#1 2024-07-03 03:20

From: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Registered: 2021-05-13
Posts: 838

FarmerJohn Updates Thread

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#2 2024-07-03 16:10

Registered: 2024-04-08
Posts: 29

Re: FarmerJohn Updates Thread

WB. Who wouldve guessed

In terms of selling potent analogues and having received bunk stuff before, will you be testing each batch before sending out products in the future?

#3 2024-07-03 17:20

From: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Registered: 2021-05-13
Posts: 838

Re: FarmerJohn Updates Thread

Yeah I went the route of getting them tested myself at the start of this but they won't give you any paperwork of physical or digital evidence of the results, so that you can't advertise with it I guess. So in the end you still just have to take me at my word that it's legit.

This is largely why I went the route of paying my customers in drugs to go and get them tested for me and tell me the results. An N=10 is infinitely better than an N=1, with the N=1 being the same person trying to sell the shit.

I will likely stick with the same strategy but I won't be getting complacent and trusting my sources to send me a legitimate product every order, even if they've proven themselves to be trustworthy. Every shipment will be tested from now on.

#4 2024-07-03 18:40

Registered: 2024-04-08
Posts: 29

Re: FarmerJohn Updates Thread

Yeah and to be fair paperwork on the markets cant be trusted anyway.

At the end of the day It is up to the user to confirm the substance but when you have a good reputation most people will trust it at face value which can be dodgy for these products.

We all know FJ doesnt knowingly sell things that arent kosher so its another layer of protection that you will test them yourself first

Appreciate the response brother. WB

#5 2024-07-03 18:50

Registered: 2023-10-05
Posts: 24

Re: FarmerJohn Updates Thread

Would suggest that maybe not all of the results that were received back were actually conceded or communicated as some listings did not change to reflect the substance that was identified instead. Theres been a lot of misrepresented novel benzos in NZ lately. In theory customers getting their purchases checked and reporting back should work but if those testimonies are going through the vendor...

#6 2024-07-04 19:10

Registered: 2023-09-08
Posts: 47

Re: FarmerJohn Updates Thread

Good effort FJ

The price for benzo's online is fucking stupid.

I currently know someone who is going through withdrawal and its horrible, cant work, cant do alot.

Benzo's are no joke, trying to wean off them myself through my doctor after taking them for some 20 years.

Im glad i can still function and go to work.

#7 2024-07-06 02:50

From: Disney
Registered: 2021-04-25
Posts: 201

Re: FarmerJohn Updates Thread

Good to see you back xo

Click Here to sign up to Archetyp! Username - WaltDisneyNZ
Click Here to sign up to Abacus! Username - waltdisney

Please ensure to save the links and keep them secure

#8 2024-07-07 03:00

From: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Registered: 2021-05-13
Posts: 838

Re: FarmerJohn Updates Thread

Bromonordiazepam 10mg pills are now available on Archetyp.

**Note from FarmerJohn: This drug is primarily intended to be used as a tapering drug by people to safely quit using Benzodiazepines. This drug has NO RECREATIONAL VALUE. It does however have utility and can be a useful tool to have on hand as a strong, long lasting anxiolytic that can be taken on an as needed basis.**

Bromonordiazepam is structurally similar to NorDiazepam, a metabolite of Diazepam, but has a bromine atom instead of a chlorine atom on the benzene ring.
Bromonordiazepam is a central nervous system depressant that has anxiolytic, sedative, hypnotic, muscle relaxant and anticonvulsant effects. Bromonordiazepam has a long half-life of about 80-120 hours and can accumulate in the body with repeated daily use use.

The parent prodrug Gidazepam, also known as Hydazepam or Hidazepam, is a drug which is an atypical benzodiazepine derivative, developed and commonly prescribed in the Soviet Union. It is still widely prescribed today in both Russia and Ukraine (Slava Ukraini), where it is used similarly to Valium in the West. Gidazepam is metabolized into Bromonordiazepam in the body; roughly 40mg of Gidazepam is metabolized into 6-10mg of Bromonordiazepam.

Anecdotal reports from users suggest that Bromonordiazepam is very similar to Diazepam in terms of effects, but may be less euphoric and more subtle. Some users describe it as an ideal "Background Benzo" that provides a calm and relaxed state without impairing cognitive functions or causing significant sedation.
Some users also claim that Bromonordiazepam has a long duration of action and can prevent or delay the onset of withdrawal symptoms from other Benzodiazepines for up to three days, making it an ideal tapering aid.

Many experiential accounts suggest that an approximate dosage of 6mg of Bromonordiazepam corresponds to 10mg of Diazepam. Additionally, users have reported that Bromonordiazepam exhibits a rapid onset of action.

Dosage range (No tolerance):

Light: 5mg
Medium: 10mg
High: 20mg
Heavy: 20mg+

Each FarmerJohn Bromonordiazepam pill is dosed at 10mg.


Bromonordiazepam has a long half life of 80-120 hours so its very forgiving during dosage cuts. The rule of thumb is that the shorter the half life the worse the withdrawals are. Short half life Benzos will also have inter dose withdrawals and are very difficult to taper with. This is why you have to switch to a long half life Benzo when you taper off them. When you make a dosage cut on Bromonordiazepam it will take three or four days for you to feel the withdrawals. They will be mild and last two or three days. Give yourself two weeks or so to stabilize on the lower dosage and then if you feel up to it cut the dosage again. If you're feeling like shit and struggling to stabilize stay on your current dosage for a while. There is no rush.

It is recommended to gradually switch to your tapering Benzo instead of switching entirely at once. For example if you are taking 4mg of Bromazolam a day replace one of your 1mg Bromazolam doses with a 10mg Bromonordiazepam each day, or every few days. Until you are entirely switched over to taking Bromonordiazepam. Go as slow or as fast as you want during the switch, there is no rush and your body will freak out a little bit regardless of how slow you go, but slower will make it less shitty. Different Benzos target different receptors at varying rates and produce hundreds of metabolites unique to each Benzo. You will be feeling some mild withdrawals as you switch to the taper Benzo, but it will only last two or three days

Here are some equivalents so you can get an idea of where you're at.

6mg of Bromonordiazepam is equivalent to 10mg of Diazepam.

0.5mg of Alprazolam is equivalent to 10mg of Diazepam.

1mg of Bromazolam is equivalent to 10mg of Diazepam.

6mg of Flubromazepam is equivalent to 10mg of Diazepam.

0.5mg of Clonazepam is equivalent to 10mg of Diazepam.

1mg of Lorazepam is equivalent to 10mg of Diazepam.

15mg of Zopiclone is equivalent to 10mg of Diazepam.

0.5mg of Triazolam is equivalent to 10mg of Diazepam.

#9 2024-07-13 18:00

From: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Registered: 2021-05-13
Posts: 838

Re: FarmerJohn Updates Thread

Deschloroetizolam 3mg Caps pressed pills now available

Deschloroetizolam (also known as Etizolam-2) is a thienotriazolodiazepine that is the dechlorinated analog of the closely related Etizolam.

Deschloroetizolam is a short-acting thienodiazepine which has been shown to produce depressant, anxiolytic, sedative, hypnotic, muscle relaxant, anticonvulsant and amnesic effects. Deschloroetizolam, like other benzodiazepines, binds to modulatory sites on the GABA receptors. Deschloroetizolam is closely related to etizolam (Etilaam), triazolam (Halcion), and alprazolam (Xanax).

Deschloroetizolam has a relatively fast onset of action and symptomatic relief. It is half as potent as its parent compound etizolam with a duration which is twice as long. It also has a similar bioavailibility and a similar time to onset in comparison to the parent drug. 2mg of deschloroetizolam is thought to be of similar potency to 10mg of diazepam.

Dosage Range:

Light: 2mg - 4 mg
Common: 4mg - 6 mg
Strong : 6mg -12 mg

Half life/Duration:

Onset: 15 - 30 minutes
Come up: 30 - 60 minutes
Peak: 3 - 4 hours
Offset: 3 - 4 hours

#10 2024-07-14 22:50

From: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Registered: 2021-05-13
Posts: 838

Re: FarmerJohn Updates Thread

100iu HGH vials available, 10 vials for 3k is the bulk price, otherwise 350 per

#11 2024-07-22 00:00

From: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Registered: 2021-05-13
Posts: 838

Re: FarmerJohn Updates Thread

Selling Vertex branded vape batteries in bulk. 50 batteries for $200, $4 each. Available on Arch.

Are you a vendor selling vape carts? Are you an aspiring vendor who has figured out how stupidly easy it is to import vape carts from the US and Canada? Need vape batteries to sell with your carts? I've got you.

I will provide the tracking number up front, have me ship it to an address within 80km of you and you can redirect it to yourself. I won't be able to see where it was redirected to, so I won't know your address.

I have about 200 in stock.

#12 2024-07-23 18:10

Registered: 2024-07-23
Posts: 6

Re: FarmerJohn Updates Thread

Sorry if OT, but I couldn't create a post for this in General. Do you know the equivalent benzo dose for Flubromazolam?

#13 2024-07-23 18:30

From: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Registered: 2021-05-13
Posts: 838

Re: FarmerJohn Updates Thread

Are you sure you really have Flubromazolam? It is extremely rare these days. Are you taking dosages of 0.1mg - 0.25mg?

Most benzo powder sold as Flubromazolam these days is really Fluclotizolam or Flubrotizolam. Similar dosage profiles but very different drugs. Even the vendor it was sold to might not even know they were sent Fluclotizolam or Flubrotizolam when they ordered Flubromazolam.

In any case if you really do have Flubromazolam, 0.2mg is roughly equivalent to 15mg of Diazepam.

#14 2024-07-23 23:30

Registered: 2024-07-23
Posts: 6

Re: FarmerJohn Updates Thread

I have no real idea if it is, I just had gotten it free/accidentally from a domestic vendor and chanced taking it due to low access to pharmaceutical Clonazepam.

I've been taking 0.5mg doses lately, the recommended dose was 0.5-1mg on the original advert IIRC. Sounds like I'm taking more than double what I should be if it really is Flubromazolam.

I usually take 1mg of Clonazepam, so I guess it's way too much.

Anyway thanks for your insight man.

#15 2024-07-24 00:10

From: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Registered: 2021-05-13
Posts: 838

Re: FarmerJohn Updates Thread

If it's from the vendor I think it is, no it's not Flubromazolam, it is Flubrotizolam. Which is still a good one, it's just not FLam.

The thing with Flubrotizolam is that you will read posts on reddit and bluelight from several years ago that suggest the dosage profile is the same as Flubromazolam, in that it is in the realm of 0.1-0.2mg. But that was when it was made in EU laboratories. The batches coming from China now are much weaker and the dosage profile is more around 0.5mg-1.5mg.

So you're right on the money with your dosing.

And you're welcome brother.

#16 2024-07-24 12:10

Registered: 2024-07-23
Posts: 6

Re: FarmerJohn Updates Thread

The vendor that's been having some shipping-related accusations made against him on here as of recent? That's the one.

Any way to test this that doesn't involve sending it off? I know there's that drug testing service in NZ, but would it even be worthwhile to determine what analogue, the relative strength of the liquid .etc? Generally I stick to pharmacy-based pills.

Anyway thanks again and I'm happy to see you're around still.

#17 2024-07-24 14:50

From: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Registered: 2021-05-13
Posts: 838

Re: FarmerJohn Updates Thread

Yeah that'd be him. One of my customers had it tested and it came back as Flubrotizolam. We were both super curious what it really was because we were 95% sure it wasn't Flubromazolam, that stuff is rare as gold these days.

But no as far as I am aware there is no testing service in New Zealand where you can just post in a sample. They let you do that in the UK and their testing rates per capita are massively higher than ours. It's a stupid policy to not allow post in samples.

But yeah nah if you've already been dosing 0.5mg and getting desired effects there isn't really much point having it tested again to confirm. Not being 100% sure what you are taking is part of playing the RC game, at least in this country due to the aforementioned retardation regarding testing. If there were any danger with the substance you'd know by now in any case.

#18 2024-07-24 15:00

From: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Registered: 2021-05-13
Posts: 838

Re: FarmerJohn Updates Thread

DuzzyFunlop wrote:

Anyway thanks again and I'm happy to see you're around still.

No worries, great to be back. Happy to see benzo prices starting to creep down again since I came back. I literally only came back because as soon as I left greedy assholes started charging $30 per pill for benzos.

I'll have a few thousand reasonably priced 10mg Zopiclone in stock again hopefully this week, and then a constant replenishing stock that will never run dry.

#19 2024-07-24 18:50

Registered: 2024-03-12
Posts: 10

Re: FarmerJohn Updates Thread

before you mentioned importing some rc entacogens like 6 apb and five (the 5 was causing the malformed error???) mapb. I'd be interested in getting some and I'm pretty sure there would be enough people also interested for it to be profitable

#20 2024-07-24 21:10

From: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Registered: 2021-05-13
Posts: 838

Re: FarmerJohn Updates Thread

Yep they're on the list but not at the top, I'm aiming to have everything I want to sell imported by the end of the year. And it's a long ass list.

The dash between 5 and MAPB is what would have caused the server to throw the error. I explained why in the other thread in General.

#21 2024-07-26 07:50

From: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Registered: 2021-05-13
Posts: 838

Re: FarmerJohn Updates Thread

Flubrotizolam 1mg pills now available.

The price for Bromonordiazepam has been significantly cut.

The minimum order amount for all benzos has been lowered to 20 pills.

#22 2024-08-08 21:20

From: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Registered: 2021-05-13
Posts: 838

Re: FarmerJohn Updates Thread

Clobromazolam powder now available on Archetype

The replacement for Bromazolam has arrived, and its just wonderful. It is an analogue of Bromazolam which is 3x stronger than Bromazolam and just as euphoric as Clonazolam.

Clobromazolam (sometimes called Phenazolam) is the 2-chloro derivative of Bromazolam and shares structural similarities with Clonazolam and Flubromazolam, respectively. Clobromazolam is also structurally related to Phenazepam, Alprazolam and Triazolam. It differs from Triazolam due to the replacement of chlorine with bromine at the 8-position on the Benzodiazepine ring structure.

Cloboromazolam is recognized for its extremely potent effects, primarily targeting the GABAa receptors in the brain, resulting in anxiolytic, sedative, hypnotic, muscle relaxant, and amnesic properties. These characteristics make it suitable for treating conditions such as severe anxiety disorders and insomnia, where rapid symptomatic relief is crucial.

Anecdotal reports from users suggest Cloboromazolam is an extremely euphoric Benzodiazepine much like Clonazolam.

In terms of dosage, Cloboromazolam is typically administered at a low starting range of around 0.25 mg, reflecting its potency relative to other benzodiazepines. Dosages may increase depending on therapeutic needs, but caution is advised due to its potential for heavy sedation and respiratory depression, especially at higher doses.

Cloboromazolam's pharmacokinetic profile includes a relatively fast onset of action, similar to Clonazolam, making it effective for acute symptom management. Its duration of action and peak effects are not entirely known, but similar to other Alprazolam analogues it likely features a medium duration half life and symptomatic relief that lasts an entire day.

Cloboromazolam's potency is very similar to that of Clonazolam, Flunitrazolam and Flubromazolam. Caution should be taken when handling the drug and when using it, as compulsive re-dosing will quickly lead to a visit to Blackout City and an adventure with The Walrus.

Fun fact: Clobromazolam doesn't show up on Benzo drug tests. (Claimed by someone on Reddit who passed their tests while taking it)

Dosage Range:

Low: 0.1 mg - 0.25mg
Common 0.25mg - 0.5mg
Heavy: 1mg+

SHIPPING: This listing is shipping worldwide via letter mail. New Zealand is an extremely safe origin country, and letter mail is also very safe. Your letter will be packed and prepared with upmost professionalism, the letter containing your order will look and feel like just a normal letter with paper in it.

#23 2024-08-15 20:30

From: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Registered: 2021-05-13
Posts: 838

Re: FarmerJohn Updates Thread


The easiest way to dose raw powders yourself is by using volumetric liquid dosing. This means you will dissolve the powder in a solvent like alcohol or PG and dose with a syringe.

As a simple example let's say we want to make 50ml of 2mg/ml solution, so that 0.5ml of liquid is a 1mg dose of the active drug. Go to the calculator below and put in those figures. It will tell you to add 100mg of substance to 50ml of solvent.

Here is the calculator:


You will need to buy a "magnetic stirrer" from Ali Express. While you're there also buy some decent milligram scales, some empty bottles and a few various sized glass beakers.

You can use alcohol to make your solution but I always just used PG. It is very cheap and available.

How to make a chemical solution with PG as the solvent:

1, Calculate your formula with the calculator.
2, Measure and add PG to beaker. Stir bar can go in now too.
3, Measure out your Clobromazolam very carefully. I like to get it in a little spoon and lightly tap powder out of the spoon until I hit the target weight. 
4, Add Clobromazolam powder to beaker.
5, Turns on stirrer. Ideally you just want to leave it overnight, but you will know it's done when the liquid turns clear.
6, Bottle it.
7, Measure out your dose with a syringe, squirt it under your tongue and gag on the nasty taste of PG.
8, Be high.
9, Store in fridge properly labeled and safely away from children.

Bonus Ghetto method.

1, Do calculations.
2, Add PG to kitchen glass
3, Measure and add Clobromazolam
4, Add to glass
5, Put a pot of water on the stove, heat to just below boiling.
6, Place your glass in the pot, being careful that there isn’t too much water in the pot making the glass buoyant. The glass wants to just be sitting in the pot not floating around. But the hot water wants to be completely covering the PG in the glass.
7, Stir vigorously.

Make sure to label your solution with active ingredient and mg/ml concentration. You will think you'll remember but the more solutions you make the harder it gets to remember them all. Keep your solutions safely stored away from children and other people who could accidentally be exposed to your drugs.

#24 2024-08-15 20:30

From: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Registered: 2021-05-13
Posts: 838

Re: FarmerJohn Updates Thread

Also bulk 10mg pharma zopiclone available.

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