#1 2020-06-21 21:50

Registered: 2020-04-17
Posts: 35

How to tell good quality MDMA

Anyone able to give some clear indications of good quality MDMA?
I have reagent tests and test all the products I get however I am curious as there is always a variety of different batches, Different colors, Crystal substances that break easier then others etc.

I would like to know preferably from people who have experience and knowledge around how to tell good quality MDMA.

Ive had white, clear mdma with a tint of yellow, brown, dark brown, almost black, Some smelt real strong, some had little smell if any at all. All tested positive for MDMA using marquis mandelin and simon test.

What should it look like?
what should it feel like?
what should it smell like?
What causes it to be different colors?

#2 2020-06-22 01:00

Ronald McDruggled
Verified Vendor
Registered: 2019-08-14
Posts: 151

Re: How to tell good quality MDMA

Usually if it's legit uncut in terms of refinement there's the cola stuff, after a wash you've got champagne, then beyond that extra clean white/crystal clear.
The colour follows as such.
I've had pharmaceutical grade mdma which is totally devoid of smell and colour.
The less refinement the more smell.
The impurities that give it color and smell are mdma's phenylpropene precursors.
They smell like a dutch sweet shop, a heavenly aroma, with notes of cherry, vanilla, smooth licorice, kinda like a fragrant root beer/sarsaparilla).

McDrugs - i'm Lovin' It! :D

#3 2020-06-22 01:10

Ronald McDruggled
Verified Vendor
Registered: 2019-08-14
Posts: 151

Re: How to tell good quality MDMA

I believe the reason you get them impurities is that they use an excess in comparison to the other chemicals because I guess the other chemicals are more nasty, bad smell or whatever maybe, so better to filter them out after with a wash.
I also just straight love the smell, smells like it feels for me if you ask me, makes my trip better, so kinda prefer to clean stuff.
This is despite that safrole is carcinogen and apparently makes some people feel a bit sick, but idk how bad a handful of mgs could be considering they used to put the stuff in food and drink

McDrugs - i'm Lovin' It! :D

#4 2020-06-22 02:00

Ronald McDruggled
Verified Vendor
Registered: 2019-08-14
Posts: 151

Re: How to tell good quality MDMA

Anyhow, mdma shouldn't feel like speed, bath salts dopaminergic stims etc. no massive burst of energy
It is a mild psychedelic stimulant but the primary effect is on serotonin
MDAI which only affects serotonin and 5 mapb which is reported to have less of those other effects on the side are said to be more sedating.
I've given degenerates who use street "md" the real deal and they complain about it making them tired or feel weird.

Best way I can describe the effect, you're late for something important and you've lost your carkeys. You spend a fair deal of time panicing and looking for them, then once you find them somewhere stupid you'd probably get a good 2 second jolt of relaxing goodness as your attitude does a sudden gear shift into a more optimistic and calm perspective of the situation.
Mdma is like that 2 second jolt but for 6 hours.
Or alternatively if money were to suddenly rain from the sky, the feeling of seeing the dollars and running around grabbing them is what dopamine is like if you ask me, serotonin is when you're walking away with the bills neatly folded in your wallet

McDrugs - i'm Lovin' It! :D

#5 2020-06-22 18:30

Registered: 2020-04-29
Posts: 12

Re: How to tell good quality MDMA

I'm not so sure about the colour actually having that much to do with production process, in terms of being washed etc. I had for a long time a good source within NZ which was light to medium brown in colour.

Had it tested at a festivals by the know your stuff people and came back more than once by their testing @ 99%. Each time they gave me the same reaction, "shit we don't see that everyday".

Last edited by Hearnoevil (2020-06-22 18:30)

#6 2020-06-22 20:50

Registered: 2020-04-17
Posts: 35

Re: How to tell good quality MDMA

Ronald McDruggled wrote:

Anyhow, mdma shouldn't feel like speed, bath salts dopaminergic stims etc. no massive burst of energy
It is a mild psychedelic stimulant but the primary effect is on serotonin
MDAI which only affects serotonin and 5 mapb which is reported to have less of those other effects on the side are said to be more sedating.
I've given degenerates who use street "md" the real deal and they complain about it making them tired or feel weird.

Best way I can describe the effect, you're late for something important and you've lost your carkeys. You spend a fair deal of time panicing and looking for them, then once you find them somewhere stupid you'd probably get a good 2 second jolt of relaxing goodness as your attitude does a sudden gear shift into a more optimistic and calm perspective of the situation.
Mdma is like that 2 second jolt but for 6 hours.
Or alternatively if money were to suddenly rain from the sky, the feeling of seeing the dollars and running around grabbing them is what dopamine is like if you ask me, serotonin is when you're walking away with the bills neatly folded in your wallet

Great well executed response mate, Exactly the type of replies I was hoping to get.
Great insight into your knowledge very much appreciated.

I was just genuinely curious and was hoping to receive peoples experience when dealing with mdma.

#7 2020-06-22 20:50

Registered: 2020-04-17
Posts: 35

Re: How to tell good quality MDMA

Hearnoevil wrote:

I'm not so sure about the colour actually having that much to do with production process, in terms of being washed etc. I had for a long time a good source within NZ which was light to medium brown in colour.

Had it tested at a festivals by the know your stuff people and came back more than once by their testing @ 99%. Each time they gave me the same reaction, "shit we don't see that everyday".

Any chance you still have that source here in NZ?

#8 2020-06-23 12:50

Registered: 2019-05-30
Posts: 66

Re: How to tell good quality MDMA

Ronald McDruggled wrote:

Best way I can describe the effect, you're late for something important and you've lost your carkeys. You spend a fair deal of time panicing and looking for them, then once you find them somewhere stupid you'd probably get a good 2 second jolt of relaxing goodness as your attitude does a sudden gear shift into a more optimistic and calm perspective of the situation.
Mdma is like that 2 second jolt but for 6 hours.
Or alternatively if money were to suddenly rain from the sky, the feeling of seeing the dollars and running around grabbing them is what dopamine is like if you ask me, serotonin is when you're walking away with the bills neatly folded in your wallet

Hahaha mate that description is spot on how I feel on MDMA vs Meth. Classic.

Up 4 days, down 4 dollars.

#9 2020-06-24 20:40

Registered: 2020-04-17
Posts: 35

Re: How to tell good quality MDMA

fusion01 wrote:

“Coca-cola” MDMA is shit quality, because it has its brownish/yellowish color due to MDP2P contamination. It’s basically shit that’s unsellable on the Dutch market.

“Pink” MDMA happens when an impure solution gets over gassed during a certain chemical reaction in the MDMA cooking process. This can be fixed by taking the time to recrystallize. However, as time = money some cooks rush the job.

Honestly, I do not know what they fucked up to get black product but that shit can’t be right...

If you want PURE MDMA you need to look for something that’s as close to WHITE as possible. Pure MDMA is slightly off white colored, like a light champagne but if you are buying on these markets where some MDMA is yellow piss colored you should look for something white. So, the WHITER the product is, the BETTER the quality.

Also, when you look at pictures watch out for old MDMA, you can recognize it from the shards having white scratch marks all over them. Sometimes it’s even so bad that it hides the color.

Thanks for the response. Exactly what I was looking for. Any idea what the smell might be in terms of some that smell really strong of chemical and others that have little to no smell?

#10 2020-06-24 23:30

Registered: 2020-06-24
Posts: 1

Re: How to tell good quality MDMA

Do you mean the safrole aniseed like smell? If it smells strongly of chemicals then it often is because it wasn't purged properly of a  solvent used to wash it before sale. But if you are talking about that safrole smell it is from using a certain precursor to manufacture it which used to be the only one but now is not so common.

Last edited by cooknroon (2020-06-24 23:40)

#11 2020-06-25 00:30

Verified Vendor
Registered: 2019-12-20
Posts: 86

Re: How to tell good quality MDMA

cooknroon wrote:

Do you mean the safrole aniseed like smell? If it smells strongly of chemicals then it often is because it wasn't purged properly of a  solvent used to wash it before sale. But if you are talking about that safrole smell it is from using a certain precursor to manufacture it which used to be the only one but now is not so common.

No that's not quite correct, solvents will smell like paint thinner or stripper, the main ones are toluene and dichloromethane or hexane. The aniseed scent comes from safrole impurites dutch manufacturers generally do a wacker oxidation + an aluminium mercury amalgum reduction, more well equipped labs should be doing high pressure hydrogen reductions but often it's not worth the hassle. the presence of impurities is a result of just doing an acid base extraction on the freebase product and no washes. This is a matter of economics, in reality when doing a wash you lose a fair amount of real product as well as impurities, to them 1-3% impurities is not worth losing 5-10% of the actual product itself and most users won't be able to tell or care about the difference.

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