#1 2020-01-05 20:50

Registered: 2019-10-23
Posts: 4

Central_Supplies non arrival

Its been 18 days and nothing, so much for 1-3 day delivery.
Thought it might be longer because of the holidays.
Asked for the tracking number but they wont even reply.
Now i have to wait a week for a refund, because the vendor has to approve the percentage refund?
But the vendor wont even respond with a tracking number, so they probably ever sent it.

what a fuck around.... i just want a reliable Meth dealer.

#2 2020-01-06 12:10

Registered: 2019-06-30
Posts: 36

Re: Central_Supplies non arrival

open a support ticket and you'll more than likely get a full refund

#3 2020-01-06 15:50

Registered: 2019-07-20
Posts: 43

Re: Central_Supplies non arrival

Dmfxx wrote:

i just want a reliable Meth dealer.

These things tend not to go together.

#4 2020-01-06 19:00

Registered: 2019-10-23
Posts: 4

Re: Central_Supplies non arrival

They are processing a refund now.
I Have to say Tor Market support has always been very prompt and helpful with any issues i have had.
Thanks Tor Market

#5 2020-01-06 19:00

Registered: 2019-04-03
Posts: 115

Re: Central_Supplies non arrival

Central supplies and NZdomestic are the same person.

#6 2020-01-06 19:10

Registered: 2019-04-03
Posts: 115

Re: Central_Supplies non arrival

Just putting that fact out their to save people getting fucked around once by one then again by the other thinking that they will try a new vendor.

#7 2020-01-06 20:20

Registered: 2019-12-12
Posts: 15

Re: Central_Supplies non arrival

NZanabolics wrote:

Central supplies and NZdomestic are the same person.

Yeah i figured that when his new account was made when they had the same key! honestly guys you should read feed back.. his feed back is dodgy as, why risk it. Anabolics and fresh produce are the only 2 md dealers i will buy off here. feed back always speaks for itsself! even 1 negative is a red flag! unless it is clearly resolved.

#8 2020-01-06 23:20

Registered: 2019-10-23
Posts: 4

Re: Central_Supplies non arrival

Cheers for letting people know NZanabolics, i didnt know as i lost my old pgp key and had to make a new one.
I have order off you many times, and it has been flawless every time.
Longest time i have had to wait for an order was 2 days but its usually over night.

But yea big warning to people  Central_Supplies is a fuck around.
Probably best to stick to vendors with 100% good feed back as it is domestic as should never nor arrive.

#9 2020-01-07 12:10

Registered: 2019-11-30
Posts: 8

Re: Central_Supplies non arrival

Central Supplies and NZ Domestic are unreliable, I haven't ordered off Central Supplies before, but I've made about 5 orders with NZ Domestic earlier in the year they were great and the first three packs arrived. then the last two orders i made he refunded after they didn't come. NZ Domestic is not a scammer, hell even after my order autofinallized he sent me a refund due to the pack not showing. NZ Domestic is just really unreliable.

#10 2020-01-10 13:00

Registered: 2019-04-03
Posts: 115

Re: Central_Supplies non arrival

You will find guys like this are taking orders and have listings up when they don't have any product left. They have sold out, have stuff on the way from international vendors and are banking on it arriving. In the meantime they take your money and string you along. Then if their package clears customs and arrives you get your order late. If it is intercepted then your order doesn't arrive and you either get refunded or more than likely ripped off because vendor has spent your money already.

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