#1 2020-12-15 21:50

Registered: 2020-12-15
Posts: 1

Any DXM still around??

Really miss being able to buy a bottle of Robitussin for like $10 from the pharmacy. Anyone seen any DXM? That stuff was so good

#2 2020-12-22 22:00

Registered: 2020-12-22
Posts: 4

Re: Any DXM still around??

I have a lot if anyone is interested. I'll register in the new year on the market.

#3 2020-12-23 10:20

Registered: 2019-04-30
Posts: 122

Re: Any DXM still around??

@swirly DXM powder?!?

Tried this only one time ever, was great, all the lovely weirdness of DXM without the horrible robitussin squirts... arrggh that artificial cherry(?) smell from robitussin still makes me retch to this day. Definitely one the most surreal dissos out there, once yet get to that higher plateau its some real extraterrestrial head space. btw if you like DXM you'd probably love Ket, its magic too smile

#4 2020-12-26 21:30

Registered: 2020-12-22
Posts: 4

Re: Any DXM still around??

Yes! I have a lot of pure powder, nice beautiful shiny crystals that are absolutely disgusting. Usually parachute them or mix with rum in a tiny little shot, cant use it atm due to SSRIs.

Did some.ket recently and it really brought me back to the fond memories. I cannot stand any cherry vanilla. Theyce3liberately made those syrups so that it tasted disgusting due to the amount of abuse back in the day.

Keen to share absolute weirdness of it with you all in the future.

#5 2020-12-27 18:20

Registered: 2020-12-22
Posts: 4

Re: Any DXM still around??

Can cause Serotonin syndrome,  ministry of health has an alert about it

#6 2021-02-22 17:30

Registered: 2020-02-12
Posts: 3

Re: Any DXM still around??

I'd be interested if you still had any around Swirly

#7 2021-02-23 06:50

Registered: 2021-02-17
Posts: 48

Re: Any DXM still around??

4SnackAttack7 wrote:

Really miss being able to buy a bottle of Robitussin for like $10 from the pharmacy. Anyone seen any DXM? That stuff was so good

I think the Nazis have killed DXM, I was buying these little Robitussin packs of capsules from the supermarket for the last couple of years lmao waiting for them to be banned... so called "slow release capsules". Take 20 of them, wait a couple of hours, or presoak them so they release quicker. I think a $13 pottle was 20 12mg capsules = 240mg? Curiously they still flavoured the contents of them with the sickly bitter syrup so if you vomit them up you get a good flashback to earlier days. And then eventually, after a pretty good run, just as predicted, they were banned.

Haven't had DXM powder since 2002, the taste, holy crap, bad, use gel caps.
Swirly if you list I'll buy some.

Last edited by wtfbbq (2021-02-23 09:00)

#8 2021-04-19 01:30

Registered: 2021-04-19
Posts: 1

Re: Any DXM still around??

this is swirly - product available next week peeps

#9 2021-11-05 02:00

Verified Vendor
Registered: 2021-11-04
Posts: 12

Re: Any DXM still around??

not swirly, but have stocked up on pharmaceutical grade DXM - check the dissociatives section.
Use the product myself, really smooth at low and high doses. super clean and no vanilla cherry smile

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