#1 2023-08-19 06:10

Verified Vendor
Registered: 2022-08-20
Posts: 40

Poppy seeds in time for spring

I have been accepted as a vendor on Archetyp and will be listing the same poppy seeds as last year. Datura seeds and a few other items will follow. Poppy seeds will be cheaper than last year with more available, but the seeds are still intended for people to plant the seeds carefully and grow a few plants this season and use the seeds from that (there will be thousands) to scatter around more freely and grow a bigger batch next year. Storing seeds sealed in a fridge is recommended (apparently fridges are too humid). In my experience poppies can grow over winter and then flower in spring in the top half of the North Island if you start them indoors and plant them in autumn (they are a long day flowering plant unlike marijuana which is a short day flowering plant), so two crops a year is possible.

As for datura it seems to die off after summer, I think it'd be nearly impossible to keep them alive outdoors over winter. But you don't need too much of that plant, and I only recommend low doses for interest or as a potentiator for other substances.

You can use bb code all over Archetyp including messages so remember to use plenty of colour (color). Marijuana should be green, marijuana seeds should be brown, and p should be white.

Last edited by DryBugs (2023-08-20 01:50)

#2 2023-08-19 23:30

Registered: 2019-05-21
Posts: 123

Re: Poppy seeds in time for spring

Cool yeah just in time. I get mine from trademe, there are a few subspecies there sometimes tas giants

#3 2023-08-20 02:00

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Registered: 2022-08-20
Posts: 40

Re: Poppy seeds in time for spring

I'm interested in different strains, have a new strain with white seeds and white flowers (my normal strain have black seeds with white flowers with purple patches in the middle), need to build up enough seeds before I can sell that one which will take this year and next year at the very least.

The pods for both my strains are nice and fat, anyway. The tasmanian giants on trademe look exactly the same as my normal (black seed) strain (white with purple patches in the middle), and the seller says you can plant in spring (for christmas flowering), or autumn (for over winter growing and flowering in spring), and he says the plants can even survive if it snows so perhaps they are quite cold tolerant. My prices will be significantly better than the trademe guy's prices, more like $10/g which is hundreds of seeds vs $6 for 100 seeds.

Last edited by DryBugs (2023-08-23 15:10)

#4 2023-08-20 02:30

Registered: 2019-05-21
Posts: 123

Re: Poppy seeds in time for spring

yeah much better price, and tbh tas giants might be bread for theabine since tasmania produces for pharma - ie semi synthetic end points..
Well, this year i plan to bleed and collect as much latex as possible. i have a lot of experience precipitating morphine from morphine pills - basically morphine in an aqueous solution filtered and then adjusted with NaOH. i figure ill disolve the tar in water, heat, filter out as much plant material as possible, then look at pegging out the morphine as i would from pills. But there are some steps i need to figure out
https://patents.google.com/patent/US6054584A/en has some interesting info
outlines some main industrial processes..
Maybe using ph adjusted methanol and then just reducing it after filtering is the simplest way to get a crude product with minimal effort..
Cooking morphine freebase with AA is better than any heroin ive had anywhere in the world, so the more pure you could get your morph extract the better. Ive had dirty 80s style bakes where junkies quickly dry opium, chuck some AA on it and bake it for 15 mins... but jesus, so much plant matter, all the other alkaloids, and usually still lots of acidic AA. Prickles from your hair follicles down to your butt hole, its agonising.

#5 2023-08-20 02:30

Registered: 2019-05-21
Posts: 123

Re: Poppy seeds in time for spring

id be keen to work on a process to balance effort and product with you...

#6 2023-08-20 02:40

Registered: 2019-05-21
Posts: 123

Re: Poppy seeds in time for spring

sounds like you could get a rough idea of alkaloid content by doing a methanol extract on a known weight of tar and comparing between plants... but knowing the alkaloid breakdown is kind of the point huh - somethign bread to have 90% thbaine is actually the last thing you want - people have become very sick and died in tasmania drinking poppy tea from stolen pharma pods

Last edited by astroburp (2023-08-20 02:40)

#7 2023-08-20 02:50

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Registered: 2022-08-20
Posts: 40

Re: Poppy seeds in time for spring

Yeah the high thebaine strains kill people and there was a tasmanian strain that was bred for that purpose with high thebaine and low morphine/codeine for industrial production of synthetic opiates (in Tasmania) so people who would raid the fields would not get very high and sometimes end up dead.

Last edited by DryBugs (2023-08-23 15:20)

#8 2023-08-20 17:00

Registered: 2020-01-28
Posts: 100

Re: Poppy seeds in time for spring

Has anyone tryed to purify there opium ?

#9 2023-08-23 07:20

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Registered: 2022-08-20
Posts: 40

Re: Poppy seeds in time for spring

Wasphunter324 wrote:

Has anyone tryed to purify there opium ?

Many, I poisoned myself. Should have taken chemistry at university.

I read that the bioavailability of morphine is 6x higher parenteral than oral. 6 times!!! Sweet fuck, what a waste of morphine taking opium or poppy tea orally is. Not that I'm not on some.

Made a low effort listing on Archetyp so people can get growing, prices starting as low as $5.50 incl postage.
Unfortunately I didn't record my wall of text listing from last year's Tor Market listing so I'll have to rewrite the damn thing unless TormarketSupport have mercy on me and send me a copy, and hopefully the Datura listing too with the wall of text of warnings since I don't really want to be connected to any serious accidents or hospitalisations, even for something semi-legal.

Last edited by DryBugs (2023-08-25 20:20)

#10 2023-08-25 05:00

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Registered: 2022-08-20
Posts: 40

Re: Poppy seeds in time for spring

Can discuss further on Archetyp.

Edit: I wrote some stuff here, something about drugs. But we don-t want to talk about drugs, because drugs are illegal. You don't want to go to prison and get fucked in the arse now, do you? I mean, some people do, like my neighbour, but we don-t. We wanna save the environment, and we wanna save money, and we wanna have fun doing it. Let-s get started.

Non-physicists across NZ and possibly the world have mistaken single use vape pens for cigarette butts. Imagine my nerdy surprise when rechargeable lithium ion polymer batteries of various sizes started appearing everywhere in gutters, I had to open them up and recharge them a few times to believe it. We got kids in the third world making these things to throw away. What you need is one of these:
If you don-t have one of these (a (cheap) programmable CC CV (constant voltage, constant current) power supply) you are probably ngmi. For example here-s one set to 4.05V 0.050A connected to a vape pen (replace " hash " with symbol, need Javascript, try Brave browser instead of turning Javascript on in Tor Browser, gotta love how one of the most security-hole ridden languages of all time is needed for protonmail, stick to pgp):
https://drive.proton.me/urls/RB772CP5A8 hash KVOCJ14QhGsp
And here it is working, the vape pen battery is drawing 0.047A at 3.87V. When it reaches 4.05V the voltage will stay at 4.05V and the current will start to fall, and when the current is negligible the battery is charged:
https://drive.proton.me/urls/DY9T2EADM4 hash 4tqtjQ8QSx0W
Vape pens sort of stop working when the voltage gets down to 3V and the blue light starts flashing when you inhale, you can see it in a mirror.

There is a cheaper way to still make it. What you need is one of these:
But I don-t have time to teach you how to use it.

What you need, to make it, is 3 bags of these, some wire, a spare USB 2.0 cable and a cheap USB adapter (length of solid core wire wouldn't hurt either):

Chop the USB cable in half and and strip off the outer layer and work out which of the two or four wires is positive and which is negative. Data USB 2.0 connectors have 4 wires, 0V, 5V, and power only only cables just have two wires. You could borrow my multimeter, or you could guess, or you could work out which wire conducts to which usb pin after goggling USB 2.0 pinout (tip: the power wires are at the edges, the data lines are in the middle), or you could you could buy one of these https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32807661989.html or these https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32807661989.html handy fuckers which will also tell you what your voltage is, unless you don-t want to support China because its communist and has a GDP per capita PPP half of NZs ya stingy cunt. Hopefully zero volts and five volts will be black and red and thicker than the data lines. Don-t use an expensive USB adapter or a computer USB port. Wipe the resistor legs with turps or meths briefly to get the glue off them, then twist them all together so you have a line of 24 resistors in a row, and connect one end to the positive 5V wire of the USB wire, connect the other end to the negative end. What you have made is a "resistor ladder". Plug the USB cable into a cheap wall usb adapter. The 5V wire is 5V, the 0V wire is 0V, 24 1.5ohm resistors have a resistance of 36ohms, so according to V=I*R, 5V=I x 36ohms, I = 5 / 36 = 0.14A. The original USB spec called for 0.5A so that is perfectly safe. Choose a voltage you would like to charge your vape to, I would recommend 4.05V as a safe charge voltage in case you connect it and forget about it for a week. You can charge them to 4.2V but you-ll shorten the battery life if you charge them fully. For example, 24 resistors x 4.05V / 5V = 19.44V so suppose we connect a charging wire between the nineteenth and twentieth resistors counting from 0 V.

Now you need to pry open the flat end of your vape pen (blunt nose pliers work well) which has run out of battery but still has vape juice in it and work out which end of the battery is positive and which is negative. For example you might be able to see a plus and minus on the case of this one:
https://drive.proton.me/urls/4QTAA44EHC hash hmMbtReLDiFX
And this one is black and red, black is 0V and red is positive:
https://drive.proton.me/urls/MD5QWMDFHC hash VKU8Nbn4et4i
Come to think of it, both of them have the positive terminal at the open end of the pen. Strip some more wire eg from the USB cable you used, with a knife or scissors or whatever you have, peel back the black rubber protectors, and wrap the wire around the metal contact a few times. 0V to 0V/black, 4.05V to red/positive.

Leave overnight. Replace protective foam pads. Reassemble. If it didn't work your connections weren-t good or you connected it backwards. Finish your vape.

USB lithium ion battery charger PCBs from aliexpress and other li-on chargers would work too but would probably provide too much current for the little vape batteries. Some of the vapes I picked off the street had surprisingly high voltage remaining, maybe the users didn't like the taste. A lot of the dumped vapes were zesty lemon, I hate that one, too much menthol, reminds me of drinking cough syrup. Drop your used vapes somewhere predictable, like in gutters, DIY guys will appreciate them and recycle them and any left over will be vacuumed up by street sweepers. For example my bike light is powered by 15 batteries from dropped vapes and needs to be charged about every 2-3 months. Soon should have enough to make an EV. Probably the fag hags smoke them too, just wait till they find this thread.

Last edited by DryBugs (2023-09-06 07:10)

#11 2023-08-25 11:30

Registered: 2019-04-30
Posts: 122

Re: Poppy seeds in time for spring

Ooo I might be keen on some of the shroom stuff.

I'm just on my second grow now and still learning as I go. Used whole-grain brown rice to spawn and then straight coco coir into a mono tub and using wool filters for passive air exchange (sheep wool its a great cheap natural filter). Super low-tech setup but it's working great so far. Just starting to get loads of baby pins now. Excited!

This time round I'm going to try take clones of the best mushrooms and propagate them on agar plates, isolate the good mycelium and then transfer straight into grain jars. Apparently this method reduces contamination greatly and allows you to select the best of the best. Will see I guess.

#12 2023-08-27 06:50

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Registered: 2022-08-20
Posts: 40

Re: Poppy seeds in time for spring

astroburp wrote:

Ive had dirty 80s style bakes where junkies quickly dry opium, chuck some AA on it and bake it for 15 mins... but jesus, so much plant matter, all the other alkaloids, and usually still lots of acidic AA. Prickles from your hair follicles down to your butt hole, its agonising.

Last edited by DryBugs (2023-08-27 08:20)

#13 2023-08-27 08:10

Verified Vendor
Registered: 2022-08-20
Posts: 40

Re: Poppy seeds in time for spring

Dude, I-ve watched a video of guys boiling latex in vinegar and shooting that. They got it tested at a lab. 0% diacetyl morphine. Who would have thought acetic acid does not substitute for acetic anhydride. Will post the video if I find it.

DryBugs wrote:

I read that the bioavailability of morphine is 6x higher parenteral than oral. 6 times!!! Sweet fuck, what a waste of morphine taking opium or poppy tea orally is. Not that I'm not on some.

If you knew a way of getting the morphine alone out of poppy heads do you realise how valuable that would be.

I wrote up these big posts while on bromazolam about getting rid of old marijuana and mushroom gear cos I'm retiring from anything illegal (too much heat), then got home in a shitty paranoid mood and deleted them and made a comedy post about recharging vapes instead. I'll put the post back up when I have time cos it's still basically legal, it's all still available and this seems like a good place to find buyers, assuming you think I-m not LE which strictly you can-t because I only ever sell legal items. Anyway, 250W HID gear + low effort LED light setups + fans + carbon filters + spare activated charcoal, and mushroom incubators and terrariums and a half finished laminar flow hood (the shrooms were an experiment, based on stuff I mostly remembered from growing in 2003 when I was amazed I could grow a hallucinogen at home, with not enough research to do a fantastic job, and it took a while to work out what to do but once I got the cakes working with casings they were producing (a non-trivial quantity of a class A hallucinogen btw) which could lead to greater more efficient setup, also was quite a few years later I realised you could buy hallucinogenic san pedro on trademe, you need to research how to prepare that one, it's a cosmic trip though, specially at night), and for the MJ there were some Raspberry Pi devices that controlled the fans with a PWM pin (two pins) and kept a log and even graph of the temperature using a cheap temperature sensor (3 pins) plus some some very simple bash code and cheap electronics. Raspberry pi fan control with log and graph isn't necessary, but it's not complicated (seriously a non-tarded school kid could do it), just reads a temperature sensor and determines a fan speed from that, plus makes a performance log/graph which are sort of handy for tweaking settings. And learning shell script is so simple and intuitive we should have been taught it at primary school, and you can pretty much google any problem you run into and get 50 replies for the same issues that everyone runs into.

Does anyone want nitrous anymore, I have a bit left over and a few crackers but sort of haven't enjoyed it since I was in my 20s when I was pretty high on life anyway, message me on Archetyp or briar me (new briar) briar://acezfdhhy2ow2xzh4qqhznivmrpyowcr4zzsplpe25ju77fd5gbfc
You grow out of those giant mindfuck trips as you grow older, ya know

Was talking to my dad-s new partner last night who works with underprivileged families, she said the kids from meth families are a lot better than the kids from alcohol abusing families. Maybe cos you have to be smarter to realise to not just use just alcohol. Maybe because alcohol literally makes you dumb while one of the most prolific mathematicians in the world, Paus Erdos, was an amphetamine user. Drugs opened my eyes and changed my life (that was the hallucinogenic side). I've never seen a person's life turn to shit from drugs, we all had a great time and never hurt anyone (not so badly that we couldn't laugh about it anyway, cept the guy who went down Baldwin street (steepest street in the world, in Dunedin) in a wheely bin with some girl, and she took the full force of the crash and died while he survived. And that was on alcohol). So I haven't seen both sides. Cept I-ve seen people use alcohol their whole lives when there-s a universe of pyschoactives out there, and it isn-t human. I can-t get my dad to take opium. That he-s grown. Why take the lobotomy. Alcohol is good for socialising, sometimes for depression. Name some classes of drugs, stimulants, cannbanoids, benzos, opiates, hallucinogens (psychedelics, dissociatives, dilirients), what others have I missed. And we legalise alcohol (cept in parts of the Muslim world, wanna know what happened to Jesus' liver when his blood was wine, got a spear through it). We-re a special species you know. There-s no other way to be. Be special, or attempt to be perfect. Alright well fuck trying to be perfect. We-re special.

(wanna read about becoming perfect: read "Cave in the Snow")

Last edited by DryBugs (2023-08-31 08:40)

#14 2023-08-30 11:10

Verified Vendor
Registered: 2022-08-20
Posts: 40

Re: Poppy seeds in time for spring

Can briar me briar://acezfdhhy2ow2xzh4qqhznivmrpyowcr4zzsplpe25ju77fd5gbfc
Old briar is killed by phone upgrade (along with all my google authenticator signins, now why the fuck didn-t research properly how to back those up before making a new phone)
Trendy new encrypted IM app aint it, can even set up a server on a spare phone so it collects (encrypted) messages while you-re offline. Now my old phone is both my clock and my briar server https://drive.proton.me/urls/YNNDAMHPZM hash GH61IveEq91K

Last edited by DryBugs (2023-08-31 08:40)

#15 2023-08-30 12:10

Registered: 2022-01-15
Posts: 73

Re: Poppy seeds in time for spring

DryBugs wrote:

Can briar me briar://abqxkhln4g5l6ilx4jcxnw5qvhb5kw4xgasbbrg242xypz767usrm
Old briar is killed by phone upgrade (along with all my google authenticator, now why the fuck didn-t research properly how to back those up before making a new phone)
Trendy new encrypted IM app aint it

Add me back mate briar://ac3rmrjgtso63aef77r4qrgdxxz4kw3d4rj52tvjpl6f7qi7crfrs

#16 2023-08-30 19:40

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Registered: 2022-08-20
Posts: 40

Re: Poppy seeds in time for spring

I had a moment of paranoia and deleted the Briar account, set everything to self delete after 7 days. Like on Archetyp messages are only kept for 14 days. So this is my new paranoid briar (need to remove the space) briar:// acezfdhhy2ow2xzh4qqhznivmrpyowcr4zzsplpe25ju77fd5gbfc and you may have to re-add

Found this app, Ripple, it's like a panic button, if you open the app, click the button and drag it down it'll nerf any sensitive apps you have like briar or fdroid

Last edited by DryBugs (2023-08-30 19:40)

#17 2023-09-01 17:50

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Registered: 2022-08-20
Posts: 40

Re: Poppy seeds in time for spring

7860 wrote:

Add me back mate briar://ac3rmrjgtso63aef77r4qrgdxxz4kw3d4rj52tvjpl6f7qi7crfrs

Pretty sure it's just waiting for you to log back in. 2 sales already from my low effort listing so grow NZ, you can grow a few plants this year and you'll have hundreds next year to make some serious opium and thousands the year after. I literally started with 30 seeds from freespore.com. Actually the prices are insane, the seeds aren't worth a thing, but you want to know you have a strain oriented towards alkaloids which these probably are. So hopefully worth the effort. It's crazy thinking I paid $5 for 30 seeds once, they better be potent. Now I'm selling a minimum of 0.5g for $3 which is like a hundred seeds, cheaper if you buy more too.

Last edited by DryBugs (2023-09-01 19:00)

#18 2023-09-02 10:30

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Registered: 2022-08-20
Posts: 40

Re: Poppy seeds in time for spring

Was thinking I'll just give away my two 250W ballasts both with spare MH and HPS lights, at basically postage price, just to get people into it, one customer each. If  you-re in or near Gisborne then free + whitest of white paint + spare activated charcoal and I'll throw in a raspberry pi to control the fan and log the temperature (I can do the electronics), otherwise there-s a bit of shipping involved. Small amount of research to do before you know about growing (shit I haven't researched it properly since 2001, times have changed, LEDs, coir, lots of perlite, hydro if you cbf). You can make your set up as hardcore or simple as possible. The SBC (raspberry pi shit) is sweet, you should do it and you'll need to understand Unix someday anyway if you're not already learning Tails, it's a good introduction to robotics. You still need a tent or cupboard, I had a few cupboards in mind from bunnings/mitre10, probably better other places like you can find a 2nd hand cupboard from a 2nd hand shop that might be sealable and suitable, then its a stealth grow. you'll have your investment back in no time,just grow in winter and it-s basically contributing to your heating costs, can get two grows in each winter. But you should have some DIY skills. I have a shitton of activated charcoal, shitton of  ultra-white paint (I was planning to do this for a while). You will need to make or buy a reflector. You need a carbon filter, doesn't have to be huge (you could probably make one, I had a few plans) and can refill it with my spare activated charcoal. Also the obvious, pots (air pots are sweet), quality soil (worth it), flowering fertiliser, you can set up an irrigation system. overgrow the government was the name of this site I used to do all my research on in 2002-3, it's down now. but there-s dozens of replacement drug growing forums

Shroom setup it still available, maybe more skill and equipment required but hardly any more difficult. and mycology's pretty interesting

Ok now I gotta go watch more Civ Div on youtube, dude-s a legend. Also, "An Affair to Remember", the most romantic movie in the world,  Sleepless in Seattle is based on it

Last edited by DryBugs (2023-09-02 12:20)

#19 2023-09-03 22:10

Registered: 2019-05-21
Posts: 123

Re: Poppy seeds in time for spring

DryBugs wrote:

Dude, I-ve watched a video of guys boiling latex in vinegar and shooting that. They got it tested at a lab. 0% diacetyl morphine. Who would have thought acetic acid does not substitute for acetic anhydride. Will post the video if I find it.

I remember that video, it was from Vice .. they were collecting opium from pharmac fields somewhere in europe. Idiots, would have been such an awful histamine rush.

Lots of NZ junkies used to go around stealing poppies from gardens, they'd bleed the opium right onto a spoon, dry it out over an element and then add AA and cook it in the oven. Desperate times, though of course it would turn the morphine to diacetyl but still would mostly be plant matter, codeine and other alkaloids.

Okay ill be honest, i am one of those junkeis and i've had one of those shots, it was nasty.

With a little patience, im sure you could at least clean the plant matter out just by disolving in water and running through a scientific filter and evaporating the liquid off.

#20 2023-09-03 22:10

Registered: 2019-05-21
Posts: 123

Re: Poppy seeds in time for spring

DryBugs wrote:

I've never seen a person's life turn to shit from drugs,

Bro, you've been hanging with the wrong people!!
I've seen people go from functional home owners to losing their kids and all material posessions, ive watched 2 people die, countless friends end up in jail, ive seen full sets of teeth disappear, women who've started smoking meth and within a year are prostitutes... i know a guy who took so many mushrooms that he ended up with schizophrenia.

#21 2023-09-04 02:30

Registered: 2023-08-23
Posts: 15

Re: Poppy seeds in time for spring

Prohibition is what we have instead of nuclear war. things are getting better

The moment I realised alcohol was legal and everything else wasn't, in 2000, I realised you're gonna need a bit of discipline and self control to handle all these things. The shit's powerful, you need a work ethic or you-ll be fucked at all time, you know to know how to handle yourself. So I know a lot of people get hurt, lose their lives. It's the latest version of natural selection.

Not saying that I've done drugs without my fair share of accidents, but if you have poor impulse control and self-discipline .... good fucking luck. There are people out there who'd be on drugs cept they can't work out how to use cryptocurrency and tor browser. That's a pretty good child safety lock. Doesn't mean I don't mind sharing the world with them. I was 15th equal in NZ in scholarship exams in 1999, got to skip first year physics at Uni, maybe I don-t need the lock. Sometimes I hate prohibition so bad I could kill about it, really pretty happily, eg the time I became one of those unfortunate bastards who needed medication really badly but they wouldn't let me anywhere near it. Anti-psychotics are hell. But who the fuck believes a schizophrenic who says he was contacted by aliens anyway. That's fading away now, a decade later. Only need 10-20mg bromazolam a day to get by.

I needed fucking xanax (or equivalent), I needed ritalin (or equivalent), I needed opiates (or equivalent), I needed a lot of them. I got anti-psychotics (chemical lobotomy) instead. Became an alcohol for 4 years instead. You run into guys who are like -white or green- (p or weed). Think they're aware of the classes of drugs and chemicals available.

Last edited by rockafe (2023-09-06 09:30)

#22 2023-09-06 11:40

Verified Vendor
Registered: 2022-08-20
Posts: 40

Re: Poppy seeds in time for spring

7860 wrote:


What's ur briar, my new one is briar://acezfdhhy2ow2xzh4qqhznivmrpyowcr4zzsplpe25ju77fd5gbfc
Thought you were briar://ac3rmrjgtso63aef77r4qrgdxxz4kw3d4rj52tvjpl6f7qi7crfrs
Hasn't connected, or you haven't been on for days

Last edited by DryBugs (2023-09-06 11:40)

#23 2023-09-15 03:10

Registered: 2023-08-23
Posts: 15

Re: Poppy seeds in time for spring

It was just an experiment to do it if it did anything at all, for a start there were crystals all over the (I think 1mg?) xanax tabs, which were probably wasted unless you licked them off. Use ethanol (10mg/1ml) + citric acid (raise solubility), use big tabs, I think it has potential. A heavy bromaz user wouldn't notice them but a light user woultd

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