of the support section on the market page.

Edit: Its also at the bottom of the main side bar which i did not realise, guess it pays to pay attention,

Last edited by TheRedeemer (2020-04-23 18:10)

#39 2020-04-23 18:00

Registered: 2020-04-22
Posts: 60

Re: uncutpure

TheRedeemer wrote:
toothache wrote:

yeah wish he would just be honest, think he must of posted that generic message just so his unread messages didnt read 7o +
Now hes greedy enough to up his price and accept orders on both his listings, how hard can it be to take one day to make, how he hasnt got any negative feedback is beyond me, hell be getting some from me for all the ignorance and deception, Im requesting a refund tommorow, Ive had enough dissapointment from this vendor

Seems they can and have been shipping MD, just the weed seems to not be moving. But seeing that his listing has nearly sold 1kg of the stuff thats a bit of a backlog.

But that pricing, phew just a touch parasitic. They arent processing or acknowledging refunds atm, or at least ive had mine waiting to be processed since sunday. And until 7 days pass and the automated system kicks in that is where its going to stay atm. Shame as i would have rather put it towards something else in the mean time.

Have you read the help section, there is a bit of info on the expectations of buyers and sellers that people should read over. Can be found in the fine print of the support section on the market page.

Thanks for the info, never had a problem ever here in years, so wasnt sure what happens, cause I was hoping to get it and like yourself put it to something else,  For me Its waiting on something thats not coming, cause he straight out lies , so Illhope that when the alert level goes three some of the good vendors are back, and spend it then and appreciate them even more after being given the run around again and again,   I wonder how many of us there are?   may aswell do the refund now then. cheers!

#40 2020-04-24 12:40

Registered: 2020-04-24
Posts: 7

Re: uncutpure

i ordered like almost 2 weeks ago but i have to wait until next week wednesday apparently to get a refund because i requested a refund one day after ordering when i saw how big his backlog was.... so annoying seeing as he definitely hasn't sent it... i kinda feel like i'm being punished for being impatient, but if he's not gonna send it  whats the point of having the money held up in escrow if it will inevitably be refunded... i'm sure he's got no intentions of scamming but it's just odd to me why he would be taking orders and shit if there's still dozens of people who have been waiting over a week

#41 2020-04-24 14:10

Registered: 2020-04-04
Posts: 20

Re: uncutpure

imannoyed wrote:

i ordered like almost 2 weeks ago but i have to wait until next week wednesday apparently to get a refund because i requested a refund one day after ordering when i saw how big his backlog was.... so annoying seeing as he definitely hasn't sent it... i kinda feel like i'm being punished for being impatient, but if he's not gonna send it  whats the point of having the money held up in escrow if it will inevitably be refunded... i'm sure he's got no intentions of scamming but it's just odd to me why he would be taking orders and shit if there's still dozens of people who have been waiting over a week

At first i thought they were just shit with kush but looking day after day it seems they are slipping with MD too, and are just ignoring messages left right and centre.

After browsing the market rules i would have thought that infractions currently being done would lead to more of a response, but who knows maybe it is only like 5 people being sharfted and the rest are all above board.

But speaking from experience i can say there has been no attempt at mediation on my refund, but that is just one person. What really grinds my gears is that lockdown is pretty much over and there wont be a need for this forum or service. kind of a trial run to see how this goes compared to irl, and its not looking worth while tbh.

Can anyone chime in with there experience of an order on or around the 20th and what the happs with that is?

#42 2020-04-24 16:30

Registered: 2020-04-24
Posts: 7

Re: uncutpure

MrCrowley wrote:

I deleted my comments cause I was guaranteed It would be here on wednesday and it was unfair, TOR DOCTOR I hear received a nice chunk of commision on orders after his account was suspended due to ` Bad Formatting`, I reiterate that Tor doctor stated that vendors who mark orders shipped when they have not been will have their accounts suspended! he is just as complicit in this as the vendor, A new mdma vendor had his account suspended after good feedback for not shipping orders with 6 in escrow! the tor doctor grows greedy and fuckin greedier by the day, just on the verge of creating a bullshit story to the govt, threatening the lives of politicians like obama , johnson, bridges and morrison to kick this tor doctor cunt into touch of the five eyes, this is an actual promise!!!!!   Sort it tor doctor before your first death threat goes to ardern!! then obama , five eyes!!

take your meds dude the money is in escrow anyway so whats the point of making empty threats

#43 2020-04-25 12:00

Registered: 2019-04-01
Posts: 24

Re: uncutpure

I got my second order from uncutpure today, placed it on Wednesday and I live rural.  You guys are a bunch of spoiled whiny bitches.

Last edited by rick_sanchez_420 (2020-04-25 12:00)

#44 2020-04-25 12:20

Registered: 2020-04-24
Posts: 7

Re: uncutpure

rick_sanchez_420 wrote:

I got my second order from uncutpure today, placed it on Wednesday and I live rural.  You guys are a bunch of spoiled whiny bitches.

what the point of name calling? a lot of us have been waiting weeks for our orders to no avail and our refunds aren't being processed. look at what you just said, you're so cognitively dissonant i would recommend getting an mri because you must be fucking brain damaged. i'm probably just going to go back to trying to source irl after this fiasco, no excuses for ignoring people's messages and outright lying to them.

#45 2020-04-25 13:30

Registered: 2020-04-04
Posts: 20

Re: uncutpure

rick_sanchez_420 wrote:

I got my second order from uncutpure today, placed it on Wednesday and I live rural.  You guys are a bunch of spoiled whiny bitches.

Weed or MD? because there is a difference.

And how funi just looked and he has fullfilled an order from the 21st for nearly a grand. seems like picking and choosing.

Last edited by TheRedeemer (2020-04-25 13:30)

#46 2020-04-25 15:00

Registered: 2020-04-24
Posts: 7

Re: uncutpure

TheRedeemer wrote:
rick_sanchez_420 wrote:

I got my second order from uncutpure today, placed it on Wednesday and I live rural.  You guys are a bunch of spoiled whiny bitches.

Weed or MD? because there is a difference.

And how funi just looked and he has fullfilled an order from the 21st for nearly a grand. seems like picking and choosing.

ding ding ding. this guy is an utter joke. it's out of our hands now anyway

#47 2020-04-25 16:10

Registered: 2020-04-08
Posts: 7

Re: uncutpure

Wtf there are two cannabis orders finalized today, both ordered on the 22nd. Second one is for 7 grams or less. Is he making fake accounts and buying off himself to show traffic to encourage more sales? Given that we haven't received after 2 weeks and no tracking sent I'm inclined to think this

#48 2020-04-25 16:10

Registered: 2020-04-24
Posts: 7

Re: uncutpure

bigCLOP50 wrote:

Wtf there are two cannabis orders finalized today, both ordered on the 22nd. Second one is for 7 grams or less. Is he making fake accounts and buying off himself to show traffic to encourage more sales? Given that we haven't received after 2 weeks and no tracking sent I'm inclined to think this

thats a pretty schizo thought process lol, i mean he stands nothing to gain given that all orders are in escrow... but who fucking knows tbh

#49 2020-04-25 16:40

Registered: 2019-12-29
Posts: 26

Re: uncutpure

imannoyed wrote:

i mean he stands nothing to gain given that all orders are in escrow... but who fucking knows tbh

He's waiting for orders to auto finalize. Only 16 refund requests out of 47 orders in escrow and unless every single person is manually extending the auto finalize timer the majority of them will automatically leave escrow soon/eventually. The vendor bond is only $200 he just has to make that back and a bit more to successfully exit scam and at the prices he's charging that won't be hard at all.

#50 2020-04-25 17:40

Registered: 2020-04-24
Posts: 7

Re: uncutpure

Sprinkles wrote:
imannoyed wrote:

i mean he stands nothing to gain given that all orders are in escrow... but who fucking knows tbh

He's waiting for orders to auto finalize. Only 16 refund requests out of 47 orders in escrow and unless every single person is manually extending the auto finalize timer the majority of them will automatically leave escrow soon/eventually. The vendor bond is only $200 he just has to make that back and a bit more to successfully exit scam and at the prices he's charging that won't be hard at all.

i mean $200 isn't a lot lol idk why somebody would ruin their rep for that but yeah i see what you mean, could very well be an exit scam.... im pretty annoyed that i haven't been refunded yet. obviously nothing is gonna show up but as tordoctor said rules are rules so gotta wait

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