#1 2024-07-20 01:10

Registered: 2024-06-16
Posts: 8

Dreen dragon tinture

Has anyone had any experience extracting the alcohol from the tinture and turning that into vape-able distilate ? Asking since im looking to do the same since vendors across different market place dont sell distilate anymore to make carts and its a bloody ceebs importing it from the UK / US


#2 2024-07-20 02:00

From: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Registered: 2021-05-13
Posts: 838

Re: Dreen dragon tinture

You'd probably only be looking at a 1% recovery rate, the THC content in green dragon is super low, really not much point. Just buy some isopropyl alcohol and do QWISO extraction, it's super easy.

But if you are adamant on trying it, pour it in to a pot, set the heat to low and let the alcohol evaporate off. Whatever gunk is left will probably be THC, maybe.

#3 2024-07-22 10:20

Registered: 2019-04-30
Posts: 122

Re: Dreen dragon tinture

It depends on how the tincture was made, if it was made from good quality flower that was properly decarbed and was then made using pure food-grade Ethanol at least 98% then tincture can be extremely strong.

The tincture I make for example is far stronger than any edibles I have tried, it kicks most peoples ass. Even regular daily smokers have had near psychedelic experiences from my tincture so it's not that tincture is generally weak it's just that most peoples method of making tincture is crap or they used crap ethanol or crap buds. Hence you end up with tinctures that are mostly just shit, or even worse the tinctures made from PG which are just total rubbish (THC will not dissolve into PG people, it will dissolve into fats and ethanol only)

The main problem you will face here is that even if you make a really good tincture, when you evaporate the ethanol what you are left with is a "full spectrum" extract which will typically be very gunky and no where near close to a THC distillate or isolate. I have done this before with a tincture that was not left to soak for too long so was not green at all and ended up with a really nice golden oil but it was like working with rosin and I think you'd have a hard time getting that into something like a vape cart. Although you could certainly vape the oil directly like doing spots and get super super high. You can also eat this oil it's something akin to RSO but much cleaner.

#4 2024-07-22 12:20

From: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Registered: 2021-05-13
Posts: 838

Re: Dreen dragon tinture

Xar777 wrote:

made from PG which are just total rubbish (THC will not dissolve into PG people, it will dissolve into fats and ethanol only).

Gonna have to call bullshit on that one my man. I sold vape carts back in the day that were PG based. I followed instructions I found on an ancient forum thread from like 2006 and did the extraction with PG. It turned a beautiful dark yellow colour and blew peoples heads off when they vaped it. I think I had sold over 200 of them by the time I moved on to other products and never had any complaints.

Obviously not as good as a proper distillate but nothing is.

PG is an extremely versatile solvent, basically anything will dissolve in it.

#5 2024-07-22 14:10

Registered: 2019-04-30
Posts: 122

Re: Dreen dragon tinture

OK my bad. your def right about the PG, it can be used to dissolve extracts, etc. Just seems IME all the ones I have ever tried have been total rubbish.

#6 2024-07-22 14:10

Registered: 2019-04-30
Posts: 122

Re: Dreen dragon tinture

That does make me wonder if you could just evaporate a good quality Ethanol based extract and simply dissolve the resulting oil into PG and you would have a decent vape liquid.

One major advantage of ethanol based extract is that its easy to acquire the base materials, its essentially non-toxic at the doses used and avoids having to use harsher solvents like iso or butane, etc which must be fully evaporated to be safe for human consumption. I drop tincture all the time into various food items and drinks and it's great, so versatile and extremely potent when made correctly

#7 2024-07-22 17:00

From: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Registered: 2021-05-13
Posts: 838

Re: Dreen dragon tinture

You are right though that 100% PG vapes really suck.

Yeah that would work but if you want an actual good vape liquid you'd want to add like 15% VG in to the mix as well, maybe more maybe less. Anyone who vapes nicotine vapes will tell you that vaping pure PG really irritates your throat pretty quickly and its quite unpleasant to vape. It also overpowers any taste you might have gotten from the concentrate/honey oil. That is why nicotine vapes are 50/50 PG/VG.

It's tricky though because VG is a garbage solvent so you can't use it in the extraction, and adding VG to the PG extract will dilute the strength of the dissolved THC. But it will make the experience of actually vaping it leaps and bounds more enjoyable and make the cart seem a lot higher quality than just a straight PG cart.

Making good vape carts isn't nearly as easy as people imagine it is, doing a decent quality THC extract is just the first step. There are so many variables and things to consider, so many trade offs, just a big balancing act.

After months of making my own carts that were passable enough to sell but nowhere near the quality I wanted, struggling to make a mixture that was both strong and didn't feel like inhaling Satans farts, I was more than happy to just let Marmite take over that market and move on to something new.

#8 2024-07-22 17:10

From: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Registered: 2021-05-13
Posts: 838

Re: Dreen dragon tinture

Thinking about it I actually think your best bet would be to do the ethanol extract, get your oil and try and thin it out a bit somehow. Like maybe don't bother with using PG as a solvent, instead just drip a few drops of it into the oil and stir with a match stick until the oil is a little bit runny and liquidy. And then pour the runny oil in a vape cart. That way it won't be so thick that its impossible to get in the cart, and not so thick that the cart w­ick can't absorb it. Cause if that happens the cart just burns out immediately and you get a lung full of burnt cotton.

So yeah get it to that nice only just a little bit liquidy state and use that as the vape fill, that seems like the best plan to me. It would be strong as fuck too with barely any dilutant.

tl;dr: It's 2024, just buy a ten pack of professionally made carts from Canada and skip all this bullshit.

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