#1 2020-02-27 15:50

Registered: 2019-09-25
Posts: 39



Last edited by AD555 (2020-03-15 20:20)

#2 2020-02-29 23:30

Registered: 2020-01-25
Posts: 103

Re: .

No way . Gandalfs gear is some of the worst coke I've has in NZ   . The claimed purity is a joke .
I spend a fair wack of money on here and never bag out a vendor but after trying 3 grams and watching a few lines turns to glucose on the mirror I was disapointed

#3 2020-03-05 23:50

Registered: 2020-03-05
Posts: 1

Re: .

heretoday wrote:

Just got the end of Gandalfs cocaine (said he/she was running out of stock).
Ive always found GG's products to be top quality although delivery usually takes a whilst.

This time was different.

Ive not done mountains of coke but have had about a dozen grams over the last decade in various parts of the world so I'm familiar with coke quality.

The last lot of I ordered from Gandalf was 6 months ago, it was definitely top quality, very creamy and strong.

I noticed GG was running low on stock two weeks ago so grabbed a little because it was so good last time.
But this was very different, more lumpy and much weaker.
I guess GG was running low and bulked it up with milk powder or something.

Lets hope the next batch GG has is back to the original top quality GG usually supplies.

Had some excellent coke and the odd very bad coke.

The first time I sourced from a local dealer in NZ it was not even coke, some manufactured copy but not real coke (A connoisseur friend of mine who used to do a gram or two a day tried it for me and made it clear it was not coke).

Just in case you're interested here's a story from my travels overseas with coke...

Once paid 50 Euros for a gram from a dealer in a nightclub in Prague.
There were a dozen of guys hustling and selling in the nightclub working under a big boss.

It was filled with washing powder, One line and I knew it was mostly washing powder, that horrible smell and soap up your nose.

I complained to one of the dealers about the shit quality and he said "wait here a minute' then returned and ushered me into the bosses little 'office', a dingy back room with a one chair a small table and a big chest freezer.
There was a big african guy but he was the minder not the boss, the boss was a staunch looking European woman in her 30's.

At this stage I'm not sure whether I should be nervous, run or stay.

She asks for the bag of coke. I give her the bag, she sniffs it.

She was not happy, apparently one of the sellers was bulking it up with washing powder so he could make more $ but the boss forbid such practice, it was bad for repeat business.

She asked me who sold it to me, I couldn't identify the guy, they all looked the same to me, young black african guys.

So she opened up a freezer and bought out a big container full of coke, never seen so much all at once in real life!
A few kilos... Anyway she very kindly pulled out a bag, scooped some of the coke into it and gave it to me
It was top coke. She assigned me the bouncer for the night "to look after me".
He was a cool guy and would check up on me regularly. Some local thieves tried to hustle me with some pretty girl as bait but the bouncer warned them away from me.
When the nightclub closed around 3 am I was still racing and had plenty of coke left.
I told him wanted to go to another 'all night' club so where could he recommend.

He said come with me, we got in a cab and headed to an underground nightclub.
It was truly amazing, a real underground dungeon, amazing music, lots of very hip characters plus a few shady ones too but the bouncer looked after me. A voluptuous woman starts dancing with me, (maybe a hooker)
I respond then suddenly this tall dark guy comes racing for me pushing her aside, it was his girlfriend apparently...
My bouncer came to my rescue grabbing him and telling him "Leave him, he''s with me, he didn't mean anything!"
thank God, the guy walks off with his gf. She came back periodically and we danced but not close!

I shared the coke with my bouncer and it lasted all night. We left at 11 am when the club closed.
The woman hops in the cab with us but I was too stuffed to carry on or get up to trouble so I went straight back to my rented unit and slept for 12 hours straight.

It was very cool. That was the best coke I've ever had.

Stay safe out there!

Haha classic overseas srory, have heard very similar events. Yet to hit Prague but have experienced times like that in Berlin and Barcelona. Most mates have ended up getting meth for coke in Prague if its off the street.

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