#1 2020-09-29 13:40

Registered: 2020-09-29
Posts: 1

Caught in customs, what now?

Hypothetically speaking, if my friend had a packaged seized at customs and its under his name to his address, what will he be expecting next? And what should he do? Deny he ordered the package and rid house of anything connecting him to it, anything else? product was md n wasnt a small amount either

Last edited by Johnwik99 (2020-09-29 13:50)

#2 2020-09-29 14:20

Registered: 2020-09-23
Posts: 19

Re: Caught in customs, what now?

Shesh... use own name.. why?

That's the only thing you can do, make sure you've removed all your accounts/uninstalled programs associated with the DN. Try and remove any trace of buying BTC that can be linked and make sure the house is squeaky clean (no scales, not even kitchen ones). I'd probably remove any HDD, Lappys and phones out of the house too - say the phone broke etc etc.

Paranoia can keep you safe, use it.

Good luck

#3 2020-09-30 08:10

Registered: 2020-04-17
Posts: 35

Re: Caught in customs, what now?

It really depends how much MD it was. if it was a large amount expect an investigation to be launched.

#4 2020-09-30 22:10

Registered: 2020-04-11
Posts: 27

Re: Caught in customs, what now?

I had 3 x orders not show last year (out of maybe 20-30 international orders) i thought those vendors were scamming me as didn't hear anything from customs or LE until I got a knock on the door by the community constable this year saying that they were following up on 3 x customs seizures and asked if I could tell them anything about it.
Told him ive got no idea what he was talking about he asked a couple more questions which i just repeated the no idea line and he left me his card and that was that. Since then ive taken a bit of a break and got off the hard stuff and now just stick to local green.
Its interesting that they take so long to follow up on this, must be so if they see if several orders or reships will come through to justify their time to come and see you

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