#1 2019-11-18 13:30

Registered: 2019-04-16
Posts: 24

LSD Doseage vs bodyweight

Hi guys,

I've had a bit of scour but can't really find a definitive answer - hence turning to you guys..

Does anyone know (and preferably have a reference) if body weight effects LSD dosage?

I have a friend who weighs 250kg who is keen to work with the medicine - but at his size... are we looking 200ug or 600ug?!


#2 2019-11-18 16:20

Ronald McDruggled
Verified Vendor
Registered: 2019-08-14
Posts: 151

Re: LSD Doseage vs bodyweight

Body weight can be an indicator of how someone might respond to a drug.

That being said it's far from perfect and there are several issues with it.

Think about how body mass index (bmi) gets used to indicate whether someone is unhealthily underweight or overweight.
Bone density, muscle mass, body fat percentage, the fact that some people are just otherwise naturally heavy, light, tall or short et cetera there are a whole series of separate factors that throw a wrench in the reliability of this

McDrugs - i'm Lovin' It! :D

#3 2019-11-18 16:50

Registered: 2019-04-08
Posts: 44

Re: LSD Doseage vs bodyweight

What type of animal are you intending to feed the LSD to? Could be dangerous if a cow on LSD got loose.

#4 2019-11-18 17:50

Ronald McDruggled
Verified Vendor
Registered: 2019-08-14
Posts: 151

Re: LSD Doseage vs bodyweight

Speaking of animals, dose to body weight ratio in the mg/kg format is fairly common in research done in both humans and animals.

Sometimes researchers will use the response an animal has to a certain mg/kg as an indication as to what effect such a dose would have on humans, i.e interspecies scaling, this is part of the seriously flawed basis upon which MDMA was deemed neurotoxic and made illegal in 1980s USA even though this is easy to refute in many different ways
Animals respond differently to drugs than we do and there is a fair deal of variability amongst us humans too.

CYP2D6 is a great example of variability amongst humans, this enzyme breaks down codeine into morphine, depending on your genes there is a fair chance you could be a poor metabolizer or an ultrarapid metabolizer, racial background plays a major role in the genes for this enzyme although there are also people in these racial groups that buck the trend

McDrugs - i'm Lovin' It! :D

#5 2019-11-18 18:10

Ronald McDruggled
Verified Vendor
Registered: 2019-08-14
Posts: 151

Re: LSD Doseage vs bodyweight

Anyways I think your best bet is to compromise between deferring to what is generally considered a typical dose and accounting for his body weight, for the most part I'd go a bit closer to a typical dose for a normal person since his body weight is that damn high.
I'm guessing morbidly obese, fat rolls upon fat rolls.
I'm not sure how body fat would affect required dosage, I believe a drugs ability to cross the blood brain barrier and bind with ligands is related to it's solubility in fats/oils but to what degree that is true or would be related to proportion of body fat is beyond my level of comprehension.

If it's his first time with psychedelics, you'd be better off starting with say 100ug and proceed from there depending on what that does.
Alexander Shulgin would start off with an extremely incredibly small dose with each new substance and gradually work his way up, something something "allergy testing " something something "titrate the dose" etc

McDrugs - i'm Lovin' It! :D

#6 2019-11-19 10:00

Registered: 2019-04-16
Posts: 24

Re: LSD Doseage vs bodyweight

nztor wrote:

What type of animal are you intending to feed the LSD to? Could be dangerous if a cow on LSD got loose.


Yeah he's a pretty big guy! But to his credit - he aims to shift the weight - I was thinking the use of the entheogens with intention could aid neural plasticity in order to break the bond he has with food and give him some tools to continue with the motivation.

I'll start him off on 150ug and see what happens wink cheers for the input

#7 2019-11-20 12:30

Registered: 2019-09-02
Posts: 41

Re: LSD Doseage vs bodyweight

Personally, I believe that with LSD individual sensitivities are much more impactful than body weight to a users experience of the drug.
I am personally very sensitive to tryptamines and have much more intense experiences than many people on equal doses.

In my experience this is the case with all tryptamines I've experimented with personally. All the reading I have done has suggested that, unlike Phenethylamines which certainly have a recommended mg/kg bodyweight dose, tryptamines do not.

Frankly I'm of the opinion, in almost every case,  less is more.

Start with a small dose and work your way up. For naive hallucinogen users, I personally start with a schedule of 25ug, then 90min later if they are happy another 25ug for a first experience. For a next experience or for someone who has take some tryptamines previously, I would give 50ug, then 90min later 50ug. If it was within 4 days of the previous dose you could increase this to 100ug then 50ug.
I wouldn't give someone a single dose of 150ug in one go until their 2nd or 3rd positive tripping experience.

Because you speak of it as 'medicine' I'm assuming you have a goal of using this in a therapeutic context in which case my experience is that when people are comfortable with the medicine via previous lower dose experience , they have much greater success and positive breakthroughs with larger doses.

All the best!

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