#1 2020-06-24 18:00

Registered: 2020-03-27
Posts: 9

crypto manipulation and im in desperate need of security advise!

this is off topic but its the only annonymous forum i have so thats why im asking here.  i been in a really contentious battle for the past few months fighting for who will controll the price of the global crypto market going forward. this has been very costly for both me and the guys who prev controlled it. recently, i broke through and finally was in controll.  yesterday i strarted running all the prices up with minimal resistance but when i went to start selling all my coins, i was kicked offline and couldnt get back on. when i finally did get back on they had plunged all the prices.  today,i can reconnect and log in, but as soon as i try to start moving the price back up i get booted and the chrome error says, err_network_changed. i changed all my network security settings to max and was it was good again. but about 20 mins later it started back. from fight with this all day, i figured out that if i connect and disconnect from my vpn about every 10 seconds or so, i wont get kicked. but about 20 mins ago, my vpn started poping up saying unexpected error please relaunch. but it wont relaunch. the thing that bothers me the most and making me stop to write this is just a few mins ago when i logged in to dump my coins, my mouse started acting strange and quickly realized i no longer had sole control of it. i paniced, jumped up, and held down my power button because 1 sinister click could liquidate my entire stack down to nothing... my dad said, what do u expect? ya'll are moving billions in value daily and u have come in and took it from them, ur lucky they havent killed u.

few thoughts,

in the past when i wasnt as good, i would get kicked offline but rarely. even though it was always at the worst time when it costs me the most, i just assumed it was bad luck but its a totally different story now. this has happened on my house laptop, my office desktop, my dads office desktop as well. my dad said after i used his computer to trade, it never worked right again. 3 days ago he bought a new 1. not sure if thats coincidence, as my computers are still ok. the only thing i can think of is at 2 very criticle times my screen turned blue and the whole cpu shut off, but that was prob 3 months ago. i sometimes stay up for a day or 2 and they are ALWAYS on, as in, there is never a random time i can get on where they are not manipulating. i was thinking its like some big trading firm in new york or somewhere and they had paid the it techs who created the site to teach them how it all worked.  i do know that its semi automated but there is always someone watching and as soon as i get on, all out war begins. my dad thinks because they are never off,  im not actually fighting a firm for control but the exchange itsself. now that i think about it, this could make sence. whoever it is hasnt messed with my money. well, i had 600 go missing months ago but i think it was a glitched partially filled lost sell limit order, so its not a big deal. a code is needed to remove my funds and its ollnly on a offline phone used just for that. but they could sell all my coins for 0.00001 cents or something but they havent.
the only reason i say not, is because i would think they would just ban me rather than fighting me. or maybe they are using me becsuse since we starred fighting, the increase in volume of sales we are pushing is off the charts. they make commission off each sell.

after thinking about it, i stopped writing this and got back on. i got their attention,  and wrote them a message in notepad saying i wanted to talk. i said this has been costly for both of us and id pref if we worked together instead of fighting. i said email me or just type right here in my notepad. the price of the coin stopped plunging and then completely stopped. my mouse then started blinking and moved towards the notepad for just a moment and then stopped. then all of sudden the mouse stopped blinking, the price started plunging, and i was kicked offline again.

any thoughts or advise on how i can protect myself, since they clearly have no interest in working together.

thanks in advance.

#2 2020-06-24 18:30

Registered: 2019-04-22
Posts: 37

Re: crypto manipulation and im in desperate need of security advise!

Sounds fairly dodgy, but if you are moving that kind of volume in currency and if any of it is illigitimate then it could be anyone, hackers, state players.

the exchange could be fucked as well.

My advice , get a new computer log in, get all your odds and ends installed that you need, get on to your site pull your crypto and cut ties, migrate your wallet to another PC (again clean install)  or consider looking into cold storage

Do not engage in any discussion at all just take your shit an vacate the space.

#3 2020-06-24 20:00

Registered: 2020-03-27
Posts: 9

Re: crypto manipulation and im in desperate need of security advise!

thanks for the quick reply, i cant sy which but its 1 of the most popular crypto exchanges. if u dont know better it all looks normal and on the up and up, but its not. i cant leave this site, iv put in too much time and now that i finally am able to control the prices, there is just too much money to be made to cut and leave now. i will however move my money offsite now, when im done trading and if i take a bathroom break, ill disconnect from the internet. iv also had to install the software always on top so now i can cover my open bids and balances. what they were doing was looking on my screen seeing what orders i had placed and then doing the opposite to cost me as much money as possible.  bow only get disconnected when i open this exchange in my browser, so if its closed i can use the internet all day long. they are doing it through this exchange, so someone has access to the backend of the site. i also noticed over the past 2 months my exchange has been extreamly laggy and slightly delayed even though all my other websites weould run smooth. as i kept clicking my vpn on qnd off my exchange finally started running smooth again and i could see everything in realtime! quick reation and counter actions is everything when controlling the price and i just realized they have been throttling my exchange  aking me a an extreme disadvantage. i would open my exchanges in different windows and in 10 mins they would be so slow, id have to constantly keep opening new ones. if  it is the exchange, us there anything i can do so thet cant throttle me or keep changing my internet settings? i went into options and removed all permissions but its still happening. if its not the exchange, how are they constantly getting my new ip address and changing shit. ill change my ip address and in 4 or 5 seconds they are locked back on. im looking for software i may can use or setting i need to further adjust to stop this from happening. help me out and ill give yall a heads up on a few coins.

#4 2020-06-24 20:30

Verified Vendor
Registered: 2019-03-31
Posts: 716

Re: crypto manipulation and im in desperate need of security advise!

The account that posted this is not anyone in NZ. They asked a forum account. They are someone who plays around on the market and forums to kill time.

#5 2020-06-25 00:30

Registered: 2020-03-27
Posts: 9

Re: crypto manipulation and im in desperate need of security advise!

look man, i dont know anyone on here but i need help. iv ordered something from the market almost 2 months ago and i still havent recieved it so i havent been back on here since. i honestly dont care about any of that though.again this is the only annonymous forum i have so i figured id try this first. if anyone can help me id very greatful, if not can u please point me towards an annymous forum or person that can? im quite desperate for help at the moment, not even 20 mins after i sent that last message, i logged back on to try to again dump my coins again, but within a few zeconds my mouse completely froze. and it dragged alk the over to the right side of the screen then disappeared. my mouse,keyboard, touch screen none of them worked. as i got up to turn off my laptop the screen glitched and went black. i turned it off and turned it back on but now my password doesnt work  so i have no idea what to do. i tried to make the trade on my phone but when i opened the app it froze and then my phone started acting up as well. i turned off both phones, then restarted them only to quickly delete the exchange apps and then i cut both back off. about a hour ago i turned this pho e back on and put it on airplane mode going in and deleting almost everything and tryi g to find every security setting and turn them all on. i just turned my data back on to check this and see if anyone had left anything helpful but instead see someone left a message trying to undermine my serious plea for help. my  cell phone is still a laggy but its not like it was. im just going to assume that whoever this is can see everything im currently writing. if that is the case man, we can still work this out. but u know im gonna have to email the exchange and ask them to freeze my funds, and to tell them whats going on and what u did.  i havent checked my balance yet, but if u zeroed me out ill be fucking devistated.

i screen record when trading nd it goes strait to an external hard drive so u know ur fucked right?

Last edited by marianasweb (2020-06-25 00:50)

#6 2020-06-25 10:40

Registered: 2019-04-01
Posts: 260

Re: crypto manipulation and im in desperate need of security advise!

marianasweb wrote:

iv ordered something from the market almost 2 months ago and i still havent recieved it

Are you certain you didnt receive the drugs, took it all at once, and forgot?

#7 2020-07-03 21:50

Registered: 2020-04-05
Posts: 14

Re: crypto manipulation and im in desperate need of security advise!

Get off the gear

#8 2020-07-08 20:10

Registered: 2020-07-08
Posts: 1

Re: crypto manipulation and im in desperate need of security advise!

Get some sleep and lay off the pipe

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