#1 2019-12-24 10:10

Registered: 2019-12-24
Posts: 1

[NEWS] 703.5kg of MDMA seized by customs in 11 months


Holly shit that is an insane amount, yet the market is already flooded? Makes me wonder if this is still a minority of what makes it through?

Anyone heard of any convictions? I gather to follow each lead would just be beyond LE's resources. I also wonder how on earth anyone gets any through with such a high rate of intercepts. Do vendors bank on law of averages or the ones of here are just more clever/lucky. I can only hope their op spec is top notch, the mdma market could come down like a ton of bricks at this rate.

#2 2019-12-24 14:30

Verified Vendor
Registered: 2019-03-31
Posts: 716

Re: [NEWS] 703.5kg of MDMA seized by customs in 11 months

How low can these muppets go, now fishing around in sewers to figure out who is taking drugs

#3 2019-12-25 04:00

Registered: 2019-05-21
Posts: 123

Re: [NEWS] 703.5kg of MDMA seized by customs in 11 months

I posted a link a few months ago which shows exactly what customs intercepts:
Very interesting reading, i almost cant believe they make this public as it lets importers know what to import..

Then, another very revealing interview with a customs agent who reveals how they deal with interceptions:


#4 2019-12-25 15:50

Registered: 2019-04-04
Posts: 10

Re: [NEWS] 703.5kg of MDMA seized by customs in 11 months

It's not the drugs that's the problem, but all the lies, misinformation, and stigmas that have been artificially created around them.

TorDoc... guys... there has to be a way to leverage the internet and modern technology to solve this so that drugs can be appreciated for what they are (a means to alter consciousness), and not what the govt wants people to think they are (a destructive vice). I have some ideas.

#5 2019-12-27 13:30

Registered: 2019-04-02
Posts: 27

Re: [NEWS] 703.5kg of MDMA seized by customs in 11 months

astroburp wrote:

I posted a link a few months ago which shows exactly what customs intercepts:
Very interesting reading, i almost cant believe they make this public as it lets importers know what to import..

Then, another very revealing interview with a customs agent who reveals how they deal with interceptions:


Find the most profitable class B, starting importing in < 5kg packages. High reward, low risk.

#6 2019-12-27 15:10

Registered: 2019-05-21
Posts: 123

Re: [NEWS] 703.5kg of MDMA seized by customs in 11 months

VanHoost3000 wrote:

It's not the drugs that's the problem, but all the lies, misinformation, and stigmas that have been artificially created around them.

TorDoc... guys... there has to be a way to leverage the internet and modern technology to solve this so that drugs can be appreciated for what they are (a means to alter consciousness), and not what the govt wants people to think they are (a destructive vice). I have some ideas.

I dunno man, drugs are a problem, sure they can be used responsibly, but i've seen so many people have their lived ruined by drugs. Its complicated because making them illegal doesn't stop those people from using them, but it probably does stop a lot of people from using them. I think use should be decriminalized but supply should probably stay illegal. Pretty rich coming from me, but i don't supply meth or heroin, which is what ive seen do the most damage..

#7 2019-12-27 15:30

Verified Vendor
Registered: 2019-03-31
Posts: 716

Re: [NEWS] 703.5kg of MDMA seized by customs in 11 months

Much of the problems is not the drugs per se but the associated interactions with LE. There have been doctors dependent on heroin all their life and function fine. We don't want drugs supplied by blackmarket due to quality issues and adulterants like fentanyl. All the infrastructure the makes prescription medicines safe is not allowed simply because people long since dead decided back then that alcohol is the only permitted recreational drug for humans.

Last edited by TormarketSupport (2019-12-27 15:40)

#8 2019-12-28 00:00

Registered: 2019-05-21
Posts: 123

Re: [NEWS] 703.5kg of MDMA seized by customs in 11 months

A few opiate addicts are able to balance their use and maintain a functioning lifestyle - its not just doctors who have a steady and cheap supply. There are high functioning alcoholics also, but there is no denying that generally alcoholism fucks up peoples lives. Ive seen people's lives negatively impacted by meth, opiates, benzos, and to a lesser extent weed (specifically chop bongs), gbl, ketamine, psychedelics (psychosis, hppd, generally delusional thinking). Obviously all of these were from abuse not use but the first 3 i mentioned so frequently end up in abuse as its a rare breed that can use them recreationally without it eventually turning habitual. Look at how many people are able to responsibly use alcohol without it turning destructive - i don't think that those same people would all be able to recreationally use meth or heroin with the same self control.
For years i took the view that prohibition created all the associated problems that go with drug addiction, but now i think that drugs and alcohol use often leads to abuse and addiction, and that abuse inherently has a negative impact on one's life. If anyone that was an addict could be medically supplied with their drug of choice it would definitely reduce the associated crime that a lot of people turn to to fund their habits. But like benzos and opiates that are "safely" prescribed, this system would be abused and any safety created would be undermined. The vast majority of opiate and/or benzo addicts in new zealand have their addiction fed by legitimately prescribed pharmaceuticals that have been diverted and sold for profit. I also know a lot of people that would try heroin if they could, but in new zealand its a very underground thing with an insular user base that most people, even drug users, never come in contact with. A huge number of those people would end up with daily addictions if they had access to it.
Yes there is hypocrisy in alcohol being legal while other drugs that cause less harm aren't, but its reductive to think that legalising drugs would solve more problems than it would create. Using alcohol as a benchmark for what should be legal is flawed reasoning.
Not sure if this post is all over the show, there are a few ideas in here and probably more importantly im high on amphetamine

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