#1 2021-06-12 09:10

Registered: 2019-06-12
Posts: 51

dear vendors: reasons why YOU should stock PEDs

anabolics, AIs, SERMs, DAs (dopamine agonists), peptides and other PEDs are a super lucrative market. there's been a major drought lately and us big guys have wallets we're ready to throw at our screens for some quality gym fuel.

  • low profile. LE doesn't care about them and won't come for you unless you're also involved in recreationals. this is because they're not included in the Misuse of Drugs act.

  • consistent buyers and consistent demand. these are medications we are on to support our lifestyle, not things we buy occasionally for fun.

  • most insane markup from any imported compound. up to 10000% profit if you brew from raws (yes, 5 zeroes, depending on the compound). 

  • brewing from raws is as easy as baking a cake.

  • it's very easy to source raws from chinese vendors since it is legal there.

NZanabolics dodged every bust for years, one of the most oldschool vendors. until he started selling MDMA and other compounds. he survived so long simply because LE did not care about his products, until he started stocking ones that they did care about.

seriously vendors - hop on this train. it's not as big of a customer base but it's a very quality one, and a very profitable one.

Last edited by mekkerx (2021-06-12 09:20)

#2 2021-06-12 16:00

Registered: 2019-04-02
Posts: 27

Re: dear vendors: reasons why YOU should stock PEDs

Is there a way to mechanize filtering the oil? I made my own once and remember having to push it through wheel filters. It took forever and filters only worked for one or two vials then needed replacing because start blocking up. That is what put me off trying it again.

#3 2021-06-12 18:00

Registered: 2021-06-12
Posts: 14

Re: dear vendors: reasons why YOU should stock PEDs

I remember the golden days of kiwigear and kiwijuice, those dudes had a pretty good range of exotics (trest/MENT, inj orals, etc). But yeah, just having a reliable source who provided the basics would be great (test e, the other esters are unnecessary, mast, tren, deca, npp, aromasin [adex is inferior], clomid, ralox [scarce as fuk in NZ but better than shitty nolva]...man thatd be golden. I'm not sure how easy it is to source BA and the other chems in NZ anymore.

#4 2021-06-12 22:20

Registered: 2019-06-12
Posts: 51

Re: dear vendors: reasons why YOU should stock PEDs

BnC wrote:

I remember the golden days of kiwigear and kiwijuice, those dudes had a pretty good range of exotics (trest/MENT, inj orals, etc). But yeah, just having a reliable source who provided the basics would be great (test e, the other esters are unnecessary, mast, tren, deca, npp, aromasin [adex is inferior], clomid, ralox [scarce as fuk in NZ but better than shitty nolva]...man thatd be golden. I'm not sure how easy it is to source BA and the other chems in NZ anymore.

interesting. i've always preferred adex over a suicidal AI. never really had a bad estro rebound if you taper down and it gives me much less side effects than asin. plus you don't run the risk of crashing your e2 like you do on asin, but i guess if that happens you could just pop some dbol to fix it. clomid is sketchy, too many reports of eye problems. nolva is solid for PCT and estro gyno flareup. ralox is the best for treating already developed gyno. but neither of them will protect you from prolactin induced gyno which tren and npp cause as 19nors. need a dopamine agonist like cabergoline for that. which would be sick, right? i can't run tren higher than 250 without getting prolactin sides even supplementing P5P in high dosages. a dopamine agonist like cabergoline would be sick so i can do some nuts tren run and not deal with the prolactin gyno and acne.

almost all PEDs are super easy to source, it's just a matter of getting them in. the more obscure peptides and anabolics raws are not usually what they test for but if it's flagged and investigated you'll get a call from MPI biosecurity asking you to declare what it is and where you got it from.

i received some DMAA heavy pre workouts that are banned in NZ, and were flagged at customs. just told biosecurity over the phone it was a different preworkout brand and linked them a legal one. it seems they just xray the shape and if it matches the shape of the product you declared theyll let it go.

it's pretty tame though, because as i stated before anabolics are not covered in the Misuse of Drugs act but covered in the Medicines act. if you get caught you'll probably get a slap on the wrist compared to if you were importing a fun drug. plus these new SARMs and peptides like ACE-031, YK11 and BPC-157 are actually still a complete grey area legally. they're not legal but not illegal, no court decision has happened for them yet. plus, i doubt they have the ability to test for compounds that have been imported a single digit amount of times.

Last edited by mekkerx (2021-06-12 22:20)

#5 2021-06-12 23:10

Registered: 2021-06-12
Posts: 14

Re: dear vendors: reasons why YOU should stock PEDs

Ah, re adex vs asin I was thinking mainly for guys who TRT or blast n cruise, asin has better health markers in te studeez and so on. Personally, if I were still PCTing I'd be opting for enclomiphene or even toremifene but they're obviously more expensive. And bro yes, caber would be perfect I get crappy nipple irritation running a 19nor like MENT, but luckily enough no issues with tren or npp. You're right, pretty easy to source decent raws. But again, my concern (possibly unwarranted) would be locally sourcing the brewing chemicals. I'm not sure many overseas merchants would ship those items discreetly or via stealth.

#6 2021-06-15 21:20

Registered: 2020-12-08
Posts: 4

Re: dear vendors: reasons why YOU should stock PEDs

BnC wrote:

I remember the golden days of kiwigear and kiwijuice, those dudes had a pretty good range of exotics (trest/MENT, inj orals, etc). But yeah, just having a reliable source who provided the basics would be great (test e, the other esters are unnecessary, mast, tren, deca, npp, aromasin [adex is inferior], clomid, ralox [scarce as fuk in NZ but better than shitty nolva]...man thatd be golden. I'm not sure how easy it is to source BA and the other chems in NZ anymore.

What happened to those guys? bust? Kiwijuice was such a nice guy to deal with. Hooked me up with a bunch of free gear just because I mentioned i was interested in trying some other compounds.

#7 2021-06-17 04:10

Registered: 2021-06-12
Posts: 14

Re: dear vendors: reasons why YOU should stock PEDs

pinginkiwi wrote:
BnC wrote:

I remember the golden days of kiwigear and kiwijuice, those dudes had a pretty good range of exotics (trest/MENT, inj orals, etc). But yeah, just having a reliable source who provided the basics would be great (test e, the other esters are unnecessary, mast, tren, deca, npp, aromasin [adex is inferior], clomid, ralox [scarce as fuk in NZ but better than shitty nolva]...man thatd be golden. I'm not sure how easy it is to source BA and the other chems in NZ anymore.

What happened to those guys? bust? Kiwijuice was such a nice guy to deal with. Hooked me up with a bunch of free gear just because I mentioned i was interested in trying some other compounds.

Kiwijuice apparently died. I dont know how true that is, but he had supposedly been spending time in hospital, for reasons I'm not sure on, then there was an email sent from his safe mail account that he had passed away and whoever had been operating for him whilst he was ill would continue to do so. This was before covid. Kiwigear....last I heard from him was like over 2yrs ago, and he was trying to crack the Aus market via the evolution forums. He just disappeared from the scene. Not sure if busted, or retired, or got ill....

#8 2021-06-22 21:20

Registered: 2020-12-08
Posts: 4

Re: dear vendors: reasons why YOU should stock PEDs

BnC wrote:

Kiwijuice apparently died. I dont know how true that is, but he had supposedly been spending time in hospital, for reasons I'm not sure on, then there was an email sent from his safe mail account that he had passed away and whoever had been operating for him whilst he was ill would continue to do so. This was before covid. Kiwigear....last I heard from him was like over 2yrs ago, and he was trying to crack the Aus market via the evolution forums. He just disappeared from the scene. Not sure if busted, or retired, or got ill....

Damn i'm genuinely sad to hear about KJ. Deep down I hope that's just a story he told to get himself out of some shit, and he's still living on out there somewhere. We need more guys like KJ on the scene.

#9 2021-06-25 13:30

Registered: 2021-01-12
Posts: 14

Re: dear vendors: reasons why YOU should stock PEDs

Second this. Would definitely pump some money into a consistent gear vendor.

#10 2021-07-05 00:30

Registered: 2021-01-12
Posts: 14

Re: dear vendors: reasons why YOU should stock PEDs

Any vendors looking into PEDs more?

#11 2021-07-06 23:00

Verified Vendor
Registered: 2021-07-05
Posts: 21

Re: dear vendors: reasons why YOU should stock PEDs

Hey guys, a new vendor and thinking about having a go at filling this gap. We can source pharma grade products at a price that I think could work. We'd probably need to list most injectables at over $100, and it might take a little while to build up a rage of products. So a couple of quick question for you:

What sort of prices would be reasonable? $110- $120 ish for injectables?
Would there be any point in getting just a few of the goodies (for example, if we only had test-e, tren, deca, clomid, aromasin) or would it only be worth while if you could access a fully stocked inventory? I'm not a user myself and new to the market, so looking for your guidance.

Ideally, we'd start with a small supply to test the market's appetite, and if it went well we could expand. Not overly keen to invest thousands if shit doesn't sell!

I'm still researching, and it wouild take a few weeks to get stocked, but so far I'm very tempted smile

#12 2021-07-07 17:30

Registered: 2021-06-12
Posts: 14

Re: dear vendors: reasons why YOU should stock PEDs

I think the most used PEDs and ancilliaries would be

Test Enanthate
Tren Ace
Masteron Enanthate or prop

^that's a pretty rudimentary list. Of course, there will be some guys who prefer different esters (Masteron Propionate, instead of Masteron Enanthate for example, or NPP rather than Deca, etc), but I'd say those particular drugs would be the best sellers. People will always want Test and an AI, you'll always want them in stock.

Of course, then you have other popular orals and ancilliaries on top of that list (anadrol, dianabol, superdrol, cialis, raloxifene, and so on)...plus other oils too (EQ, primobolan, etc).

In my opinion, when you first set yourself up you just start with those basics. Your first raws order will likely be fairly minimalist, so I'd go with TestE, TrenA, Deca, Aromasin if wanting to keep it REAL simple. But that will be your main initial hurdle, finding a quality source for raws. They're obviously out there, but so are the dodgy ones; you have to do a bit of research and have a bit of luck.

#13 2021-07-07 17:30

Registered: 2021-06-12
Posts: 14

Re: dear vendors: reasons why YOU should stock PEDs

Oh and I think selling Test for over 80$ for a 10ml vial is a bit overkill. Your margins on these products are unbelievably good anyway. TestE is typically around 70$, deca and NPP and EQ about the same, MastE and TrenA are usually over 100$.

#14 2021-07-07 22:50

Verified Vendor
Registered: 2021-07-05
Posts: 21

Re: dear vendors: reasons why YOU should stock PEDs

Thanks mate that's super-helpful.

I'd have no problem getting the range, but it doesn't sound like the pricing or margin's would work - at least with the pharma supply that I was thinking. To make it feasible I'd probably need to price Test at $100 and TrenA at $130, which sounds like it might be too high.

I'll do a bit more looking around.

#15 2021-07-08 01:00

Registered: 2021-07-05
Posts: 3

Re: dear vendors: reasons why YOU should stock PEDs

Test E
And some PCT at at around $80 a 10mil vial and ill buy

Last edited by spacemansam (2021-07-08 01:00)

#16 2021-07-08 04:30

Registered: 2021-06-12
Posts: 14

Re: dear vendors: reasons why YOU should stock PEDs

nucken wrote:

Thanks mate that's super-helpful.

I'd have no problem getting the range, but it doesn't sound like the pricing or margin's would work - at least with the pharma supply that I was thinking. To make it feasible I'd probably need to price Test at $100 and TrenA at $130, which sounds like it might be too high.

I'll do a bit more looking around.

If it's legit pharma, then yeah sure the price is higher. I'm not sure what definition of "pharma" you're using though, as opposed to UGL, as no actual pharmaceutical production of stuff like Tren or NPP, say, is being done. From what I've seen, some UGL labs call themselves pharma, or claim to be, but clearly are not. To me "pharma" indicates stringent raw testing, and production on equipment that is much more specialized than a kitchen oven. Plus, stringent sterility controls and measures (and not just some Walter White wannabe claiming he's real careful and cleans everything).

#17 2021-07-08 13:30

Registered: 2021-05-06
Posts: 5

Re: dear vendors: reasons why YOU should stock PEDs

would love to see :

Test E -250/1ml
Primobolan E -200/1ml
Masteron E -200/1ml
Tren A -100/1ml

Happy to pay $80-$100 for test oils / Tren around $90-$110 / primobolan E $130-$150 all day

#18 2021-07-19 19:10

Registered: 2021-01-12
Posts: 14

Re: dear vendors: reasons why YOU should stock PEDs

lburna wrote:

would love to see :

Test E -250/1ml
Primobolan E -200/1ml
Masteron E -200/1ml
Tren A -100/1ml

Happy to pay $80-$100 for test oils / Tren around $90-$110 / primobolan E $130-$150 all day

Agree with this, plus some orals (e.g. anadrol/var) and PCT (e.g. raloxifene)

Very keen to give you my money wink

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