#1 2022-10-08 15:50

Registered: 2022-10-07
Posts: 7

International vendor recommendations

I'm wanting to know more about ordering internationally and peoples experiences.

Who are good international vendors?
What countries should I avoid?
What are the risks?
What safety measures do you take?
What are the delivery times like?

I'm interested in small amounts of ketamine or mdma. Just own use amounts.

#2 2022-10-08 20:50

Registered: 2022-06-10
Posts: 25

Re: International vendor recommendations

Hey Peachtree,

I do the following and have had very few, basically no, problems when ordering from international vendors.

I avoid Dutch vendors, not because they can't get the job done but because the Netherlands has for many many years been considered a country of significant interest by customs. I have successfully ordered from dutch vendors but I avoid it when possible.

I have had very good luck out of both the UK & Canada, on that note CanadaGoodies is an excellent professional vendor that would be worth looking into.

The risks are seizure by customs, possible mail delivery issues and law enforcement. But you already knew all of this, I only ever order small quantities 15g or less. I've had a delivery success rate of 90+% over several years of infrequent ordering. I don't order frequently or back to back as I believe this could raise red flags. Ordering small quantities decreases the likely-hood of a law enforcement investigation should customs intercept something.

Delivery times are usually between 1.5-3 weeks from Europe. Take the time to read the TM help section and the DNM Bible. This will explain the best measures to mitigate risks.

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