#1 2021-09-17 12:30

Registered: 2021-02-08
Posts: 28

Dealers, pushers and needles stories

I never buy from TOR offshore vendors now after two horrific experiences. One sent HEROIN instead of the Ket I had ordered, 7grams of the shit which would have been serious shit if found at the border for me, much more serious than Ket.

I flushed it after testing it (fortunately tested a smallish amount because it didn't look like Ket but still had enough to fuck me up and couldv'e killed me) Realising what they had sent when i told others about the effects and they told me it would be an opoid, heroin.

Tried another offshore vendor on Tor for Ket and dammit they did something similar although i will never know what shit they sent me as it was like taking poison so that too was flushed. Both vendors told me they sent the correct product but they didn't.

Some dealers are obviously pushers and I dont deal with pushers more than once now although years ago I had a previous local offline dealer/pusher who was very clever at slowly leading me up a pathway to hell eventually pretending he had no Ket available at a holiday time when no-one else was around so he conveniently introduced me to homebake (I soon discovered he was surrounded by people reliant on his homebake).

i was IM'ing Ket regularly for a few months (if i could get it as he supplied sporadically to keep me hungry for a high and he was the only dealer i knew) He explained IM'ing would make the gear go further, last longer and instructed me on how to IM.

So I IM'd the homebake he sold me. I never took homebake again.

After that but at his suggestion from memory whilst i was on acid... I decided to try and IV something else (cant remember what) to see what it was like (he raved about IV'ing... but told me he would never inject me himself) so i got home all ready to IV BUT FORTUNATELY just as i had the needle ready to plug in my arm vein i realised if i do this once i may never stop, it might be too good so i backed out at the last second!

I then ended my relationship with the dealer but hell i missed IM'ing the Ket like crazy every day for months...

That led to my going totally clean before long in a big struggle on my own, had to move to another city and completely change my life, job, friends, everything because the Ket IM pshycological addiction was such a strong hook. Was able to stay clean for many years after that thankfully otherwise I'm pretty sure I would be dead by now for sure.

These days i just dabble with a few items (no opoids) from time to time and only snort ket occasionally. Its nowhere near as addictive snorting and the nasal passage can only take so much before a break is needed. Still occassionally tempted to IM but refuse because I know how powerful that hook is and how hard it is to kick that habit. I make sure I have no needles available in case i have a weak moment.

I remember the struggle to stay clean being like walking through hell with a door wide open next to me that looked like a stairway to heaven with the sign on it KET IM - THIS WAY

I HAVE THREE GOLDEN RULES NOW, No offshore orders via Tor, No Needles, No Opoids

That way i can recreationally enjoy some drugs without the addictive desire being too much to cope with when I have clean breaks.

I know several young drug users who have died from suicide, to escape their addictions. Don't join them, there is amazing life to enjoy on the other side of addiction for those who can make it there.

Not everyone can manage their addictions some have to stay clean forever or risk ending up in the gutter or dead.

Fortunately I only started trying harder drugs (Acid, ket, mdma, coke) later in life (mid 40's) and only in smallish amounts otherwise if i had started in my teens twenties or even thirities i reckon i would be dead a long time ago.

Be careful out there. I agree with the addage "Once an addict always an addict"
These days I'm addicted to working in business and with my family... mostly.

Last edited by Gods (2021-09-17 12:40)

#2 2021-09-20 05:50

Registered: 2021-07-10
Posts: 60

Re: Dealers, pushers and needles stories

I once shot 15mg ket as an experiment, it was entertaining, and then I was thinking about trying a k-hole (having done a lot of DXM in the early 2000s including doses of 800, 1000mg to try and have an out of body experience)... for some reason I was scared of IM (you can't just inject fluid into a muscle, where would it go, it'd rip your muscle open? I'm not scared of it anymore after getting the covid vaccine) and didn't want to spend so much $$ on achieving a k-hole by snorting 200mg so I IV'd 125mg... coming up to that strength of K in a minute was extremely disorienting, I planned to just lie back on my bed but I ended up staggering around my  house holding onto chairs and walls and doors to stay upright because I couldn't really feel gravity. I couldn't handle coming up that high that fast, I completely forgot what I was doing and was trying to achieve. I will have to try IM of a similar dose some time.

God I miss DXM though. I wish someone would import that or PCP, disassociatives are an amazing class of drugs.

#3 2021-09-20 13:20

Registered: 2021-02-08
Posts: 28

Re: Dealers, pushers and needles stories

zac wrote:

I so I IV'd 125mg...

Whoa... that's a big dose to IV imo - unless you have high tolerance or weigh a lot? Certainly not recommended for novices or those with limited experience.

I used to IM 50mg max to K-hole yet remain semi conscious and I weighed around 65kg then so via IM less than 1mg / kg. Im told ket via IV is another level altogether I'm told so you would use much less than IM or snorting.
125mg IV sounds seriously excessive imo

According to drugs.com
Usual Adult Dose for Anesthesia. IV: -Induction: 1 to 4.5 mg/kg IV;
alternatively, 1 to 2 mg/kg IV at a rate of 0.5 mg/kg/min;
(2 mg/kg dose provides 5 to 10 minutes of surgical anesthesia within 30 seconds)

For Erowid dosage info

#4 2021-09-20 18:50

Registered: 2021-07-10
Posts: 60

Re: Dealers, pushers and needles stories

I read the erowid guide, The K Hole .75 mg / lb 60 - 125 mg IM, The K Hole 1 mg / lb 100 - 250 mg insufflated, at lower doses I had found it so reminiscient of DXM that I assumed it would behave the same, you would simply fade out into a different world as the dose increases. But it was different, I was highly aware and not in a dreamy trance. I think maybe DXM is more known for the various "plateaus" and shamanistic type experiences than k

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