#1 2019-11-20 17:50

Registered: 2019-07-12
Posts: 4

Package seizure

Hi All,

To all my customers, I am saddened to announce that 9/12 packages sent on Wednesday the 13th on November were seized at the local depot. To all the addresses burned, I am sorry. If you request a refund, I will approve it straight away.

Kind regards,

#2 2019-11-20 18:50

Registered: 2019-11-18
Posts: 5

Re: Package seizure

Sorry to hear this for all involved. Good looking out with the refunds.

That kind of seizure can't be that common?

#3 2019-11-20 19:10

Registered: 2019-11-18
Posts: 5

Re: Package seizure

I appreciate the refund EGM. This is the first seizure I've ever experienced.
What are peoples thoughts on the address being burned? Is that pretty much a done deal for my name and address?

#4 2019-11-20 20:50

Registered: 2019-05-26
Posts: 51

Re: Package seizure

Interested how that happened. Does anyone have any ideas? Was it weed?

#5 2019-11-20 20:50

Registered: 2019-11-20
Posts: 50

Re: Package seizure

Vendor EGM response to the seizures:

"One of the bags must have had a small hole in it and the remaining ones got profiled. I am now dropping a max of 4 at single locations"

To everyone who had a package not delivered from him:

I would be expecting a visit from the police, recently there was another vendor by the name of 'peterpan' on tor market who had a package with a OZ in it caught at the post shop and the buyer got a visit from the police to his house asking him why there was a package full with cannabis addressed to his house , you could see this review on his vendor reviews but hes no longer on the vendor list.

Hopefully everyone involved will be all good. unfortunate situation

Last edited by Alpha (2019-11-20 21:00)

#6 2019-11-20 22:40

Registered: 2019-04-01
Posts: 260

Re: Package seizure

Really not great.

What city are you posting from EGM?

If he doesnt answer, could somebody check the tracking on packages received from him and check the origin. No doubt staff will now be on higher alert so I wont want to be anywhere near them.

A rip in the packaging should not present any problems. Package your stuff properly people!

#7 2019-11-20 23:50

Verified Vendor
Registered: 2019-03-31
Posts: 716

Re: Package seizure

If anyone has police question them, tell them you have nothing to say. Nothing good comes from interacting with them. It might look guilty by not talking but that is the best way.

#8 2019-11-21 01:00

Ronald McDruggled
Verified Vendor
Registered: 2019-08-14
Posts: 151

Re: Package seizure

How would it have had a hole in it? Is this something double bagging would have solved.
I'm aware there are around 40 seizures from domestic packs each year so I imagine you would have just bumped that number up by 10% ouchie.

I mean when I heard that statistic and compared it to international seizures and the sheer number that get sent through here etc. the picture I had in my mind was that the only type of person who would get caught is some kinda excon gang member trying to send his mate some weed by directly placing a tinnie in an envelope

McDrugs - i'm Lovin' It! :D

#9 2019-11-21 01:10

Ronald McDruggled
Verified Vendor
Registered: 2019-08-14
Posts: 151

Re: Package seizure

I've been attempting to do my packs so they can't be profiled and ofc if my operation expands and upgrades this would get taken to the next level.
Even the inner packaging is improvised and cycled with each customer.

If there's actually anything to be concerned about then I'm not jumping into any cannabusiness without due diligence.

Would be interested in vendors rough region whereabouts if it's ok to ask

McDrugs - i'm Lovin' It! :D

#10 2019-11-21 06:50

Registered: 2019-05-26
Posts: 51

Re: Package seizure

This confuses me because even if the bag had a hole wouldn't the goods been vac sealed? This is not good as PD says. It might slow sales down as buyers process this event. I'm holding untill the dust settles.

#11 2019-11-21 16:50

Registered: 2019-11-21
Posts: 2

Re: Package seizure

JamesTaylor wrote:

This confuses me because even if the bag had a hole wouldn't the goods been vac sealed? This is not good as PD says. It might slow sales down as buyers process this event. I'm holding untill the dust settles.

It seems his downfall was not double bagging his shit, the hole would have been in the vac bag itself making it useless. This is why you have to double bag weed and put something else in the pack to cover up the feel of buds and protect the vac bags. You know a vendor is pro if your weed pack arrives and you feel bad for the environment since there is so much packaging to throw out, anything less is a huge risk with weed. With new weed vendors you should always message them and ask about packaging, if they sound casual about its importance then don't buy from them.

#12 2019-11-21 21:00

Registered: 2019-04-01
Posts: 260

Re: Package seizure

tormarket wrote:

If anyone has police question them, tell them you have nothing to say. Nothing good comes from interacting with them. It might look guilty by not talking but that is the best way.

Good point. Is it possible to message all the affected customers and tell them this?

I doubt anyone will get in trouble but would have thought its guaranteed they will get a friendly knock.

#13 2019-11-22 00:50

Registered: 2019-11-18
Posts: 12

Re: Package seizure

Shortsightedly never took into account that this could become a situation domestically, hope its not a sign of things to come. In either case cheers for the refund etc, little shell shocked. Peace out

#14 2019-11-22 06:20

Registered: 2019-05-26
Posts: 51

Re: Package seizure

Agreed with tormaket too. All the best, and those affected keep us updated. Probably a good lesson for us that there is still risk and also that packaging needs to be really good, even domestically.

We as buyers should be questioning weed vendors if they double bag their weed and calling it out in feedback if packaging is poor.

Stay safe!

#15 2019-11-22 08:00

Registered: 2019-10-25
Posts: 55

Re: Package seizure

Is it actually possible for the police to nail a possession or supply charge on a package with your name on it, even though if you say nothing to them? Or would this simply not hold up in court?

#16 2019-11-22 09:50

Registered: 2019-11-18
Posts: 12

Re: Package seizure

Its definitely worth spending a little extra/going with a vendor who double seals. I was going to go with GreenNZ as usual but I liked the look of EGMs product, and despite the single vac seal alluded to on his profile, with this and a visual decoy I still expected everything to be pretty much airtight (no pun intended haha). Now my address is burnt, I'm fucked orders wise and am expecting a knock from the cops any second. In either case, please step this up EGM to mitigate this ever happening again.

For the vendors asking above, rough whereabouts is CHCH

#17 2019-11-22 10:30

Registered: 2019-04-09
Posts: 154

Re: Package seizure

Plausible deniability


#18 2019-11-22 10:40

Registered: 2019-10-25
Posts: 55

Re: Package seizure

Ruakaka wrote:

Plausible deniability

Yes, but are there examples of this actually working in the case of blatantly having a name on a package?

#19 2019-11-22 11:20

Registered: 2019-11-21
Posts: 2

Re: Package seizure

Iris wrote:

Its definitely worth spending a little extra/going with a vendor who double seals. I was going to go with GreenNZ as usual but I liked the look of EGMs product, and despite the single vac seal alluded to on his profile, with this and a visual decoy I still expected everything to be pretty much airtight (no pun intended haha). Now my address is burnt, I'm fucked orders wise and am expecting a knock from the cops any second. In either case, please step this up EGM to mitigate this ever happening again.

For the vendors asking above, rough whereabouts is CHCH

Why do you say your address is burned? I had an oz of weed sniffed out by a courier last year and the reship came fine two weeks later even using the same name. I think that burnt addresses are related to customs, I can't imagine every courier company working together to investigate packages that happen to be going to the same address as a single weed pack. I would say that your address is not burnt and you will be fine for ordering but maybe use a different name going forward.

You might get a knock at the door to ask about it but probably not for at least a month so that sucks. But you will not get raided and they will not "investigate" you deeply becuase it's just a little pack of weed. The cop will try to be your buddy and lie that he just wants to put the case to bed so if you admit to it he will not charge you, it's a lie but if you deny everything he will give up and go away. This works even if your full legal name is on the package. If you say you did not order it then there is no evidence you ordered it, case closed.

#20 2019-11-22 12:30

Ronald McDruggled
Verified Vendor
Registered: 2019-08-14
Posts: 151

Re: Package seizure

Yeah you still have entirely plausible deniability.

I can steal the name and address of anyone who's name and address I know and send packs to their ass without their prior knowledge or consent.

That might not exactly be a rational means of getting pack although maybe they're an old lady who doesn't check their mailbox or someone on an overseas holiday who fucking knows really

If that was cause for an automatic ping I could have anyone I don't like convicted for ordering meth in a jiffy

McDrugs - i'm Lovin' It! :D

#21 2019-11-22 12:30

Verified Vendor
Registered: 2019-03-31
Posts: 716

Re: Package seizure

With police, don't confirm or deny anything. You can be polite about it and say you can't be of any assistance.
The buyers will be ok.

Maybe in a years time, instead of seizing the goods they will be apologizing for damaging the package and paying out insurance.

#22 2019-11-22 12:50

Ronald McDruggled
Verified Vendor
Registered: 2019-08-14
Posts: 151

Re: Package seizure

Look's like we're just in time for #stfufriday

Make sure you know your rights, if you're being questioned by police be sure to SHUT THE FUCK UP
This might not be 'murica but we have a bill of rights too

Be warned they are a slimy and slippery bunch, they are fully allowed to lie to you, if you say you don't want to talk they will attempt to distract you by asking irrelevant questions or saying "we just want to know this this and this"

It's also not unknown for them to lie on their reports and commit perjury in court so being ready to record doesn't hurt

McDrugs - i'm Lovin' It! :D

#23 2019-11-22 13:10

Verified Vendor
Registered: 2019-03-31
Posts: 716

Re: Package seizure

Ronald McDruggled wrote:

It's also not unknown for them to lie on their reports and commit perjury in court so being ready to record doesn't hurt

have your phone recording the audio at least

Last edited by TormarketSupport (2019-11-22 16:30)

#24 2019-11-22 14:00

Registered: 2019-04-01
Posts: 260

Re: Package seizure

MrRobot wrote:

Is it actually possible for the police to nail a possession or supply charge on a package with your name on it, even though if you say nothing to them? Or would this simply not hold up in court?

No. They would have to seize your computer, get your bank transaction details, find evidence of bitcoin transactions and use of Tor and even then its not concrete evidence. They simply arent going to bother.

A large commercial grow op was busted not so long ago and cops didnt bother laying charges. Thankfully they are using some good discretion on weed.

#25 2019-11-23 19:10

Registered: 2019-11-18
Posts: 12

Re: Package seizure

Footbags wrote:
Iris wrote:

Its definitely worth spending a little extra/going with a vendor who double seals. I was going to go with GreenNZ as usual but I liked the look of EGMs product, and despite the single vac seal alluded to on his profile, with this and a visual decoy I still expected everything to be pretty much airtight (no pun intended haha). Now my address is burnt, I'm fucked orders wise and am expecting a knock from the cops any second. In either case, please step this up EGM to mitigate this ever happening again.

For the vendors asking above, rough whereabouts is CHCH

Why do you say your address is burned?

Due to Charlies Angels alluding to this above. I'd imagine NZ post is easily capable of red flagging/burning an address, however obviously I don't know the logistics of how this would work. I'm not really willing to take the chance to see if this is or isn't the case at this point.

Either way I wouldn't be too worried about a visit from police, or even a charge (Id be surprised if they bothered at this stage in the game with a referendum around the corner and the small amount) but in regards to the address this is not ideal. I wouldn't ever ask this of anyone and I'm not willing to go through more convoluted means of obtaining a drop for the amounts I order these days, so I pretty much feel I've been barred from ordering.

Last edited by Iris (2019-11-23 19:30)

#26 2019-11-25 20:00

Registered: 2019-07-12
Posts: 4

Re: Package seizure

Closing up shop. Thanks to all my customers who were good to deal with.

Kind regards,

#27 2019-12-14 10:50

Registered: 2019-10-09
Posts: 97

Re: Package seizure

Interested in any fallout that happened here? Any buyers get a knock on the door? Any further news? I think any updates would help the community. Seems like weird shit is happening at the moment with the Mr Nice drama as well.

This is a great community on the whole so let's share knowledge.

#28 2019-12-20 00:10

Registered: 2019-07-29
Posts: 24

Re: Package seizure

I doubt if they did, they'd come back and tell us about it

#29 2020-01-11 22:20

Registered: 2020-01-11
Posts: 2

Re: Package seizure

can you transport ritalin form Australia to new Zealand?

#30 2020-01-13 01:30

Registered: 2019-07-20
Posts: 43

Re: Package seizure

safedog wrote:

can you transport ritalin form Australia to new Zealand?

Yeah bro, just make sure you have your prescription with you! smile

#31 2020-02-13 08:10

Registered: 2019-04-09
Posts: 154

Re: Package seizure

So was this weed or what?


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