#1 2022-09-23 20:10

Registered: 2022-09-23
Posts: 4

Domestic parcel intercepted by LE. What now?

I've been using Tor Market for a while for small quantities for personal use. For those of us who want to enjoy the weekend high rather than plastered on booze, this market is a public service to be able to order safely.

I only ordered domestic NZ and used a fake name (maybe I should have used my real name). Unfortunately my last order was intercepted.

So... I'm asking for advice on how to order now? Due to the retarded prohibition laws LE has removed my safest option, so I'm forced to find another way to order.

Since LE are now aware of my address, does this mean I should never use this address again? Even a year from now? I don't have multiple addresses I can use.

Tormarket Support advised: "in NZ you can get items shipped to supermarkets, gas stations, or parcelpod, but check with vendor before ordering"

What is the best way to do this? Would I order in my own name? Would I have to go in to a gas station in front of CCTV with my own ID to pick up? Wouldn't that remove plausible deniability?

I've heard NZ also has a discord server where you can organize to meet person to person. Seems like that's much more risky, but can anyone help me get an invite to the discord?

Any other suggestions on how to order for personal use, now that my address is burned?


#2 2022-09-23 21:40

Registered: 2021-11-21
Posts: 32

Re: Domestic parcel intercepted by LE. What now?

Are you 100% sure it was seized? Like, did someone show up at your house to interrogate you? I've only heard of this ever happening when it is cannabis and the package smelled.
There was a link to a news article about Discord posted here and the article said people were getting robbed meeting in person.

#3 2022-09-25 13:20

Registered: 2022-09-23
Posts: 4

Re: Domestic parcel intercepted by LE. What now?

Hey Diggeroo. I'm 100% sure. I wont say how I know since that would be giving away too much identifiable info.

Just keen for any advice on using a different address (e.g. gas stations), or when/if I can ever use the same address again. Or... to take the risk on discord.


#4 2022-09-26 02:40

Registered: 2020-02-16
Posts: 186

Re: Domestic parcel intercepted by LE. What now?

I have used these types of addresses before. Go on to NZ post website, create an account and look for Parcel collect address. A couple of different businesses do this like gas stations and supermarkets. When you tell it where you live it will give a bunch of addresses. Sign up to one and they will give an address. As long as the vendor uses NZ Post which they almost all do, give the address you were provided.
Its free and very quick to set up. I've never had an issue using this method

#5 2022-09-27 16:10

Registered: 2021-10-22
Posts: 7

Re: Domestic parcel intercepted by LE. What now?

m92fs wrote:

I have used these types of addresses before. Go on to NZ post website, create an account and look for Parcel collect address. A couple of different businesses do this like gas stations and supermarkets. When you tell it where you live it will give a bunch of addresses. Sign up to one and they will give an address. As long as the vendor uses NZ Post which they almost all do, give the address you were provided.
Its free and very quick to set up. I've never had an issue using this method

I assume you have to provide ID to pick up the package? so fake ID needed as well?

#6 2022-09-27 16:40

Registered: 2020-02-16
Posts: 186

Re: Domestic parcel intercepted by LE. What now?

I don't use a fake ID. The chances of a domestic parcel being intercepted is very very low. And if the parcel is intercepted, the chances that the police would allow it to continue to its destination to set up some kind of elaborate sting operation that would require a lot of time, resources and possible multi day surveillance while they wait for me to pick it up, all to catch me with a small amount of drugs for personal use is basically zero.

Unless you are ordering a suppliers amount of drugs or are paranoid to an irrational extent it shouldn't be a problem

Last edited by m92fs (2022-09-27 16:40)

#7 2022-09-27 21:00

Registered: 2019-06-12
Posts: 51

Re: Domestic parcel intercepted by LE. What now?

I can speak on the Discords. Most of them were banned by Discord, those dealers have now moved to Telegram or elsewhere but you can still find legit plugs on Discord.

The community speaks for itself, people are known there.

I've done a few trades and you should come prepared and not alone. They're legit dealers, but opportunistic robbers.

They go into the deal with the product ready to sell, but if you look like you're not gonna be much trouble, they might try something.

LE wouldn't do this because it's entrapment.

Otherwise, I've met some awesome plugs that I still use to this day from Discord.

Last edited by mekkerx (2022-09-27 21:00)

#8 2022-09-29 19:20

Registered: 2022-09-23
Posts: 4

Re: Domestic parcel intercepted by LE. What now?

Thanks for the tips m92fs. Appreciated!

#9 2022-09-29 19:30

Registered: 2022-09-23
Posts: 4

Re: Domestic parcel intercepted by LE. What now?

Good advice - cheers mekkerx. Do you have a link to the discord? Or is there a way to DM you if it's not good to post it here?

#10 2022-10-03 14:40

From: Disney
Registered: 2021-04-25
Posts: 201

Re: Domestic parcel intercepted by LE. What now?

Sounds odd but I know farmjohn got raided due to one of his package popped during the depot. That's how they found him by the camera in the car park where he used to drop them off. Only way it would of gotten seized if the packages was ripped or popped.

From our days of being a vendor we only had 5-10 packages that were lost. None were seized

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