#1 2021-09-16 12:30

Registered: 2021-09-16
Posts: 1

can I order without pgp

Just wondering if pgp is completely necessary because I'm having trouble getting my head around it but am keen to order some goods for summer. sorry if this is a noob  question , have also noticed you can message the vendor directly without pgp.

#2 2021-09-16 17:40

Registered: 2020-09-23
Posts: 19

Re: can I order without pgp

If you can't get your head around PGP, respectfully, you perhaps shouldn't be tinkering around on a site like this. Using encryption keeps you safe, especially with addresses to reduce unwanted attention. You never know who is watching. Spend the time, the information is available if you search. I highly doubt anyone will spoon feed you the answers as it's for you to learn but there are links on this forum, so start there.

All the best.

#3 2021-09-16 22:50

Verified Vendor
Registered: 2021-07-05
Posts: 21

Re: can I order without pgp

You should get all your opsec practices sorted before making your first order. This isn't the place to make mistakes.

As FarmerJohn said, addresses are automatically encrypted so you can make orders without PGP, but the server doesn't encrypt any other messages for you, so if you don't have PGP set up then you won't be able to have protected conversations if you need to.

Here's a few good reasons to get it sorted:

* If you need a tracking number for a parcel that hasn't arrived, the vendor will need your public key to encrypt it. Good luck asking for a refund if your parcel doesn't show up if the vendor can't safely share the tracking code with you.
* If you stuff up your address, or need to explain things in detail for some reason (it happens), then you'll need to encrypt your conversations.
* If you loose your account and need access, your PGP could save you.
* and of course, news update today: "Mandatory PGP keys on all accounts will be required soon. Take the time now to obtain the software and learn it so when code updated you can keep making orders."

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