#1 2024-02-14 22:30

Registered: 2023-12-29
Posts: 6

Very heavy weed use caused an inability to feel any benzo or stims

Hey fellow enthusiasts.

During UNI I was severely depressed and found weed to to greatly help with my mood and as well by daily needs (shower, dishes). Around 3 months of increasingly daily use, I was at a point of of dabbing over 1g of hash. The increment carried on up to where I was using over 2g split between 10 sessions and could barely feel it, as it had long lost helpfulness and I had also developed HPPD or visual snow but not too serious I couldn't function.

I found I had undiagnosed adhd and, with great struggle, managed to quit using weed all-together in order to start treatment of my desperately needed situation. I have gone through the psychiatric process as well as my own triels:
so far I have tried both low and high doses of methylphenidate (5-60mg), dextroamphetamine (5- 80mg), MDMA (150-200mg), and even a modest line coke. In all of these cases I did not feel any of  the expected effects rather only increased heart rate and muscle tension.

Now for the interesting part. I have read in many places that benzos can cure HPPD so I bought 50mg alprazolam from a respected vendor on TM (RIP)

Day 1: 1mg - nothing             Day 2: 4mg - nothing                  Day 3: 10mg - nothing                     

Day 4:

    I said fuck and took the rest of the 40mg of alprazolam. Now this is how I knew i didn't get scammed. Because off the 40mg of alprazolam my snowy vision had gone completely (only for the duration of the dose), I almost cried, I was a bit wonky when walking but wouldn't say I barred out. I was lucid and remember the whole day as I was playing video games with bros who never seemed to suspect I was on anything.

I have researched heavily and the only substance that has promise is a full GABA agonist named muscimol, which acts on all receptors (closed or opem) while benzos only act on open receptors. hence my most in the product sourcing

I know this is from the weed abuse because I had used mdma before my weed use and it was wonderful, probably made better by it being the stim that helped my adhd

My question to you all is has anyone ever experienced and/or know of a way to help me feel stims again because i desperately need help with my adhd.

Thank you all for listening to my rambling.
Best regards

I should have added in the post that I acquired flubromazolam, but on my first dose 20mg (huge dose) i blacked out and did some stupid shit but afterwards the visual snow has lessened quite a bit. From that from understand there open gaba and closed gaba receptors (possibly like in my case) and since muscimol acts on all open, or closed which is why visual snow has lessened but stims still done work.

Last edited by lostlost (2024-02-16 14:10)

#2 2024-02-16 09:50

Registered: 2020-11-29
Posts: 27

Re: Very heavy weed use caused an inability to feel any benzo or stims

Agmatine Sulfate may help in your situation

#3 2024-02-16 14:10

Registered: 2023-12-29
Posts: 6

Re: Very heavy weed use caused an inability to feel any benzo or stims

thanks for the suggestion, I used agmatine,and other supplements for over a year..
I read a study, though on rats, that muscimol completely reversed the damage done.
I should have added in the post that I acquired flubromazolam, but on my first dose 20mg (huge dose) i blacked out and did some stupid shit but afterwards the visual snow has lessened quite a bit. From that from understand there open gaba and closed gaba receptors (possibly like in my case) and since muscimol acts on all open, or closed which is why visual snow has lessened but stims still done work.

#4 2024-02-17 00:40

Registered: 2020-05-08
Posts: 11

Re: Very heavy weed use caused an inability to feel any benzo or stims

I wrote a big statement about how you aren't a neuroscientist, a licensed psychiatrist or a licensed psychologist/therapist but it didn't seem helpful or positive. Because you are research minded i'll say this - You are combining 3 completely different scientific disciplines here, legally 18 years of combined experience is required if you were a client. The psychiatric process in treating ADHD commonly takes 6 months to a year for a trained professional to figure out your dosing requirements, i'd go get an actual diagnosis dude and do the process properly, if you were prescribed Methylphenidate it clearly states "Do not stop taking this medicine...". I'd research how the specific pharmacology of the compounds (ritialin, dexes) interact with ADHD neurologically, the "stimulant" aspect isn't important at all, it's just how they are classified.

That being said, some practical advice from a licensed professional. Go see a therapist (psychologist) who specializes in ADHD, you can look them up. You are forgetting about the most important part of any treatment, that you are a person with a complex set of emotions and needs. Every psychological experience has a biological correlate, that's basic neuroscience. You're not having success because you aren't addressing the emotional (psychological) aspect. Successful ADHD treatment doesn't actually require medication at all. I hope this helps dude, ignore my negative tone it's just really fucking complex. I was diagnosed with ADHD as an adult too and it took about a year to work out treatment but it completely changed my life. One day I woke up and felt like I was a normal person. I'll delete this in a couple days, it's extremely unethical. Good luck!

Last edited by jd123 (2024-02-17 01:10)

#5 2024-02-17 01:00

Registered: 2020-05-08
Posts: 11

Re: Very heavy weed use caused an inability to feel any benzo or stims

My workmate just completed their PHD in the treatment of ADHD with research done at our clinic, the first thing we would do is get you in front of a therapist. Trying to emphasize it's importance to the process. Also, tell them exactly what you wrote here, it'll help significantly. It's just medicine seeking, it can't be used against you in any way.

#6 2024-02-17 01:50

Registered: 2020-05-08
Posts: 11

Re: Very heavy weed use caused an inability to feel any benzo or stims

One more thing, with an ADHD brain stimulant medication should have an opposite effect. If you feel stimulated you either don't have ADHD, or you may need to lower the dose, or the speed of release is wrong 10s vs 20s, or you need to change to another formulation formulation, or swap from dexies to methly or vise versa, only one should be effective.

Benzos and Methyl are both extremely habit forming, this is the essence of addiction, your brain just does what it's used to doing, reduce your intake and it'll need less to get the same result. Be careful, addiction is extremely hard to treat.

#7 2024-02-17 16:50

Registered: 2023-12-29
Posts: 6

Re: Very heavy weed use caused an inability to feel any benzo or stims

Thank you mate,  no hard feeling.
I have been seeing a therapist who diagnosed me who know as well as specialist who also agreed with the adhd diagnosed. I am on dexies currently from my psychiatrist and am using them how prescribed, no feeling though.

Why i am concerned about is that I could take 10mg of alprazolam, with no tolerance, and not feel a thing. Also concerned that before my weed stink I had used mdma and it was amazing but now i can  take 250mg  and not fell any thing
Its also been 1 year since i quit weed and nothings changed.

Thanks for taking time to have this discusion

Last edited by lostlost (2024-02-17 16:50)

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