#1 2021-04-02 14:30

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Registered: 2021-03-14
Posts: 6

Seizures,Knock on Doors, Controlled Delivery

Hey guys!
Did anybody of you know how the procedure is if a package was seized?
We are just curious to see LE ressources and procedure. Maybe we can gather some information here.
For example how would they proceed if they would find 100g of mdma or ketamin in a letter addressed to your home?
Since they are gearing up on making borders to mail coming in it would be interesting to know.

#2 2021-04-03 08:40

Registered: 2019-12-13
Posts: 39

Re: Seizures,Knock on Doors, Controlled Delivery

They would just red flag the address at customs so if it does get seized that address becomes burmt dont get anything more sent there. Switch up the addresses for example dont have your friends all doing it, you have to avoid a sequence incase LE noticed a pattern and figure it out.
They wont do a controlled delivery unless they have been actually investigating you and know
they have u by the balls otherwise its too risky for them as they could destroy the investigation
because its easy to claim plausable deniability. Aslong as ur house is clean, you cant control who
sends you mail? hope this helps

#3 2021-04-03 08:50

Registered: 2019-12-13
Posts: 39

Re: Seizures,Knock on Doors, Controlled Delivery

But always as a safety measure, when a package does arrive grab a vivid and write 'return to sender' on the back of parcel and put it somewhere not hidden but in a spot as if ur going to take it back in to post shop. Have it sitting there for 24hours this is your plausable deniability just incase you
ever did have a controlled delivery.

#4 2021-04-03 18:30

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Registered: 2021-03-14
Posts: 6

Re: Seizures,Knock on Doors, Controlled Delivery

sweet. that helps.
but do you generally think theyll seize something if they find it?
it would be awesome to have some general information about the procedure. most likely we wont get all the information we need but just to minimize risk and to know how everything works. if theres another topic for that please let us know or it might be on other forums but we couldnt really find something so far. especially for new zealand.

theres not too much DNM acitvity going on in nz so far in our opinion but surely LE is behind.
this thread is just to help eachother and stay safe. thanks

#5 2021-04-04 16:30

Registered: 2020-01-25
Posts: 103

Re: Seizures,Knock on Doors, Controlled Delivery

Had a freind that worked for nzpost and he told me that the police work hand in hand with nzpost and nzcustoms . This is the problem with NZ international mail . They are so strict at the border it almost makes it impossible to get stuff through,  unless the vendor has some amazing stealth  and your quantity is small-ish or you get lucky . I've seen people pull in large and small quantities with no issues and I've seen people go to jail for importaion.  It's sad that our population is so small and our customs soo strong

#6 2021-04-04 20:30

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Registered: 2021-03-14
Posts: 6

Re: Seizures,Knock on Doors, Controlled Delivery

indeed. we think lots of stuff is coming through actually but lots of seizures too.
do you actually know of cases where someone tried to get something through and went to jail?
online there are just a few and mostly not really big amounts.

#7 2021-04-05 09:00

Registered: 2020-12-14
Posts: 1

Re: Seizures,Knock on Doors, Controlled Delivery

I've had a couple letters with 50g of MDMA seized. In my experience they will wait about 6-8 months to see if you get more product sent to your drop house, if you stop ordering after that first one is seized they will just knock on your door after that 6 month period and inform you that someone has ordered illegal drugs to your house, they'll put your house under surveillance too to see who is coming and going and checking the mail. If you keep ordering after one gets seized YOU WILL GET RAIDED after a couple months but they wont raid straight away cause they want to try build up a case against you. Not sure how they operate for larger orders or orders of a higher drug class. Pretty much just never get shit sent to where your living and it makes their life a lot harder. Stay safe

#8 2021-04-05 14:40

Registered: 2020-01-25
Posts: 103

Re: Seizures,Knock on Doors, Controlled Delivery

I actually know of 2 people who went to prison here in NZ for importing class B 2kg .

#9 2021-04-07 01:00

Registered: 2020-08-14
Posts: 47

Re: Seizures,Knock on Doors, Controlled Delivery

What about domestic? Can they open domestic? What powers do they have for domestic?

#10 2021-04-07 15:40

Registered: 2019-12-13
Posts: 39

Re: Seizures,Knock on Doors, Controlled Delivery

your safest option is to buy a key and get the vendor to split it into 4-5 packs and to send each one  different days. Controlled deliverys isnt even common in nz

#11 2021-04-08 21:30

Registered: 2020-04-11
Posts: 27

Re: Seizures,Knock on Doors, Controlled Delivery

I had some packs seized, out of 30 or so international orders 3 got seized so not a bad ratio. After the third seizure I got a knock on the door from local community constable. He pretty much said the customs have given him my details and information that class A drugs were intercepted addressed to me.
Asked me if I could tell him anything about that, and that they are now using a health focused approach and he could refer me to addiction specialists rather than go down a prosecution route.
I said had no idea what he was talking about blah, blah etc. He gave me his card and said to call him if i received any suspicious packs. Not sure if he believed me or not but whatever. Its funny because a couple of days after he had visited I received another pack, (I let this one sit unopened for a few days as wasn't sure if it was a setup but was all good)
After that though ive tended to stick domestic or use an alternate address for the odd international order

#12 2021-04-09 00:00

Registered: 2020-08-14
Posts: 47

Re: Seizures,Knock on Doors, Controlled Delivery

So renegade88 its still safe to order domestic to same address? Even if stuff have been intercepted? Feel like ordering again.

#13 2021-04-09 18:40

Registered: 2020-04-11
Posts: 27

Re: Seizures,Knock on Doors, Controlled Delivery

yeah bro order domestic no worries, if your nz vendor has some good feedback its all good,

#14 2021-04-10 03:00

Registered: 2020-08-14
Posts: 47

Re: Seizures,Knock on Doors, Controlled Delivery

Yeah just curios as when I started a thread.You were saying that the post would bend over backward for the cops.You are right though that only postal workers can open it.Below is the postal services act.... If your address is blackwisted internationally and domestic still comes though... Must be all good how would a postal operator have reason to suspect a package anyway unless it was not properly done and smell leaked out...

Postal Services Act

Where any postal operator has reason to suspect that any postal article—

has been posted in contravention of section 21 or section 22 or section 24; or

is in contravention, or has been posted in contravention, of any of the following enactments,—

the Misuse of Drugs Act 1975:

the Protected Objects Act 1975:

the Trade in Endangered Species Act 1989:

the Biosecurity Act 1993:

the Customs and Excise Act 2018,—

that postal operator may detain the postal article for opening and examination in accordance with subsection (2).

#15 2021-04-10 14:10

Registered: 2020-04-11
Posts: 27

Re: Seizures,Knock on Doors, Controlled Delivery

Yeah the only way they would open domestic is if the pack stinks/rips open and spills out or similar. Domestic parcels have no reason to be opened otherwise.

#16 2021-04-10 19:10

Registered: 2020-08-14
Posts: 47

Re: Seizures,Knock on Doors, Controlled Delivery

Yeah also check FYI so they only intercepted 25-43 per year of all drugs kinda hard to believe its that low so when all my mates know about that way and some don't even deep web.... So I imagine at least thousand get sent through domestic.... a year with the deep web nowdays thousands...


#17 2021-04-13 20:20

Registered: 2019-12-13
Posts: 39

Re: Seizures,Knock on Doors, Controlled Delivery

domestic is safe it doesnt pass through any customs. Only time they will intercept
is when they have a search warrant

#18 2021-04-17 19:50

Registered: 2020-08-14
Posts: 47

Re: Seizures,Knock on Doors, Controlled Delivery

Yeah,I was more worried that if the cops suspected you if getting things off the deep web or getting stuff mailed to you especially if you buy bitcoin that they can intercept it.So they need a search warrant mdroller? for the house or for mail specifically?

#19 2021-04-18 21:30

Registered: 2020-04-11
Posts: 27

Re: Seizures,Knock on Doors, Controlled Delivery

Im pretty sure cops can search without a warrant if they suspect drugs, its looking like a couple of the vendors may have been busted so I would be cleaning house if your domestic order hasn't arrived after a week and you ordered from bestbuystore or millionman

#20 2021-04-18 22:00

Registered: 2019-12-13
Posts: 39

Re: Seizures,Knock on Doors, Controlled Delivery

Im highly experienced in the whole process to keep safe through the whole process and have created a sound proof delivery method that works for continuous flow. I can offer full 1-1 tutoring for a fee. If your intrested [SCAM word detected here]:baggysnz

#21 2021-04-19 14:50

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Registered: 2021-04-19
Posts: 10

Re: Seizures,Knock on Doors, Controlled Delivery

mdroller do you talk about international or domestic?

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