#1 2020-02-26 00:50

Registered: 2019-12-13
Posts: 39

Everyones tips for keeping safe on the darkweb

I thought this is a good topic because you can never be too safe on the web!
All things safety, tips and tricks!!
Not everyone is clued up with using the web, everyone should be aware
of potential loop holes they have left behind when ordering etc.

#2 2020-02-26 18:30

Ronald McDruggled
Verified Vendor
Registered: 2019-08-14
Posts: 151

Re: Everyones tips for keeping safe on the darkweb

DNM bible covers a good deal of those things

McDrugs - i'm Lovin' It! :D

#3 2020-02-28 12:50

Registered: 2019-11-20
Posts: 74

Re: Everyones tips for keeping safe on the darkweb

Not sure how many people do or don't but if you don't... USE TAILS!! It's lthe best tool for the dark net. Tails with TOR is a lot safer than a standard OS such as windows or mac with TOR, even if you use a VPN, because it leaves no trace on your real OS whatsoever and resets every time you turn it off (if you keep persistence disabled)

Ronald McDruggled suggested the DNM bible and I believe it covers Tails... Just search [ DNM bible google drive ]

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