#1 2024-04-24 13:10

Registered: 2019-07-22
Posts: 38

Bitcoin - Held funds and account - uh oh - what to do next

Looks like I went to the well once to often with a wallet.
Got email that transaction/account held unless I ...
"Can you please give me some more information about these addresses and who they belong to?"
I assume a seller got compromised and this address was on their drive.

this is a trap.
Not sure what my next move is here -> any advice in this situation?

Ignore, dont reply and take the loss on the chin and move onto another account? this will look cagey though.

#2 2024-04-30 10:00

Registered: 2019-04-30
Posts: 122

Re: Bitcoin - Held funds and account - uh oh - what to do next

Sounds like your using a centralized exchange? This is the main way they can hold your funds to ransom and force you into KYC (don't do it!). It sounds sketchy to me, personally I would cut my losses after trying few grumpy emails throw in some legal threats maybe for good measure and you might get your coins out, good luck though and be careful not to give away any details that could be linked to your PII.

A good lesson I guess in always keeping coins in your own wallets on your own machines, self-sovereignty!

#3 2024-05-02 18:20

Registered: 2019-09-25
Posts: 39

Re: Bitcoin - Held funds and account - uh oh - what to do next

Hey mate. This happened to me using the kiwi exchange (cant remeber name now). i told them it was none of their business and they banned me and refunded my money (minus a transaction fee).
Afterwards I thought maybe I should have told them it was going to one of my hard wallets. Not sure if it would have worked or not.
I shit myself for a wee while, but nothing happened. I think if the transaction is over a certain $value nd you send it straight to the market it triggers something.
Just my experience. Good luck.

#4 2024-05-19 19:40

Registered: 2024-03-27
Posts: 4

Re: Bitcoin - Held funds and account - uh oh - what to do next

Yeah, never send funds directly from an exchange to a vendor, Jesus Christ.

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